Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1975, Image 15
READ IANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL AAARKET REPORTS MUST GO - YEAR END CLEARANCE 75 4 76 PICKUPS 30 to choose from 1972 • 0-100 Pickup real nice 1974 - Ram Charger 4-wheel drive 19,000 mi. 1973 - W-100 4 wheel drive pickup 15,000 mi. PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. .outa 230 Eist Mil to Shoppini tartar Etub«tMo«n, PA PHONE 367-1808 ■ CLICK'S Distributor for ROOFING & SPOUTING BAKED ENAMEL TIN ROOFS Colors: Turquoise, Red, White (only) FULL SERVICE DEALER SALES & INSTALLATION SAMUEL B. CLICK R.D.I, Kinzer, PA Ph.(717)442-4921 Please call before 7 A.M. or after 6 P.M. No Sunday Calls BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC ' 845-2261 CAMP HILL v LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737-4554 ELLIOTTSBURG v CARL BAER 582-2648 HAMBURG H. DANIEL WENGER 488-6574 . HONEY BROOK ZOOK’S FARM STI 273-9730 KIRKWOOD LANDIS &ESBENSHADE 786-4158 LEBANON MARVIN HORST, 272-0871 York DHIA year concluded Conttmwd Itom fi(t I cow* on teat, producing 13,179 pounda of milk and 512 pounda of buttcrfat. Com pared to a year ago, the number of cows on test la up by nearly 350, milk production is up by 148 pounda and buttcrfat in creased by four pounds to reach a new high. Production statistics show that the per cent buttcrfat remained the same com pared to a year ago - 3.9 and the average cost of grain stayed unchanged - $306 in both years. The value of the milk increased slightly - from $1156 in 1974 to $ll5B this year. Roughage costs increased by $4O to the present $232, causing the total cost of feed figure to rise by the same amount - to $528. That left the value of the product above feed costs hanging at $620, compared to $658 a year earlier. The Sinking Spring and Stewart herds were the only ones to break the 700-pound mark. The 600-club was led by Paul King, whose 46 registered Holsteins pumped out an average of 16.476 M and 666 F. Tied for fourth place were the herds of Stump Acres and Smysers Richland Farms, -both of which finished with 656 pounds of buttcrfat. The stump herd, 115-head strong, McALLISTERVILLE CLAIR 463-2234 MILLERSBURG LEOLANOi: 692-4647 MILTON LANDIS FARI 437-2375 NEWVILLE FREDB. McGILLUI 776-7312 PIPERSVILLE JOSEPH MOYER 776-8675 STREET. MD MALI 452-8521 THOMASVILLE 7 KENNETH LSPAHR ’ 225-1064 had 15,703 pounds of milk, compared to 17,975 for the Smysers herd, which has 66 milking cows. Robert R. Stewart checked in sth with his 39 head of Holsteins. They produced 16,596 M and 649 F. Following, in order then to complete the 600-club were: Avalong Farms - 45 head, 17.126 M, 637 F; Guy Leader and Sons • 76 head. 12.703 M, 624 F; Curtis V. Thompson • 44 cows, 17.147 M, 619 F; Vincent C. Webb - 71 cows, 16.014 M 608 F; and Thomas A. Boyer - 47 head, 16.483 M, 606 F. The Guy Leader and Sons herd was first among those with registered Guernseys. Sixteen herds finished with buttcrfat aver? _,es of 550 pounds or better, and four of these (Lynn Wolf, Hidden Springs Farm, Elmer Myers, and Wayne Mum mert) exceeded 590. Paul King, Delta, who finished third this year in the butterfat rankings, was cited during the meeting for having had the “most un proved herd with over 500 pounds butterfat.’’ His 666 pounds of butterfat per cow for 1975 is 105 more than he had last year. Everett Richardson of Fawn Grove received a similar award for having shown the most improvement between 400 and 500 pounds butterfat. He recorded an increase of 73 pounds per cow over last year. Sinking Springs and David Stewart didn’t just split the herd averages trophies, they Northco Confinement Systems Finishing All components work together to give you a complete sys tem yet you re m com plete control l Feed delivery is automatic, but easily regu lated for individual pens Check out the other compon ents they all work to give .you a good-looking, profitable system LUVERNE, MINNESOTA Farm Systems \J / Company after 3 p.m. Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, Doc. 27.1975 repeated the feat when in dividual 305-day records were recognized. Sinking Springs captures the high buttcrfat plaque for a per formance turned in by their “Marie*' who chalked up 1125 pounds. Stewart took the milk production trophy home in recognition of the 26,545 pounds produced by his "Star." In lifetime production, the plaque for buttcrfat was presented to Joe Stump’s “Joan" who had produced a total of 9,113 pounds in 14 lactations. George Knight’s An "apple pyramid” is a simple table decoration: Cabbages are stacked and held in place by a knife. Apples are attached to stakes and stuck into the cabbages and greens finish the pyramid. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT “Molly" was the milk production champ with 227,201 pounds. But It wasn't Just the cows and herd owners who were recognized at the annual dinner and awards meeting. Robert Scott of Delta, DHM tester for 44 years, was honored by Counts Ins for his service to them and presented with a watch to commemorate the occasion. Three new directors were elected. They are: Donald Fan ton, Delta; Larry Am spacher, York; and Rodman Thompson of East Berlin. thco Hog Confinement Sys good, they also pay good- Ask anyone who owns a tern . his performance II convince you. For a profit md practical hog production tem check out Northco Far jwing, Finishing, Nursery and G e s,t al l o n Systems . . they're all good-looking investments. Farrowing Northco Farrowing Systems provide complete control over sow and litter Special pig brooders create 'zone heat littl" whit' mNORTHCOi HUMAUTOMATHH STSTfMS 15