Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 22, 1975, Image 8
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Nov. 22. 1971 8 OLD j&'ti&MEJt; KJIMAHM NOV. 24-30, 1975 Be e«v. spring is a liulc more than 100 days away! Clean leaves from your gutters Dr Hams revealed secrets of termites Nov 29, 1849 Last quarter of the moon Nov 26 Thanksgiving Nov 27 Average length of days for week, 9 hours, 24 minutes First B-29s raid Tokyo from Saipan Nov 27, 1944 Geese in south now Byrd at S Pole Nov 29,1929 A short vrat c is coot/ for /mmjrv folk Home Hints. An old wire eggbeater nukes j good paddle for stirring and mixing paint Riddle answer. His breath OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Early week continuing sunny and cold, then light ram and warmer by midweek, week ends with a storm and heavy rain, changing to snow in north and W9SI Greater New York-New Jersev; Cloudy with some rain to start and warmer than usual, then rain becoming moderate to heavy, partial clearing, much colder latter part Middle Atlantic Coastal: Mild with light ram over the area most of week, rain ends, clearing and much colder weekend Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Rainy week, heavy at times with occasional thunderstorms, ram ends, then dry and cool end of week Florida; Early week mild, with scattered ram over the stale, (Jien sunny, light ram in central and south, partly sunny but cool in north latter part Upstate N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: Mostly cloudy and unseasona bly warm to start, then light ram, ram becomes moderately heavy, except light in west and snow m mountains and north Greater Ohio Valley: Warm and sunny at first, then light ram and cooler, end of week cloudy, with seasonal temperatures, sprinkles and ram in mountains Deep South: Early week cooler, with fairly heavy ram in central and east, light ram in north and west, latter part somewhat sunny, showery and cool, rainy m northeast Chicago * Southern Great Lakes: Sunny and warm to start, then some rain and colder, week ends seasonable with light ram occa sionally mixed with snow Northern Great Lakes: Week begins with some light rain in central, moderate rain in east and cooler, latter part mostly sunny and warmer than normal, with some light ram in east Central Great Plains: Sunny and warm at first, turning cooler by midweek, rest of week rainy in southeast, north and east, partly cloudy in west Texas-Oklahoma: Clear and warm to start, then partly cloudy and cooler, week ends mild witfy variable cloudiness, turning cool. Rocky Mountain: Week begins with light ram in north and west, heavy in central and sunny in south, latter part clearing, with tem perature rising to above normal most areas. Southwest Desert; Generally sunny and pleasant all week, becom ing warmer latter part Pacific Northwest: Ram, heavy at times, during early part of week, and some moderate snow m mountains, mild and sunny m south latter part, but some ram in north. California: Ram to start, very heavy in north to central, then clear ing and warm in south, cool in-north; end of week cool, with fog in north and inland, but still warm in south (All Rights Reserved. Yankee Im. Dublin N H 03444) Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, November 14 Feeder Cattle 521 898 Today Last Friday TREND: Feeder steers 2.00-3.00 higher, instances 4.00 higher on Good; in sufficient volume feeder heifers or feeder bulls for a market test. FEEDER STEERS: Part load Choice & Prime 830 lb. 41.50; Choice 610-890 lb. 37.35-40.75; mixed Good and Choice 630-910 lb. 33.25-37.50; Good 615-740 lb. 29.25-33.50; load mixed Choice and Prime 520 lb. 37.60; Choice 430-500 lb. 30.25-33.25; Good 400-500 lb. 27.25-29.60. FEEDER BULLS: Couple lots Choice 810-825 lb. 23.25- 24.75. FEEDER HEIFERS: Lot Choice 400 lb. 22.50; lot Good 365 lb. 19.60. Cattle and calves on feed Old Farmer’s Riddle: What is as light as air, yet the strongest man can’t hold it for ten minutes'’ (Answer below ) Ask the Old Fanner; My mother used to refer to one of my uncles as “mad as a March hare " I never knew whether she meant he was angry or a little off now and then Can you tell me what it means 9 JH T Harrisburg, Pa It s an nhl Liifthsh saving Man h is the tnaiinv season for hares, ami thex behave like something ira:v November 1 for slaughter market in the seven States preparing monthly estimates totaled 7,585,000 head, up 12 per cent from a year ago, according to the Crop Reporting Board. October placements of cattle and calves on feed in the States totaled 2,305,000, 25 per cent more than Oc tober last year. Placements during the month were above a year ago in all seven States. Fed cattle marketings during October totaled 1,307,000, down 14 percent from last year. Marketings were below October 1974 in all States except Kansas. Other disappearance during October totaled 69,000, compared with 101,000 in the same month last year. Omaha Nov. 2t,197i Weekly Cattle 51 Compared with the previous weeks doae • Slaughter steers and Heifers and Heifers 25-60 cents higher with many at full advance and late sup plies insufficient to fully reflect the Improvement In carcass beef trade. Cows which made up a sizable share of weeks supply closed weak to 50 cents lower in an up-and-down trade. Bulls were firm to $1 higher. Four day receits 14,800 as compared, 16,200 previous week and 14,700 a year ago. Slaughter steers ap- proximately 26 pet of weeks total, heifers 25 pet, cows 17 pet, feeders for Friday auction 30 pet. Fed cattle trade followed a somewhat uneven pattern, prices ad vanced moderately on a Monday run of near 7000 bead, declined about the same amount Tuesday and then again pointed upward at midweek. Supplies rather poorly distributed over trading period with more than 45 pet arriving Monday. Demand for carcass beef at the wholesale level somewhat better than usual for the pre-Thanksgiving period where trading is often bearish during the holiday season. Stesr supply predominantly good to average - choice while heifer count included fairly liberal Belleville Auction Belleville, Pa. Nov. 19,1975 CATTLE 221. Compared Cutter slaughter cows 22.30- witb last Wednesday’s 25.30, couple to 27.10, Cutters market, slaughter cows 20.50-22.00, Canners 18.00- uneven, 25 cents higher to 75 20.50, Shells down to 12.00. cents lower. Few Standard Few Utility slaughter bulls slaughter steers 32.2W5.80, 26.35-28.80. Few Yield Grade Utility 27.00-31.85. One No. 11400-1775 lbs. slaughter Standard slaughter heifer at bulls 28.00-30.30. < t Auction percentage choice and moderate number choice and prime. STEERS - Load High- Choice and Prime 1329 lbs. predominantly yield grade 4 46.50, load Choice with few Prime 1128 lbs. yield grade 3 46.25. Choice 975-1225 lbs. yield grade 2-4 closed 44.50- 46.00. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1200 lbs. 43.50- 54.00. Good 40.50-43.50. Standard and low Good 38.00- 40.00. Average of ls-214, detailed .quotations, for Choice 900- 1100 lbs. Steers this week 44.65, Choice 1100-1300 lbs. 45.20. HEIFERS - On Monday six loads Choice and Prime 975- 1025 lbs. yield grade 3-4 45.00- 45.25, same grades 44.00- 44.50 at low time Tuesday. At close, load choice with end prime 1025 lbs yield grade 3-4 45.00. Choice 850-1025 lbs yield grade 2-4 43.00-44.60. Mixed good and choice 800- 975 lbs. 41.00-43.00. Good 35.00-40.00. Small lots standard and Good 32.00- 34.50. COWS - Utility and com mercial closed 19.50-22.00, a few high-utility and com mercial 22.25-22.50. Canner ratter 16.00-19.50, mixed culver «ud low-utility 19.75- 20.50. BULLS - Yield grade 1 & 2 1400-2200 lbs. 23.50-27.00, few Yield Grade 127.50-28.00 and an individual 30.00. MGI. 35.00, few Utility 25.60-28.25. Utility & High Dressing Newftnimdttiky" Wednesday, Nov. If Reported receipts of 134 cows, 8 heifers and 4 bulls. Market steady with last week. Load of Pa. cows fresh 450- 620; springers 325-725; load of Franklin Co. cows 600810 springers 555-640; load of WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE • DRIES WHITE - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY - NO WET FLOORS - IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT • WASHES OFF WINDOWS AND PIPELINES EASILY. Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air With increase in business. I have put on another spray rig We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 ;Witmer, Pa. 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 Barn spraying our business, .no t a sideline. Wood can taka it I That’s why they use Renta treated clear yellow pine in every New Idea Spreader box. Every New Idea spreader in the line has wood sides, bottom and end ... because wood can take it. Wood battles agalhst damage. Wood won’t bend, can’t rust... and fights corrosive acids better than any other spreader box material. Warranty On Wood That’s why only New Idea says, “In the unlikely event that any of the wood components in your New Idea Manure Spreader rot through, Avco New idea will make replacement, no charge. Replacement will be made without, cost to you, the original purchaser, at your nearby New Idea dealer... no charge for wood, no charge for labor or freight." We make your job a little easier. L. L. ECKROTH FARM EQUIP., INC. New Ringgold Ph. 717-943-2367 N.H. FLICKER & SONS INC. Maxatawny Ph. 215-683-7252 MILLER EQUIPMENT Bechtelsville Ph 215-845-2911 STANLEY'S FARM SERVICE Klmgerstown Ph. 717-648-2088 SHARTLESVILLE FARM EQUIPMENT Shartlesville, PA 215-488-1326 H. Daniel Wenger, Prop. New York State cowa 520-918 springers 400-750; load of Wisconsin cows 085-000; load of Maryland cows springers 485495. Locally consigned cows 310-655; springing heifers 425-850 and bulls 120-470. A. C. HEISEY FARM EQUIP. INC. RDI Jonestown Ph. 717-865-4526 STANLEY A. KLOPP INC. Bernvilfe Ph. 215-488-1500 UMBERGERSMILL RD4 Lebanon (Fontana) Ph. 717-867-5161 ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel Ph.717-.933-4114