Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 22, 1975, Image 7

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    Livestock market an
Nov. 19, 1975
CATTLE 271. Supply in- -
eluded 53 head feeder cattle.
Compared with last Wed
nesday’s market, slaughter
steers uneven, about steady.
Slaughter cows steady to $1
higher. Few Good and
Choice slaughter steers
45.00- Good 41.50-45.10,
Standard 32.0041.50, Utility
28.00- Choice slaughter
heifers 40,25-46.50, Good
34.00- few Standard
28.00- few Utility 20.00-
22.00. Utility and High
Dressing Cutter slaughter
cows 23.00-25.00, Cutters
21.25-23.35, Canners 19.35-
21.25, Shells down to 13.25.
Few Good slaughter bullocks
35.50-38.50, one Standard at
27.75. Few Yield Grade No. 1,
1485-1833 lbs. slaughter bulls
27.00- individual Yield
Grade No. 2, 1460 lbs. at
22.%. Few Choice 600-900 lbs.
feeder steers 35.25-36.50,
Good 500-800 lbs. 31.00-34.25,
Lot Medium 575 lbs. at 22.25.
Medium 350-680 lbs. feeder
heifers 14.50-18.00. Good 200-
700 lbs. feeder bulls 23.25-
28.00, few Medium 500-600
lbs. 19.50-21.75.
CALVES 141. Vealers
uneven, mostly steady to $1
higher. Good vealers 41.50-
45.00, Standard 30.00-39.50,
Utility 110-125 lbs. 26.00-
29.50, 90-110 lbs. 20.00-26.00,
75-85 lbs. -16.00-20.00. Farm
Calves: Holstein bulls 95-115
lbs. 23.0031.50.
HOGS 249. Barrows and
gilts $1 to $1.25 higher.-US
No. 13 200-235 lbs. barrows
and gilts 54.0034.60, No. 2-3
190-260 lbs. 53.25-54.10, No. 1-
3 150-185 lbs.-45.00-51.20. US .
No. 13 300300 lbs. sows
41.0046.00. Boars 35.0045.75.
No. 13 3035 lbs. feeder pigs
27.0043.00 per head, No. 13
35-50 lbs. 37.00-54.00 per
head, No. 13 6030 lbs. 48.00-
54.00 per head.
New Holland
Monday, Nov. 17
Reported receipted 521;
market steady with last
Load of Tennessee riding
horses 180-400; load of New
York driving 200400; local
consigned work horses 295-
510; mules 170-250; better
horses 255-375;' driving
horses 150470; riding horses
140-230; lightweight killers
17-20; heavyweight killers
23-25; mares 15-35; colts 5-
15; geldings 15-30; larger
ponies 50-90. -
St. Louis
Nov. 20
Fed. State
Weekly Cattle
Receipts this week 9,200;
week ago 9,000; year ago
8,100. Compared to Tuesday
last Tuesday, Slaughter
Steers 50-1.00 lower,
Slaughter Heifers fully 1.00
lower. Cows 1.00-2.00 lower
compared to late last week.
Bulls mostly 2.00 higher.
Supply Good and Choice 950-
1200 lb. steers YG 24 with
near 25 percent heifers, 30
percent cows and balance
largely feeder cattle.
Several part loads Choice,
including Prime, 1075-1150
lbs. YG 2-4- 45.50-45.75.
Choice 950-1200 lbs. YG 24
43.0045.00, closing mostly
43.0044.50. Mixed Good and
Choice 900-1200 lbs. 41.00-
43.00. Good 38.0042.00.
Standard and good holsteins
1000 to 1400 lbs. 35.0038.00.
Choice 800-1000 lbs. YG 24
42.0044.25, dosing mostly
42.0043.50. Mixed Good and
Choice dosing \ 39.0042.00.
Good 36.0033.50.
COWS; Utility and
Commercial dosing 20.00-
23.00, few early 23.50-24.00.
Cutter 17.50-20.50. Canner
and low Cutter 13.00-17.50.
BULLS : YG 13 1100-1800
lbs. 24.0038.50, individual
holstein YG 1 2300 lbs. 27.00.
Greencastle, PA
November 17,1975
CATTLE 168. Compared
with last Monday’s market,
slaughter, cows steady to
strong. One Good slaughter l
steer at 39.00, few Standard
30.5038.85, few Utility 23.10-
26.25. Few Utility slaughter
heifers 24.00-26.25. Utility &'
High Dressing Cutter
slaughter cows 23.50-24.85,
few 26.25, Cutters 21.00-23.10,
few Canners 18.85-20.75,
Shells down to 16.60. Few
Yield Grade No. 1 1400-1450
lbs. daughter bulls 25.85-
29.85, couple yield grade No.
2 980 and 1330 lbs. 21.75 and
23.75. Few Good & Choice
450315 lbs. feeder steers
CALVES 206. Vealers
grading Utility steady to $3
higher. Few Choice vealers
50.0033.50, few Good 40.00-
44.00, Standard 27.5034.00,
Utility 90-120 lbs. 22.50-26.50,
7035 lbs. 17.50-22.50. Farm
calves, holstein bulls 90-115
lbs. 23.00-28.00.
HOGS 40. US No. 13 215-
225 lbs. barrows & gilts 52.00-
52.50, No. 23 215-250 lbs.
50.0031.00. Few US No. 13
285450 lbs. sows 45.0048.50.
13 3545 lbs. feeder pigs
22.00-28.00 per head, few
Utility 2530 lbs. 14.50-15.00
per bead.
SHEEP 12. Few Utility &
Good 70-90 lbs. wooled
slaughter lambs 28.0037.50.
auction news
Nov. 20,1975
Thursday Feeder
Cattle Auction
Estimated Receipts 5,900
Same day last week 10,491
Trade fairly active, feeder
cattle uneven; feeder steers
under 900 lb. mostly 1.00-2.00
lower, steers oyer 500 lb.
steady to firm. Feeder
heifers under 500 lb. mostly
steady to weak, weights over
500 lb.- steady to firm.
Majority receipts mixed
good and choice and choice
300-700 lb. feeder cattle.
Moderate attendance
Choice 300-400 lb. 35.00-40.00,
bulk 36.00-37.50; 400-500 lb.
36.0039.50, part load 412 lb.
41.20; 500-600 lb. 37.0041.50,
mostly 38.0041.00; 600-750 lb.
36.0041.00; mixed Good and
Choice 300500 lb. 31.2035.50,
bulk 33.0035.00; 500-887 lb.
33.0037.50; Good 300500 lb.
Choice 300400 lb. 24.0029.00,
bulk 26.0028.50; 400500 lb.
25.5028.25, couple package
477498 lb. 30.2030.80; 500750
lb. 28.0033.25, largely 30.75-
33.00; mixed Good and
Choice 300500 lb. 23.0025.50,
500625 lb. 24.5026.50; Good
300500 lb. 19.0023.75, bulk
.. .the new, economical, plug-up-and-go
total farrowing environment
The new SOW CASTLE by AGSTAR provides animals with
comfortable conditions they thrive on a completely protected
environment just what any good pork producer needs to save
more pigs and boost income. And, while your new SOW CASTLE
is cutting stress on animals it’s also giving you a comfortable
place to work
The SOW CASTLE comes complete with farrowing stalls,
feeders, waterers, slotted flooring, heaters, ventilators every
thing except the sows All you'll need to do when it’s delivered to
you by flat-bed truck is hook up water and electricity then start
saving more pigs Models are available in 12 and 24 foot widths
(24-foot model shown above), and lengths to 50 feet Combination
nursery/farrowmg buildings are also available Call today for
complete information, prices, and delivery date to your farm
Bank Financing & Leasing Available.
Qualifies For Tax investment Credit
RDI, Willow Street 17584
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Nov. 22,1975
Peoria Cattle usda Report
November 20
Weekly Summary
Receipts This Week 6000
Last Week 5400
Year Ago 4800
Compared with last week’s
close slaughter steers closed
firm to 50 higher. Slaughter
heifers steady to 50 lower.
Cows 50-1.50 lower. Bulls
weak to Instances 1.00 lower.
Receipts about 65 percent
slaughter steers, 25 percent
slaughter heifers, balance
mostly cows.*
Three loads choice and
prime 1135-1295 lbs. yield
grade 3-4 48.00-49.00; choice
1000-1200 lbs. yield grade 2-4
44.5047.75; load 1625 lbs.
yield grade 4 44.00; choice
950-1000 lbs. 43.00-44.50;
mixed good and choice 900-
1200 lbs. 42.0044.50; good
37.0043.00; few mostly- good
holsteins 37.5039.00.
Choice and prime 9001000
lbs. yield grade 34 44.50
44.75, near load 45.0045.50;
choice 8501000 lbs. yield
grade 24 42.5044.00; 750850
lbs. 4l.0043.00; mixed good
and choice 7501000 lbs. 35.00
41.50; good 29.0036.00.
COWS: Utility and com
mercial 18.00-21.00, high
dressing utility 22.5023.00;
cutter 15.00-20.00; canner
{~ Please Send Me Information on
□ Calf Castle
D Sow Castle
Nov. 17,1975
CATTLE 400. Slaughter
steers & heifers firm to $1
higher. Cows SO cents to $1
<•. higher. Bulls $1 to $2 higher.
STEERS: Several Choice
yield grade 3-4 1040-1085 lbs.
46.00- few Good &
Choice 1070-1270 lbs. 44.75-
45.50, Good yield grade 2-4
1075-1340 lbs. 39.25-43.00,
several Good holsteins 38.00-
38.50, Standard & Low Good
HEIFERS: Good & Choice
yield grade 2-4 900-1000 lbs.
40.0042.00, few Good 750-1000
lbs. 34.25-35.50. COWS:
Utility & Commercial 23.00-
27.10, Cutters 19.00-23.35,
Canner & Low Cutters 16.00-
19.00. BULLS: Yield Grade
No. 1 1250-1770 lbs. 27.00-
32.75, one at 34.75; yield
grade No. 2 1000-1335 lbs.
24.00- FEEDER
CATTLE: Few Choice steers
850-1090 lbs. 38.00-38.75,
package 450 lbs. at 36.00,
Good & Choice 740075 lbs.
34.0037.00; Good & Choice
heifers 300500 lbs. 22.50-
24.75, few 500 lbs. 26.00-27.00;.
Good & Choice bulls calves
350-500 lbs. 24.00-27.00.
HOGS6SO. Barrows & Gilts
steady. US No. 1-3 200-240
lbs. mostly 52.00, 100 head
52.25, 85 head 52.50, No. 2-3
230-260 lbs. 51.50-52.00, No. 2-
4 250-280 lbs. 50.5051.50.
□ Pig Castle
□ Hog Castle