Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1975, Image 46
—4L*ncaittr Farmli 46 Farm Women Societies Society 25 Farm Women Society 25 held their December meeting, is a family Christmas party, on Saturday evening, Dec. 13. The party «ras held at "Shady Maples”, home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eshlemen. Twenty-four members and their families enjoyed a delicious covered dish dinner. The Business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Carl Gish. A Christina; Gift of |5O will be given to a needy family in the neigh borhood. It was also decided to continue to support the Welsh Mountain Clinic during the next year. Delegates to the State Convention in January will be Mrs. Laban Byers and Mrs. Wade Groff. MD questions listed HARRISBURG - State Health Secretary Dr, Leonard Bachman has released a new consumer booklet, “What To Ask Your Doctor," listing 15 questions for patients to ask their physicians. “Hopefully this booklet will do much to improve the patient - physician relationship here in Penn sylvania,” Bachman said. “One of the biggest problems facing health consumers today is the growing alienation of our medical delivery system from the people it is sup posed to serve. In blunt language, the medical profession has grown away from people.” “What To Ask Your Doctor” was written by Attorney Carole W. Soskis, a health rights advocate for the Department of Health’s Southeastern Region. Bachman said the questions, when “answered as truthfully and concisely as the physician is able, will, provide the patient with the information he or she needs to give an informed consent to treatment.” IBIGTRUCK : iijil |||||| r I HAULING pf==i 11111 l I WITH YOUR PICKUP I ANDTHE... ytIMHBBAGO Agri-Trailer/ -40 s * KAUFFMAN'S AGRI-TRAILER SALES BOX 655, RDI DES PLAINES, 0. - The resolutions committee of the American Farm Bureau Federation has called for Constitutional amendments to require that the federal budget be balanced and that federal taxes be limited to a "realistic percentage" of the gross national product. The committee, which has a • _ . been in session here during SOCl6t\' 24 Ibe past three days, is _ composed of the presidents Farm Woibl.i Society 24 of each State Farm Bureau, had their meeting the chairman of the in the form of a Progressive American Farm Bureau supper, entertaining their Women’s Committee, and husbands. Four members the chairman of the served as hostesses. They American Farm Bureau were as follows; Mrs. Young Farmers and Ran- Elwood Meble, Leola, Ap- chers Advisory Committee, pettier, Mrs. Chris Lantz, Allan Grant, of Visalia, Leola, Salad; Mrs. Wilbur California, vice president of Mellinger, New Holland, the Federation, is the Main Course; Mrs. Floyd committee chairman. Myer, New Holland, Dessert. ... a oc t Tbe committee report will A total of 25 members and >u, tn th* their guests enjoyed the , 016 Reeled conversation and food. A °p th * short business meeting was „ e ber held, to make plans for State Bure T at * Convention. The next ? nnu f I “ ee i Un B*J ,rhi( * meeting will be January 28, !?? he l d s *- Louis ; 1976 at the home of Mrs Ira S? 880 * 1 ?’ 4 Mast, Elverson. through 8. The voting delegates may accept, amend, or reject any of the resolutions submitted by the committee. The committee said deficit spending by the federal government is a basic cause of inflation. “Hie economic stability of America requires a reduction in the inflationary level of government spen ding,” the report said. "Farmers can and will continue to supply the American consumer with the world’s best and most economical food," the report continued, “but full agricultural production in the U.S. is largely dependent on both domestic sales and expanding export sales of agricultural commodities." The resolutions committee said, “all forms of govern- ' ment controls on agricultural exports, in cluding moratoriums, embargoes, prior approval The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Gosa on January 10 at 1:30. The booklet may be ob tained free of charge by writing the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Community Education, P.O. Box 90, Harrisburg, 17120. Bachman said “What To Ask Your Doctor” represents the first of a series of consumer guides designed to bring about greater consumer knowledge and awareness of good health care. The American meat in dustry produces 15 billion more pounds of meat than 25 years ago. This is an ad ditional 47 pounds of meat per person to a total population that has grown by 61 million people. NELSON WEAVER & SON Box 152-R2 Lititz, PA 49% SOYBEAN MEAL BULK or BAGGED PHOK 717-626-8538 Two-speed tending gear provides easy hitching Hitch this versatile trailer to your truck for road travel, switch it to your tractor for field loading The Winnebago Agri-Trailer can carry as much as a 3-ton truck. It can haul over 714 tons. Or 285 bushels of grain Winnebago's sth wheel design gives unique stability. It turns short, backs up easy, and trails true at highway speeds without fishtailing. x' J I, iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ Check Over An Agri- Trailer Today At... 717-367-3550 ELIZABETHTOWN. PA 17022 >, D«c 27. 1978 f * f 5 i , | Farm Bureau Easy hook-up with wide-opening jaws of Pin & Plate. requirements. sod gover- agreements result in lom of income to fanners and subsequent increaaea in food coata to consumers." The resolutions committee report urge* Congress to enact legislation to prohibit • transportation strikes, in cluding dock strikes. "The judicial route should be followed to force labor to fulfill its contracts with shipping suppliers in loading ship* with export items/’ it said. The Farm Bureau resolutions committee reaffirmed the Federation's commitment to creating “a climate which will enable agriculture to operate under the market price system.” It said no new government farm program legislation should be enacted until 1977, when the current statute is scheduled to expire. In other recommendations CYCLONE Stirs up a storm with race-inspired styling Longer Wheelbase The suspension system has been stretchoH e This r with and Slide>> Lets mate! dnvei contro. powder on hardpack Tackle the high country, or take on gnarled meadow traits. The new John Deere Cyclone is loaded with race-inspired features that humble even the toughest terrain. High-performance reed-valve engines, in 340 or 440cc’s, nestle low to the skis for superb maneuverability. And the wide 32-inch ski stance and longer “wheelbase” hug tight on curves. r ] See us now for a Big John Cyclone, color-matched .jewiKEiuy * fashions, financing, parts and service LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster *393-3906 ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnton, RO2, Pa. 19540 [near Adamstown! Phone [2ls] 484-4391 wants tax reduction to tha Federation's voting delegates, the resolutions committee called for • -Reform of the estate and gift tax laws. •Curbs on federal regulatory agendas. •Welfare reform. -Rejection of proposed increases in the minimum wage. •The use of agricultural chemicals and drugs "unless scientific evidence shows Disk Brakes Gnp tight on steep inclines Provide fast, fade-free stopping with less chance of moisture buildup with an expansion chamber that rams unburned gases back into the cylinder. And a Mikuni carburetor with synchronized slide valves produces more power through the middle rpm range. Add CD ignition, surface-gap plugs, disk brakes, and an adjustable slide-rail suspension system and you’ve got a truly rugged, race-worthy sled. The all-new Cyclone for 1976. conclusively that tl benefits associated with u art exceeded by lb* riik man or to the eoviroment Elsewhere in tba 110-paj report, the resolutloi committee aet forth detaili recommendation! for tl Federation’! stand ( natural recources, li ternational affairs, trai spoliation, farm credi agricultural reaearcl health, and education. CD Ignition and Surface- Gap Spark Plugs CO ignition packs a hotter spark for sure-fire starts Surface-gap plugs work in cold or warm weather Wide 32-inch Ski Stance A full four inches wider than last year. Helps keep you tracking because it reduces ' sway on hills and switchbacks. Cyclone makes tetter use of fuel COLLINS MOTORS ROl Elizabethtown Phone 367-1856 A. B. C. GROFF, INC. -- New Holland GOODMAN’S AUTO SERVICE Honey Brook, PA [2ls] 273-2356 354-4191.