Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 20, 1975, Image 19
. TRY A CLASSIFIED COMPLETE FARM PAINTING WelheQuafity PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON" AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray-On and Brush-In Method * Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE ESH SPRAY PAINTING (DimelS Esh) (C Ralph Miller) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER BOX 350 A RONKS PA 8 I I I I I 1 I $ i % 1 % J -s g Sj Quarryville, Pa. Ii N. Church St. & 786-7361 Tired Jokes It's been rumored that ostriches arc burying their heads In the sand these days because they're so tired of hearing all the elephant jokes going around lake how can you tell if a elephant has been in >our refrigerator 9 Check the but ter for fingerprints Yes, very tired jokes LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words |l| Issue |3| Issues! 14 or Less $1 4C $3 36 15 1 50 3 60 16 1 60 3 84 17 1 70 4 08 18 1 80 4 32 19 1 90 4 56 20 2 00 4 80 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 percent discount Deadline Thursday of each week's publication Lancaster Farming P 0 Box 266 Lititz PA P .one Lancaster 394 3047 nr Lititz 626-2191 17572 S*«SWS(S» SEASON'S GREETINGS RED ROSE ed & Farm Supply DIV. OF CARNATION 1 1 ' Are you tried of paying $l5O to $3OO or more per ton for fertilizer? Try ary poultry manure fresh from the broiler houses. Delivered and dumped on your farm in 8 to 16 too loads within SO miles of Lancaster. You can buy 8 to 100 tons. Next delivery in Jan. $25.00 per too delivered. Write Box 27, Strasborg, PA 17579. Ideal farmers pickup. ’73 Dodge Custom Vi ton pickup. Blue, slat 6 stick shift, radio, like new over sized tires, heavy duty suspension, rear industrial bumper, 24,00 mi. Christmas Special $2595. PH: 215-942-2591. Ask for Jerry. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Buck, Pa. 284-4464 FERTILIZER Trucks New Providence Grain Elevator 786-3427 n*OMI 717-JM-3047 m 717-624-21*1 Help Wonted Married man to work on dairy farm, good salary and bousing. Located near State College, PA. Write or phone John Kocfaer, Box 61, Fur nace, PA. 16865 PH: 814-237- 3590 Dairyman for parlor and Geld work, newly built house and benefits, Southern Chester County. Write stating recent experiences and references. Write Box 266 L, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, PA 17543 Feed Sales - Full time, farm background for sales and service to Dairymen, Poultrymen, and livestock producers in Lancaster County. Compensation in cludes salary, commission and company car. Our personnel know of this ad. Write Box 266 M, c-o Lan caster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 Time to wish all our loyal friends and customers a Christ mas season filled with joy and happiness, and express our sin cere gratitude for their patronage. Lancaster Fannin*. Saturday, Dec. 20,1975 Holp Wanted , Wanted - Experienced, full- Gcncral Farm Help, tune farm help. Able to references required, salary repair, operate modern open to right man, small machinery & do milking, family. 215-944-0197 after 4 House provided. Call 215-948- P.M. 5274 Sara-Lou Farms needs a farm family, preferably raised on a farm, with lots of farm operating ex perience. This family will live in a charming two story restored home with two full modem baths, three bedrooms, large modem kitchen, living and dining room, and dot. The farmer will be a full time employee taking care of a large organic vegetable garden of approximately two acres, and help to raise Brains and hay for our animals. The husband and wife will both assist in the care of the goats, rabbits, poultry, and swine. The farmer should be mechanically inclined. No smoking is ever allowed. Religious fanatics or those intent on converting us or others to his religious con victions will not be considered for this fine opportunity. We are offering a healthy living situation and a reasonable salary which will be discussed at time of interview. Sara-Lou Farms is a small natural organic farming and dairy goat operation where exciting things are happening in a healthy environment. Please mail all replies to Sara-Lou Farms, 6545 Parkway East, linglestown, Pennsylvania 17112 I l l I I I % S 8 % I Sf3SSfKtf3&m Help Wonted Wanted - RN’s & LPN’s 3-11 p.m. Medical Insurance, Life Insurance, Payed Vacation. Cornwall Manor 272-3016. Equal Opportunity Em ployer. Wanted - Reliable person to work on livestock farm. PH: 301-996-2022 HARVESTORE AREA MANAGER Agricultural and sales background necessary. Duties include sales of automation and feed storage plus managing area. Full company benefits and guarantee. Call for ap pointment 717-354-4051. PENN-JERSEY HARVESTORE CO. New Holland, PA ROOFING AND SPOUTING , Roof Coating & Repairs Specializing in Spouting Work. JAKE BLANK 717-354-9922 19