Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 22, 1975, Image 53
Want to find a new recipe? . Read Home on the Range BEEFALO HYBRID CATTLE BEEFALO - IfS GREAT - Rapid gains on grass and roughage - 55-65 lb. Births - up to 1100 lb. yearling - Test data show 62 percent carcass dress out - We stock and distribute Pureblood Beefalo Semen and Half-Blood Beefalo heifers and bulls. - Visit our farm and see our animals. BEEFALO N«J 4270 Quakerbridge Road Princeton, NJ 609-896-0336 Member World Beefalo Association BOU-MATIC OFFERS YOU MORE YOUR NO. 1 MILKER NATIONWIDE A milking system for any size herd programmed for top results. Less Mastitis, better udder quality, more gentle milking, equals higher milk production. H-Pall milkers (Electric or vacuum pulsator) + Polygon Parlors +Pipeline for stall barns +Auto Detachers +Herringbone Parlors Inquiries invited from outlying areas. Several used pipelines in stock. COMPLETE PROGRAM SALES - INSTALLATION - SERVICE SHENK’S FARM SOI E* WOODS DRIVE, LITRTZ, DA 17543 PHONE (717) 636-1151 COME NOW LET'S TALK TURKEY SEE US FOR YOUR BULK TANK NEEDS Used Tanks in stock 800 Gal. Mojonnier 800 Gal. Esco 500 Gal. Zero (Vacuum) 425 Gal. Esco $400.00 400 Gal. Mueller (Vacuum) 400 Gal. Jamesway D 2-300 Gal. Girton Several used Pipeline milking systems 24-Hour Service Offered Bears must be tagged Bear hunter* are pen or pencil and a piece of reminded again of Penn- heavy atring or wire, aylvanfa'a requirements Before any bear lawfully concerning the lagging and taken may be possessed for reporting of bruins har- more than 24 hours, It shall vested during the one-day be presented to an officer of season on Monday, the Game Commission for November 24. examination. The hunter will Each person who kills a bear must, within one hour, and before transporting or moving the carcass in any manner from where it was killed, prepare and attach to the bruin a home-made tag on which is recorded, the person’s name, address, hunting license number, and time, date and county where killed. Those who plan to bunt bear would do well to take with them a piece of card board or other material on which the required in formation can be written. Hunters should also carry a +Carousel Parlors be required to give to the officer certain information concerning the harvesting of the bruin. A metal tag, supplied by the Game Commission, will be attached to the head of the bear. The tag shall remain permanently attached to the head, or until the head has been tanned or mounted. A number of bear check stations will be operated by the Game Commission for the convenience of sport smen. This year, Game Commission personnel are hoping that they can examine bears at these check stations before the entrails have been removed. YOlfe NO. 1 STOP FOR LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT THIS IS THE BEST PUMP FOR PROBLEM PITS Husky Trailer Mounted Pumps 8-10-12 Ft. 3 point Hitch Mounted Pumps Tanks - 1250 gal. 1875 gal. Tandem 2500 gal. Tandem 3000 gal. Tandem USED LIQUID EQUIPMENT (4) Liquid. Manure Pumps 8' -10’ -11’ -12’ (-1) 1875 Gal. Liquid Manure Spreader, Truck Mount. LIQUID MANURE SPREADER with Plow Down Attachment SERVICE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 22,1975 Silver Spurs meet The November meeting of the Silver Spurs 4-H Horse and Pony Club was held at the home of Sue Baker. The club will be going to Valley Lea Riding Club later in the month. Members were reminded of the 4-H Horse Banquet to be held Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center. The next meeting will be held January 2 at the home of Beth Robbins. In Hungary at one time only a man who had slain a Turk might wear a feather. HUSKY C 72 LIQUID MANURE PUMP A 31 m "BETTERBILT” Vacuum Spreaders Model 800 gal.; 1100 gal.; 1500 gal.; 2100 gal.; 3100 gal. Farm Women (Continutd from Pt|* S2| hinged on the keynote ad dress Tuesday, when Slater Thomas More Bertels, Wlsconson Woman For Agriculture, told the (arm women that farmers need to develop power and that government is ganging up on coops. She had also suggested that the Secretary of Agriculture represents only the President, not the farmer, since he’s an ap pointed official. In her prepared speech the agriculture official noted that the consumer “in his frustration” Is placing much blame for high prices on the middleman and seeks to by pass him through neigh borhood co-ops, farmers markets, home gardens and home canning. She expects this trend to increase. Mrs. Steorts referred her audiance to a government study, “Food Labeling, Goals, Shortcomings and Proposed Changes” that indicate present food labeling practices are farily good but need imporvement. She did not indicate what the cost factor of this service would add to the package. She requested comments on a proposal her depart ment has made of grading fresh fruit and vegetables. The proposed categories are; (1) US Fancy; (2) US 1; (3) US 2; and (4) US 3. Mrs. Steorts said that a department wide consumer representation plan has been drawn up and will be an nounced soon by President Ford which would include consumers in the decision making process across the board in the various of the Department. She urged the women to obtain copies and be ready to testify in one of the 10 major city bearings planned. Attending from this region were Joyce and Naomi Supp, Linda Beck, Gert Hultz, Erma Wales, Aelwnw Martin, Mary Marsteller, Dorcas Leckrone, Naomi and Joanne Spahr, Florence Sprenkle, Alberta Strine, Dolly Pickel, Reba Ranck, Elinor Markey, Treva Markey, Mable Eishel, Martha Hershey, Miriam Brubaker, Elsie Melllnger, Reba Webb, Betty Mar steller, Viola Wilson, Gail McPherson and Ethel Gross who planned the trip. By Gail McPherson York County. COMPLETE FARM PAINTING We Use Quality PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON!! AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray-On and Brush-In Method * Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE- ESH SPRAY PAINTING (DameiS Esh) (C Ralph Miller) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER BOX 350 A RONKS PA 53 17572