Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 13, 1975, Image 51

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    Simeon Styllte* of Syn.i, a celebrated early monk apent JO yearn on pillar* that were
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An Energy Saving Message From PP&L
Christmas comes but once
a year and sometimes those
oncc-a-year chores come
with it. Extension home
management specialists at
The Pennsylvania State
University suggest
preparing for the holidays at
a leisurely pace. Don’t be
caught up in a last-minute
crash program that will
leave you limp and unable to
enjoy the festivities.
Start early with a list. It
needn’t be too detailed. Put
down everything that needs
to be done, along with the
date it should be completed.
Be realistic and allow
enought time to do the job
Do any special cleaning
jobs early, such as polishing
the silverware and getting
out holiday dishes and
platters. Even in the best of
households, they’ve
probably collected some dust
since the last tune they were
While the two primary
terminals protruding from
the ignition coil may appear
to be convenient voltage
distribution points for
electrical accessories a wise
mechanic will resist the
temptation to use them.
Champion Spark Plug
Company points out the
dropping resistor lowers the
battery voltage at the ter
minal marked “Battery” or
“Switch”. Thus any 12-volt
accessory connected to the
terminal could be operating
at less than 12 volts.
As a case in point, an
electric fuel pump connected
to the coil was causing the
vehicle to backfire under
load. The engine refused to
do much except idle since
reduced voltage prevented
the pump from providing
sufficient fuel.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 13,1975-^
Shop early -
avoid rush
Not a terminal case
Check holiday towel and
linen supplies. Holiday
decorated guest towels and
dish towels may need to be
washed to freshen them up.
If overnight guests are ex
pected, make sure sheets
and pillowcases are in good
Look over tablecloths and
napkins. If they haven’t been
used foi a while, another
quick sudsing will bring out
their beauty.
Remember, too, that the
home itself will be the
background for all the
holiday sparkle. If it isn't
immaculate, the tinselly
glitter is dulled. Look over
the house with a critical eye.
Check the little things that
have been negliected.
The key word to a suc
cessful season is “early,"
say the Extension
specialists. Cook early, clean
early, decorate early, and
shop early.
Properly reconnecting the
pump to a normal 12-volt
source rectifledthe problem.
Further, any accessory
connected to the ignition
circuit will bleed away
primary voltage and lower
coil output.
Serve the Lord with
fear, and rejoice with
Kiss, the Son, lest he
be angry, and ye perish
from the way when bis
wrath is kindled but a
little. Blessed are all
they that put their trust
in him.
Psalms 2: 77-72