Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 13, 1975, Image 18
Ift— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, D«c. 13, 1975 Research costs little per person m UNIVERSITY PARK - A bargain in costa of research was reported recently at Penn State University Research in agriculture at Penn State costs each citizen of the Commonwealth about 64 cents a year, stated Dr James M Beattie, Dean of the College of Agriculture, during the November meeting of the Board of Trustees, Beattie described what he termed "significant benefits of research ’’ His list in cluded control of plant and animal diseases as well as development of new varieties of food crops for humans and feed crops for livestock. “There has been notable research at Penn State dealing with improved nutrition for livestock, better pest control measures, renovation of strip mine spoil banks, and improved usage and disposal of waste materials,” he claimed. Since 1911, he said, there have been over 140 new plant varieties introduced by scientists with the YOU CAN COUNT ON US AGRI-EQUIP. I. G.'s AG. SALES RD2 Farmersville Ephrata PA Rt 113 Box 200 Silverdale PA 717 354-4271 215-257-5135 ROY 0. CHRISTMAN LANDIS BROTHERS INC. ROl (Shartlesville) Hamburg PA 19526 1305 Manheim Pike 215 562 7218 or 215-4881904 Lancaster, PA 717-393 3906 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. HENRY S. LAPP East Mam Street Honey Brook PA RDI Cams Gap PA 17527 215 273 3131 717 442-8134 ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. CARL L. SHIRK 22 26 Henry Avenue New Berlmville PA 5 Colebrook Road Lebanon, PA 215 367 2169 717 274-1436 GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE M. E. SNAVELY Robert Fulton Highway Quarryville PA 455 South Cedar Street Lititz PA 717-786 7318 717 626-8144 WEAVER STAR SILO INC. M. S. YEARSLEY & SON RO4 Myerstown PA 114 E Market St 717866-5709 West Chester PA 19380 215-696-2990 Agricultural Experiment Station at Penn State Dr Beattie serves as Director of the Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, ns well as Dean He indicated Penn Stale scientists have published research information in over 800 bulletins, more than 850 progress reports, and some 4,600 journal articles and technical publications In addition, "Science in Agriculture,” the quarterly magazine of the Experiment Station, presents research findings m popular language. He further pointed out that the results of research are described in hundreds of new articles, radio broadcasts, and television programs an nually. This year, said Beattie, scientists in the 50 states are celebrating the 100th an niversary of the agricultural experiment stations of the state universities. He presented bronze medals to board members, commemorating the cen tennial of this research effort slate which has played a major role In making the United States the most productive agricultural nation in the World "Research carried out at the agricultural experiment stations ultimately benefits all consumers Research like that at Penn State makes it possible for 5 per cent of the nation’s population to produce the food and fiber needed for the entire nation - as well as about 22 billion dollars worth of food ex ports," the Penn State Dean of Agriculture said. He noted that the Penn sylvania Agricultural Ex periment Station was established in 1887. In that year, the U.S. Congress passed the Hatch Act which provided funds to establish an experimental station in each state and territory. Financial support comes from state and federal funds, as well as from gifts and grants by private firms and individuals. TRY A CLASSIFIED Park personnel needed HARRISBURG - William C Forrcy, Director of State Parks for the Department of Environmental Resources, said recently the Penn sylvania Civil Service Commission is accepting applications for lifeguards and lifeguard supervisors in the Parks. Persons interested in these positions can obtain An nouncement 57-75 and ap plication forms from State Civil Service Commission Offices in Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and from State Park offices throughout the State. Applications must be filed with the Commission by January 16, 1976. Announcement 57-75 lists those Parks which will require an estimated 120 new MAKE YOUR TRACTOR SELECTION BEFORE DECEMBER 31, AND SAVE TWO WAYS IH HYDROSTATIC TRACTORS Only International® has it! . . . you shift on-the-go with just one lever without touching the throttle. No clutch .'. . no tur bines .. no slip. • Hydro gives you every work speed ... all at full power for drawbar, PTO and hydraulic operations. • Hydro lets you match tractor speed to field conditions. Outworks gear drive tractors on most jobs. • Available in two tractor models. ■ mSee us for a demonstration. Only IH has big horsepower ® tractors with Hydro Drive! MESSICK FARM EQUIP. ELIZABETHTOWN COPE S WEAVER CO. NEW PROVIDENCE SWOPE & BASHORE, INC. MYfRSTOWN RDi (Frystown) 717 933 4138 IKIEDNATIONM HARVESTER Oakwood Lane at Rt 873 Near Neffs (Schnecksville Pa) 215 767 3806 or 437 4813 lifeguards and 30 new supervisors for the 1976 season. The announcement also contains a description of the positions, qualifications required and examination and application procedures. Weather permitting, public swimming facilities in State Parks are open daily between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Lifeguards and supervisors are required to work weekends and holidays and frequently must work overtime. They are required to purchase their own swim suits in a model specified by the Department. The American rancher and fanner produces 20 percent more on 6 percent fewer acres than m 1958. - SPECIAL OFF SEASON PRICES - 10% INVESTMENT CREDIT 717 367 1319 717 786 7351 LAMB’S FARM MACHINERY Thomdate, Pa. 215-269-2676 THERE’S A FETTER THAT'S BETTER FOR YOUR APPLICATION . 70 and 100. C. B. HOOBER & SON INTERCOURSE HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1054 S StaleSi Ephrata PA 717 733 2283 R. S. HOLLINGER £ SON IW3UNT VILU 7'7 255 4538 ERB & HENRY EEHIIP. INC. 22 26 Henry Ave New Beilrnvtlle PA 1 Mile North of Boyer'own Phone 215 367 2169 Compact Mini-Diesels Ranging from IVi H.P. to 20 HP. HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE Petto tHtseh Sales 4 Service Ph. 215-445 6272 or 717-354-7469 RD 2 New Holland, PA 17557 717 786 8231