Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 13, 1975, Image 25
Receiving honors at the DH!A row from left) Don Trimble. Horace banquet held In Lancaster on Mann (Masonic Homes). Floyd Zook - Tuesday were (front left to right) tester representing the J.Z.Nolt farm George Hough and K. D. Linde. (Back and Joseph Lindecamp. FARMERS! SAVE FOR YOUR RETIREMENT TODAY - TAX FREE IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY COVERED BY A PENSION OR RETIREMENT PLAN, A NEW LAW NOW ALLOWS YOU TO SET UP A TAX-SHELTERED PLAN OF YOUR OWN. Introducing the individual retirement account The Congress of the United States recently passed the Pension Reform Act which allows millions of Americans who have not had the benefits of a pension plan, to put aside tax-free dollars for their retirement. Basically, under this new law you can take money you earn now up to $1,500 a year and put it away for retirement while deducting it from your earnings at income tax time The interest accrued each year is tax deferred At First Federal the interest rate will always be the highest we pay. But if interest rates change, the rate on your IRA account will be automatically adjusted. First Federal SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER Downtown Lancaster, Park City, Lititz, New Holland, Millersville We never forget a friend . DEADLINE FOR 75 DECEMBER 31 J£IE inr Visit any of our five offices for free literature that explains this tax-saving opportunity in detail. Learn how you can use a savings account to enjoy more security in your retirement years and pay less taxes right now. It's very easy. If you're not already f A saving with us, maybe the \ A time has come. \ Ask for a fra* foldar titlad, "Naw IRA Plan can Brightan Your Futura." Production awards (Continued from Page 1| 13,463 pounds of milk and 812 pounds of fat. The Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, represented by Horace Mann, director; had the highest producing Ayrshire herd with 13,237 pounds of milk and 561 pounds of fat. In the Jersey breed, George Hough, Peach Bottom R 2, recorded the highest figures with 10,599 pounds of milk and 488 pounds of butterfat. John N. Shirk, Leola, had the high producing mixed breed herd with 16,612 pounds of milk and 604 pounds of fat. Donald Trimble, Peach Bottom R 2, had the highest producing herd of Brown Swiss cows that produced 13,923 pounds of milk and 571 pounds of fat. J. N. Nolt, Leola Rl, had the highest herd of Holsteins. Joseph Lindecamp was n , xr '' ft - Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Dec. 13,1975 presented a special award during the program for having served the DHIA as a tester for 25 years. He and his wife were awarded a plaque and a cash gift of (50. Don Ace, dairy extension specialist from Penn State, noted that although the northeastern portion of the United States was not known for its high milk production level, Lancaster County led in high records. “You dairymen had in valuable DHIA records,” Ace noted, “which are not matched anywhere in the United States.” Ace was the guest speaker at the af ternoon meeting. Fifty-two herds in Lan caster County produced over 600 pounds of butterfat or more for the year with many milk production figures exceeding 15,000 pounds. Several herds had figures climbing up to 17,000 and 18,000 pounds of njilk. It was also noted that 710 S Wl|£H > you Start (4hpstnias shpPJwng- St-"'* You can make your Christmas shopping easier by checking our wide selection of gift ideas first. Action toys for boys and girls ... bikes and acces sories ... “fun shirts” ... barbecue grills ... top-quality tools for shop or yard ... welders, space heaters, battery chargers ... all this and more. And, it’s all backed by the John Deere name. Stop in soon ... and have a Merry Christmas! Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 717-393 3906 Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohn'on, RO2, PA 19540 (near Adamstown) 215-484-4391 M, S. Yearsley & Sons Westchester 215-696 2990 Agway, Inc. Allentown Equipment Center Chapman PA 215-395-3381 I. 6/s Ag Safes A. 0. v. vfOtt, AIC. Sitverdale, PA 18962 New Holland 717-354-4191 - 215-257-5136 cows produced over 4000 pounds of butterfat or over 100,000 pounds of milk by lactation tn~the Red Rose Dairy Herd Improvement Association. Party Leftovers Don't leave party left overs m vour refrigerator for days Plan in advance for ways that you can use the foods Freeze the rest Just because the food doesn't seem spoiled doesn't necessarily mean that it is all right to eat If you have doubts about a leftover, throw it out Cream Pies Cream pies and cream puffs are foods often in volved in food poisoning They get soggy if refrig erated too long but don’t leave them at room tem perature Fill pastry as close to serving time as possible and discourage bac teria from growing Pikeville Equipment Inc. Oyster Dale Road Oley RD2, PA 215-987 6277 Neubaus'es, Inc. Glen Rock, PA 717-235-1306 Stanley A. Klopp, Inc Bernville, PA 215-488-1510 25