Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1975, Image 16

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    —Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, bac 27, 197$
Student to receive
Stripping tobacco is one of Lee’s many jobs on
the farm. The youth lives with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. A. L Witmer near Lititz.
4-Hers ready sheep
for State Farm Show
getting a one week vacation
from school seems like a
dream come true to any
student, it has an entirely
different meaning for the 4-
Hers who attend the State
Farm Show each year. For
although a week off means
no regular classroom
studies, the 4-Hers work
harder and longer bom's
sweeping barns, grooming
steers, sheep and pigs;
bedding the animals and last
but not least showing their
projects in competition.
Two such 4-Hers in Lan
caster Count]' are Kenneth
and Sarah Brubaker,
children of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Brubaker, 2418 Old
Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster.
Kenneth, 16 and Sarah, 13
will be traveling to
Harrisburg on January 3
taking with them about a
dozen sheep that will be
shown on Sunday and
Monday. Between them, the
4-Hers will be showing eight
market lambs ' and three
Hampshire ewe lambs-all of
which require a lot of at
tention and work.
What’s the hardest part of
exhibiting at the Farm
Show? “Grooming and
showing” according to the
Grooming takes quite a
time, following the animal’s
unloading and before the
actual contest. The sheep
must be cleaned, slipped and
blocked all in an effort to
primp the animal for good
show results.
While both grooming and
showing takes skill and a lot
of work - experience is also
the name of Hie -game, and
the Brubakers are rich in
deed in that respect. Ken
neth and Sarah have shown
Chapman, PA
Contaisd (row figs 1
The youth would like to put
the skills he has learned, to
work by continuing fanning
following his graduation, but
ne explained, "in this area
the future seems slim."
The youth pointed to
several bousing develop
ments outlining bis father’s
farm and said, “we’re being
pushed out of here and
fanning In the area probably
won’t last long."
If farming cannot be
arranged, Lee would like to
be an auctioneer specializing
in livestock sales. “I feel that
I know animals well and I’d
like to put that knowledge to
Whatever his decision will
be, Lee is still confident that
agriculture will play a role in
the future and has proven bis
interest by being selected as
one of the outstanding young
farmers in the state.
their sheep at the Farm
Show before and are also
perennial exhibitors at the
many fairs in Lancaster
County during the summer
Showing at the Keystone
Livestock Exposition serves
as another training session,
for the students who have
proved their worth by
garnering several trophies,
ribbons and plaques.
While learning first hand
has been a great aid to the
Brubakers, some of their
training came from their
parents who also show
registered Hampshire sheep.'
Noted for their award
winning entries at the Farm
Show, Mr. and Mrs.
Brubaker have offered
encouragement to Kenneth
and Sarah teaching them the
skills necessary.
Kenneth acknowledged
that “there’s a lot of work to
be done between arrival at'
the show and the actual
competition,” but it’s a job
well worth it.”
Perhaps a far different
learning experience from the
actual academic studies, the
youths will no doubt reap
quite a bit of knowledge from
a week at the Farm Show.
Nothing relieves winter
chills like a hearty bowl of
soup. No need to stand over a
simmering soup pot all day
though, try this 10 minute
soup created by home
economists for Union Car
bide’s Food Science In
stitute. Heat together two 8
ounce cans tomato sauce, 4
cans of water and 2 beef
bouillon cubes. When boiling,
add Vz cup diced, thin-sliced
Polish sausage or pepperoni
and % cup cooked noodles.
Simmer 5 minutes. For a
complete meal, serve green
salad and garlic bread.
The American cattle in
dustry is the largest segment
of agriculture. 1972 sales
were at the billion level. The
value of all US. r cattle is
$30.7 billion.
Lee is no stranger to the tractor or tobacco and grain crops require a lot
any farm machinery. Some 50 acres of of attention in the field.
Tobacco is another crop
which is raised on the Wlt
mer farm and Lee helps with
the crop from seeding to
stripping. “We’re waiting for
the buyers to come around,”
Lee explained, “the market
for tobacco looks fairly good
but well have to wait and see
what happens in the next few
Along with his projects,
Lee has been a member of
the livestock judging team
and has participated on the
basketball team. Organizing
the citrus fruit sales has
been a big jab for-the youth
as well as taking care of
Kenneth Brubaker and his sister already seasoned veterans’ at
Sarah will be showing several head of showing-and are the children of Mr.
sheep at the State Farm Show which and Mrs. Clyde Brubaker, 2418 Old
begins January 5. The youths are Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster.
Milk price announced
uniform base milk price of
$10.45 per hundredweight
(46.5 quarts) for November
deliveries to Middle Atlantic
order pool handlers was
announced last week by
Market Administrator
Joseph D. Shine. This T price
is 40 cents higher than the
October base milk price and
is up $1.64 from last
November, The November
1975 excess milk price' is
$8.87 and the weighted
average market price is
$10.33. Base milk accounted
for 92.36 percent of producer
deliveries during the month. >
The butterfat differential for
November is 11.2 cents for
each tenth of a pound of fat
above or below 3.5 percent.
Shine reported that 396.6
million pounds-of producer
milk with a gross value of
leadership responsibilities. • niany youths find
Lee’s FFA experience has veal calves
been a rewarding one and be “eh® excellent projects, Lee
praised the opportunity for * ??„* oun< ?.
developing leadership. JjJjjj* could bring a little
“FFA has been a good “I first started raising
experience not only because rabbits when we got one for
I have learned leadership Easter one year,” he noted,
but because I’ve, learned “then as a project I grew
more about farming and them to sell at auctions in the
animals.” county."
~ ... , Lee’s 4-H'steer also af
forded the youth some
“T* 1 P”** B FF * at a top price of 59 cents per
pound* tfcT.«.Ml.,
The Warwick youth uses
almost 41 million dollars was A total of 8,029 producers
included in the November shipped to pool .handlers in
pool. Pool handlers utilized November, and the average
263.2 million pounds or 66.37 daily delivery per producer
percent* o£ total receipts for was 1,647 pounds, a 34 pound
fluid milk products. The increase from the previous
November Class I utilization month,
declined significantly from Middle Atlantic order pool
October (72.06 percent) as handlers reported fluid milk
producer receipts increased saleaof 228-1 million pounds
by .3,6 percent (daily) and within the marketing area, a
Class I receipts dropped-4.6 3.1 percent decrease from
percent. - Handlers, paid October, on a daily average
$11.05 for Class I milk in hngjg
November and $8.92 for
Class ll.'
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In a teat of cows and horses, ,thle 'cbws wfere found toieam
just as easily as horses and to remember better. '
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