Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1975, Image 1

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    ■No. 6
2 completely at random, snow decorates the counbyside with magical beauty, as it did here along Muddy Creek in York County.
1976 prices , challenges outlined
farm will be here in
ster County for as long
re is any open space
* we have solid farm
is good managers,
itizens capable of
mg an efficient unit
long as there’s any
space. - But I think
farms will continue to
irger for the sake of
t, in part,' is the way
Smith, Lancaster
1 agricultural ex
it director, sees die
road ahead, however,
free of obstacles and
ages. “We’d like to
rage farmers to accept
visibilities on local
°ing bodies zoning
ls> decision-making
s— so that agriculture
ave a part in setting
ations,” Smith em
bough problems are
it throughout most of
tylvania’s farming
vs, Lancaster County is
a with its agricultural
kftvity and some of its
»ges for the coming
■According to Smith, a
assessment program is
be mill now and will
result, no doubt, in higher
This, along witfaa host of
other pressing economic and
environmental factors will
continue to wnphim the
need “for greater effort in
York DHIA year concluded
YORK - In what has
become an annual event in
recent years. Sinking Spring
Farm and David Stewart
finished another dose race
for the crown in the York
County DHIA program.
Leading the rest of the
pack by more than 3,000
pounds of milk and 100
pounds of botterfat, die two
perennial rivals hr the No. 1
spot split the boners by each
taking a first place in either
the milk or botterfat
Sinking Springs Farm of
York RS, managed by
Herman Stebhihs, won the
bntterfat race by three
pounds - 785 poinds to 782
pounds. Tbe heed of 67
registered Holstelns
produced 19,823 pounds of
milk to go along with it
The average production
slate for Stewart’s herd
Serving The Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania Areas
' Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Dec 27.1975
■ farm management as a
business because of in
: creasing costs fuel,
I machinery, labor, and
possibly lower prices on the
1 other rad,” Smith predicted.
“Land use is a problem in
reads: 19,898 M and 782 F ra
54 registered Hbbtems. A
winner in the 1975 Out-
standing Young Oooperator
Contest, sponsored by Liter-
State Milk Producers,
FFA’ers support dairying
Wh?l» many think
that agriculture is on its way
out five FFA members in
northern Lebanon County
LITITZ When the
midwinter FFA convention
convenes in Harrisburg
during Farm Show week.
Lee Witmer will be one of
Lancaster County,” the
agricultural extension
director continued. In has
opinion, it’s the present
owners of farm land who
should determine whether
their land stays productive
Stewart and- his farm near
Delta' were featured in the
July 12 issue of Lancaster
The banquet, held earlier
this month, marked the end
are proving that at least
dairying is here to stay.
AD members of the Nor-
them Lebanon FPA Chapter
here, Gary Lentz, Francis
Bragg, Daniel Bansher,
Student to receive award
several youths from Lan-
caster County to be awarded
the Keystone Fanning
The Warwick High School
senior, is currently serving
in farming or not. Admitting
very readily that this is a
touchy situation, he said
fanners are the ones who
will decide how much land
(Continued on Pace 221
0 f the 54th year of DHIA
testing in York County. The
herd average for the year
just reads: 4,762
—■ Qn Paae 151
IConfinued on Past »]
Dennis Wenger and Chester
Michael, Jr. ; have several
things in common : they are
aD involved in dairying to
some degree, see a future in
agriculture and just recently
as president of his local FFA
chapter and has chaired a
number of committees
throughout die past year,
Lee lives on a farm outside
of lititz with his parents Mr.
$3.00 Per Year
< ** •iMo. .’SMnw^i■
Lancaster Parang Pboto
by Dieter Kites
In This Issue
Markets 2-6
Sale Register 66
Farm Almanac 8
Classified Ads 30
Homestead Notes 42
Home on the Range 43
Lebanon DHIA 14
McHale Answers ' 51
Life on the farm ' 10
Country Comer 42
Outstanding Fanner S 3
Berks DHIA 56
What’s New 13
received their Keystone
Farming degree. Pour of the
group arc currently serving
as officers of the local FFA
_ . .
(Continued on Pap 12]
end Mrs. A. L. Witmer and
helps with raising steers and
hogs along with tending
some 51 acres of com,
tobacco and wheat.
| Continued on Page 16]