Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 13, 1975, Image 13
Dairymen praised for records o (Continued from P»f* 1| f»«vc really been problem," he sold "We've never really had f?real stride in obtaining metabolic efficiency." the BOU MATIC DARI KOOL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS Year end inventory Sale Beat Jan Ist Price increase Investment credit Savings Tax credit Savings SHENK'S FARM SERVICE specialist explained and, "no real breakthroughs." Relating that research has predicted that cows fed on forage alone can produce 12 000-13.000 pounds of milk 301 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE (717) 626-1151 per year, Ace noted that "the genetics seem to be there but where is the management skills to help the genetics blossom 7 " Management Important The specialslt chastened SPECIAL YEAR END DEALS V Has For You What You Are Looking For in Good Milking We Can Offer You • AROUND THE BARN PIPELINES • PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE • AUTOMATED HERRINGBONES • AUTOMATED CAROUSELS • AUTOMATED POLYGONS • CROWDING GATES • STIMULATION STALLS Professional milking systems for the milking professional Model DKE - Direct Expansion 450 to 3000 Gal. Tank Model DKE Direct Expansion Available - 500 Gal. Only Special Diesel Operated Milk Tank USED EQUIPMENT 12 can Open Top Can Cooler 10 can open top can cooler 6 can open top can cooler 4 can open top can cooler 800 Gal. Mojonnier 5 H.P. belt driven compressor w/washer 625 Gal. Sunset flat top absolutely in new cond. 425 Gal. Esco $400.00 400 Gal. Jamesway inquiries invited from outlying areas. COMPLETE PROGRAM SALES—INSTALLATION—SERVICE 24-Hour Service Offered the dairymen to always strive for good management "Hun for your life toward good management.” he stated "Management is the key to high production " Relating a piece of "good • MILKERS • AUTOMATIC DETACHERS • VACUUM PUMPS • BULK TANKS • PIPELINE WASHERS • PRE-COOLERS • AUTOMATED SIDE OPENING STALLS news,” Ace told the producers that feedpnces would be declining just a little during the coming year. “There should be about an 8-10 percent increase in feed which is a bttle lower,” he stated. “Feed prices won’t be weakening much but a lit tle,” he noted. Ace told the dairymen that the com crop had reached record levels of six million bushels and that both soybean and wheat productions had seen a great increase. “These feeds which are the basis of grain feeding, are at record high.” he related. Stating that the most dairymen did not want their milk priced out of the market, Ace cautioned the producers on flooding the markets. “Most producers,” he noted “would like to keep milk at a modest price although costs are really critical.” »** “While food has gone up by 10 percent recently, milk has gone up only 5 percent,” Ace said. “Milk is still a good buy.” Forage is Basis of Good Nutrition Ace encouraged the dairymen to continue good production levels. “Nutrition and forage intake is very important the specialist noted. “Forage is the basis of sensible feeding programs and even if it is a good or bad year, forage is important.” Ace told die producers that Lancaster Firming, Saturday, Dec 13,1975 Donald Ace grain should be fed when the milk flow Is the highest "especially In the early lactation period," he stated The specialist also reminded the farmers that corncobs could be used as a form of roughage, so “don’t shell the com crop." be noted. Cautioning against overfeeding trace minerals, Ace stated, "only two dif ferent sources of trade minerals should be fed " “Sometimes we overfeed the components by using different channels such as liquid supplements and mineral mixtures." “Overfeeding can boost the mineral level too high.” Expressing his concern over controlling mastitis, Ace told the group that good management was quite necessary. “Mastitis treatments cost money but what you often can’t see is the money also being lost by decreased milk production.” Ace suggested using saw clean sawdust in free stall situations to cut down on mastitis. Detecting the disease by way of tests was suggested by the specialist, in order to cut down the expense of treating mastitis once contracted. Speaking on promotion, Ace noted that producers should “let consumers know what goes on in producing milk.” “I think consumers would really appreciate knowing what is involved in the process that gets milk to them,” he noted. Ace concluded his remarks by encouraging the dairymen to keep working for good records and high production. More Riddles Why couldn’t the pony talk? He was a little horse (hoarse) you dummy. Since you didn’t get that one, why is the letter Y like a young spend thrift’ It makes Pa, Pay. Get it? Simmering Hens Hens, stewing chickens, or fowl require slow cooking in a covered pan with water or steam to make them tender They are best cooked by simmering, steaming, or pressure cooking 13