Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 22, 1975, Image 5

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    LANCASTER 299-2561
701 Beef Starter
t..e proper start for
your new arrivals
Pennfield #7Ol Beef Starter is scientifically formulated to maintain growth
and weight gains, in your newly-arrived cattle ... a proven medicated aid
in this weight-gain maintenance and an aid in preventing respiratory diseases
such as shipping fever.
We recommend feeding #7Ol Beef Starter at a rate of 5 pounds per
head per day for the first 28 days.
Call Pennfield today, order #7Ol and get your new arrivals off to a
healthy start.
pennfield feeds
711 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604
YORK 854-7867
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Nov. 22.1975
RED LION 244-4511