Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 13, 1975, Image 24
- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec 13, 1975 24 ‘Tuning’ the soil ICsnttnuMl lro« Pit* 21| the »oir» Total lU*c Kxchangc Capacity When thin value Is known, the soil may be restored to Ideal balance for all nutrient elements necessary for optimum yields and a quality crop The firm's spokesman also noted that a soil can yet worn out after years of cultivation, and main taining high productivity requires rebuilding and restoration practices During a question and answer period following the meeting, which took place at the Willow Valley Restaurant, here, Boehlc and Campbell both commented that similar points regarding proper balance of ingredients can also be made for feed rations. They stressed a firm belief that soil, plant and animal nutrition are interrelated and there Is often Just a "fine line of tolerance" between them "Working with it Is like tuning a car," Campbell said. The physical properties which have a pronounced effect on productivity and fertility include the surface condition, such as deep ruts and large clumps. Deep ruts severely damage the soil's structure and bring about imbalances within the delicate living system, Boehle explained. Large clumps, especially those which are a common occurrence on clay soils, make it difficult to work the soil properly, and also bring about unbalances. The hard pan, or "plow sole,” as has been mentioned before, la a physical property of the soil which has much to do with the movement of water within the soil. Research at universities and at Brookside Farms has illustrated that water moves through soil via capillary action. It will not move through soil particles, but rather around them. To insure good capillary movement of water, the soil particles must be of uniform size, Boehle commented. Another point made at the meeting, which was attended by approximately 50 of Brookside Farms’ clients in Lancaster County, was that Calcium levels have an effect on how well water and roots penetrate the soil. According to Boehle, Calcium allows for better root and water penetration. "How about ‘green manure' crops,” asked one of the men in the audience, “what value do they have in building up the soil?” “Very little,” came Boeble’s reply. He explained that to LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 Horseshoe Rood - 2436 Creek Hill Rood UNCASTER, PA 17601 We Manufacture and Erect our Silos’' VIBRATED "LOCK-RIB” CORRUGATED CONCRETE STAVE SILOS DAIRY AND BEEF FEEDLOT SYSTEMS STARLINE EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE STARUNE EQUIR SILO UNLOADERS SHUTTLE FEEDERS AUGER FEEDERS CHAIN CONVEYORS ROLLER MILLS BARN CLEANERS WATER BOWLS CUSTOM DESIGNED TAPER BOARD FEEDERS & DOUBLE CHAIN SLAT CONVEYORS (WOOD) We stock a complete tine of GE Farm Duly Motors. V* H.P thru 10 H P Single Phase Motors Instant reverse motors 1 thru 3 H P V 0 The Silage Weigher That Really Works increase Profits Weigh out the EXACT Ration that will give you maximum production No electric needed * Corn Silage • Haylage ’ High Moisture Corn USED EQUIP. SPECIALS: Used 717 New Holland Harvester w/smgle row Corn Head Good Condition 1 New Pab Unloader Will fit 12’ thru 16’. 1 Used Starfine. - SoWj Silo Unloader Like New Service & Installation available for all items. Call Larry Hiestand - Lancaster 392-9062 FEEDLOT EQUIR RITCHIE WATERERS SILAGE WEIGHERS PROTEIN METERS 56” SILO BLOWERS HAY RACKS & GATES CATTLE HEAD GATES BARN FANS & WINDOWS *253 ! i k build humus the soil's organisms need lignen, a con stituent of plants which can only be found In mature plants. In another segment of the meeting, Bochle revealed that the amounts of animal manure spread onto a field must also be taken into consideration in assessing a field's potential for growing crops. Likewise, the farmer must consider what he takes off the field. Com silage, for example, takes about 60 per cent more out of the soil than “Working with nutritional programs for the soil, plants, and animals is like tuning an automobile. Sometimes the lines of tolerance are very fine. ” does ear com. It therefore becomes more essential to spread manure on fields where little or no crop residue remains after harvest. The soil analyst emphasized that com silage after com silage for a number of years will ■ EVERY $l.OO IN AUREOMYCIN YOU PUT INTO YOUR HENS RETURNS $l3 IN EXTRA EGGS The Aureomycin Week-a-Month Layer program helps you get maximum egg production on a minimum of feed. For an investment of 3* per hen per year in AUREOMYCIN® chlortetra cycline, experience shows you can expect an extra dozen eggs per bird—or an extra return of $4OO per 1,000 birds (with eggs at 40*/doz.). This figures out to a return of $l3 for every $ 1.00 in AUREOMYCIN you - put into your layers. The program is easy to manage Just feed hens 100 grams of AUREOMYCIN chlortetracyclinc per ton of feed for one week each month as long as birds are in production Trials show AUREOMYCIN also saves one-quarter pound of feed for every dozen eggs produced. This program is equally effective for broiler breeders. Based on commercial trials, 3$ in AUREOMYCIN per breeding hen produces six extra chicks per breeder or a total of $450 extra return a year from every 1,000 birds (with chicks at 7-s*). EARL SAUDER, INC New Holland, Pa STEVENS FEED MILL, INC Stevens, Pa Phone 609/692-4400 Distributors of American Cyanamid Animal Health & Feed Products BROADWAY, VA. • SELBYVILLE, DEL. • LEWISBURG, OHIO • VESTAL. N. Y. • LITITZ, PA, For complete details contact anv oj the jeed manufacturers listed below or cull or write Fhe Fox Company deplete soil organic matter rapidly, but such a cropping program isn't harmful aa long as the soil is properly managed. Although the Ideas presented by Brookaide Farms personnel arc relatively novel when compared to fanning practices which have dominated this country’s agricultural scene for decades, some of the practices recommended by the firm may require some farmers to take a step into the past. The Idea of getting back to straw for bedding material is one example. In recent years the trend has been towards frcc-sUU bams, slats, rubber mats, and even carpeting. Manure without straw concentrates salts (Potassium and Phosphorus) and will hurt the fanner in the long run, warned Campbell. Such over-concentration of phosphorus and potassium can affect the entire soil system and lead to an increase in soil, plant, and animal health problems, he cautioned. , The soils consultant, (Campbell) appeared to have struck a sensitive chord when he linked animal health problems with soil conditions. A number of questions were raised, all of them expressing concern over proper soil management, especially as it relates to animal health. According to Campbell, some significant problems have begun to surface on European farms where some of our new systems for handling and housing livestock were first tried. He is convinced that many of the animal health problems are due to excessive concentrations of animal manure and the resulting imbalances in the soil, the plant, and animal body. “Excess amounts are worse than deficiencies,” the elderly veteran agronomist stated. Too much manure on a field and poor animal health go hand in-hand, he affirmed during informal questioning after the program. EVERY $l.OO IN AUREOMYCIN YOU PUT INTO YOUR BROILERS RETURNS $2.76 IN EXTRA MEAT The Aureomycin Firsl-Pound-of-Feed starter program helps you get maximum gains on a minimum of feed. The program is easy to manage. Just feed chicks 200 grams of AUREOMYCIN® chlortetracyclmc per ton m the first pound of feed (with 1.25% sodium sulfate and 0.8% calcium). This program, which provides chicks with high levels of AUREOMYCIN in the critical first three weeks, helps reduce mortality and aids in the prevention of synovitis. Trials with over 14 million broilers show that weight improvements and feed savings produce an extra return of $8.28 per 1,000 birds (with feed at 6d lb. and broilers at live weight). This figures out to a return of $2 76 for every $l.OO in AUREOMYCIN you add to your feed. Less than l/3tf per bird is all it takes to provide AUREOMYCIN in the first pound of feed. Start your next house of chicks on the First'Pound'of'Feed program with AUREOMYCIN We call it a- k\ WENGER’S FEED MILL, INC Rheems, Pa WOLGEMUTH BROS . INC Trademark of American Cyanamid Co Mount Joy, Pa. /AURE °M^