Home On The Range \ f We’ve received quite ■ few requeeti for recipee end we hope you'll help ue out. One reader from Lebanon County would like to know bow to dry com and string been*. If you know the procedure why not ahare It with this reader. We’ve also had several requests for the Watergate Salad which is made with pistachio pudding. We’d like your help on this one! We’re anxious to receive some recipes for special Christmas cookies and desserts. If you have a favorite send it along to us. And we’ll send you a brightly decorated potholder! Ad dress recipes to: Recipe Exchange-Women’s Editor; Lancaster Fanning, Box 266, Lititz, PA 17543. We’ll be waiting to hear from you! WHAT IS IT COSTING YOU TO MAKE 100 LBS. OF MILK? Valuing hay at $BO.OO per ton, corn silage at $20.00 per ton, ear corn at $BO.OO per ton, and protein supplement at $200.00 per ton. We do not insist on feeding soybean meal. We will balance any protein supplement into your ration. We are using the average 12 cents a cow per day for mineral. Your mineral cost may be more or less depending on what you feed and how you fertilize your soil. Type of Feed Hay Ear Corn Protein Su dement Custom Minerals Total Feed Cost $1,655 $1,655 Lbs. of Milk, per day 40 50 Feed Cost to make 100 lbs. ofrnilk $4 $3.31 type of Feed Ha' Custom Minerals Total Feed Cost Lbs. of Milk per Day Feed cost to make 100 lbs. of milk is not magic. It is only a tool to help farmers get a true value of their feed, and how to feed it accordingly. This true feed balance will make more milk, higher butterfat, and better herd health. This all adds up to more money in your bank account at the end of the year. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE 717-285-5422 SO. LANC. COUNTY Robert Kreider 717-569-6042 NO. LANC. CO. Raymond Weiler 717-733-4302 Hearty Vegetable Soap 1 quart celery 1 quart lima beana 1 quart carrot* 1 quart onions 1 quart soup beans 1 quart com beans 1 quart com 1 quart potatoes 1 quart string beans 1 cup spaghetti Vi quart peas 3 peppers 1 pound Hamburg 5 quarts tomato seasoned Cook each separate. Add to boiling tomato Juice. Cold pack 15 minutes. Makes 23 pints. Rebecca K. Fisher Oxford, PA Your EEMD! dealers think it is costing most farmers too much money for feed to make each 100 lbs. of milk. Check it out for yourself. How much hay or haylage do you feed a day? How much corn silage, and grain? How- many special additives such as vitamins, minerals, and enzymes do you feed? Here are a few examples of what imn dealers are doing for their customers. Cost Per Cost Per Pounds Total Ton Pound Feed Cost $BO.OO .04 180.00 Cost Per Cost Per Pounds Total Ton Pound Feed Cost .04 $BO.OO .04 LEBANON CO. Clarence Weiler Richard Breckbill 717-866-6710 215-932-3307 ADAMS COUNTY PERRY. JUNIATA, York CO. UNION t SNYDER CO’S. Bair’s Mill Norman Brouse Wnghtsv.lle.PA 717-524-5454 717-252-31-14 Delicious . Pumpkin Cooklss Cream 3 cups sugar and IV4 cups oil with 2 eggs and 3 cupa of cooked pumpkin, Sift: 3Mi cupa bread flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 teaapoona aoda 2 teaapoona aalt 1 teaspoon nutmeg 3 teaapoona cinnamon Mi teaspoon ginger 4 teaapoon cloves Mix with above and drop by teaspoons on greased baking sheets. Bake 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Ice with caramel frosting. Caramel Frosting 1 cup brown sugar V« cup milk Vt cup butter juice 1%-2 cups sifted con fectioners Sugar Melt butter and add brown sugar, cook over low heat for 2 minutes, stirring con- 63 .26 33 .12 .80 20 !eo .12 $1.72 50 $3.44 $1.72 40 $4.30 IM-PBUV-ALL CHESTER CO. stantly. Add milk and con tinue stirring until it comes to a boil. Remove from heat and cool. Add sugar until right consistency to spread. Sylvia Swarey Peach Bottom, PA XXX Golden Sunshine Cake 5 egg yolks one-third cup cold water IMi cups sifted sugar IMi cups sifted cake flour V 4 teaspoon salt teaspoon cream of tartar egg whites teaapoon vanilla Beat egg yolks, vanilla until thick. Add water and beat. Add % cup sugar and blend in well. Sift flour and add remaining sugar and salt. Beat egg whites and add cream of tartar beating well. Fold whites into yolk mix ture. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Bake in an angel food cake pan. Barbeque Sauce one-third cup chopped onions 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup catsup one-third cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons brown sugar % cup water 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce V* teaspoon pepper and salt Slowly cook onions in butter until tender. Add remaining ingredients. Cover and boil slow, until sauce is thick. Boil chicken till done. Arrange chicken on a cookie sheet and cover with sauce. Bake in oven for about Vz hour or until brown. Bake at 350 degrees. Cook two pounds of raisins in a very little water and cool. Mix together 5% pounds of flour; 2 pounds white sugar; 1 teaspoon salt and 1 pound shortening. Add raisins and add 5 beaten eggs and 1 pint of mild molasses. Put three tablespoons soda in a cup and add % cup boiling water, mix and add to the above mixture. Mix thoroughly. Cool the dough. Make along roll 2 inches in $1,655 60 $2.76 $1.72 60 $2.87 DEALER Emma Fisher Paradise, PA XXX vinegar teaspoons prepared mustard Della Swinefaart Cochran ville, PA XXX Family life Cookies Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 22.1975^- Fulton Grange plans Farm-Gty Week The November 10 Fulton Quarryvllle Jaycees will Grange M meeting was fP®** „°" y f c . c Ac .* called to order by Master • MrB, Virginia Beck Thomas Galbreath. Frank render a vocal solo and Aument was selected to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas represent Fulton Grange at give a report the Health Center Advisory on the IWth annual session of Committee meeting. A Pa held in resolution was ' read .. in Lancaster Oct* 27-30. memory of Mrs. Esther women s* c j es Brown. After much committee will conduct a discussion, the trustees were Thanksgiving bread baking assigned to look into prices CQnt est and are asking on a new water pumping men ?bcrs to bring either system. cranberry or pumpkin bread Mrs. Edna Groff was w jjich will be judged and appointed Womens Activity P™® 3 Committee chairman, Grange chorus will assisted by Mrs. Rebecca rehearsal after the Quinn, Mrs. Helen Heim and me *tmg Mrs. Libby Long. Appointed Youth Committee chairman was Dave Hanks. Lecturer Mrs. Laura McSparren presented Miss Janet Jackson, Miss Solanco contestant sponsored by Fulton Grange, who played three selections on her harp. A poem was read by Mrs. Hazel Aument on Veterans Day. Slides of local churches were shown by Norman Wood while Miss Rebecca Kirk told of the various church histories. Cranberry or pumpkin bread are to be baked for the contest at the next meeting. Everyone is invited to participate. Fulton Grange 66 will observe Farm City Week at the Nov. 24 meeting to be held at the Grange Hall in Oakryn at 8 p.m. David Ellenberg, president of the diameter. Lay the two rolls lengthwise on a cookie sheet. Flatten in % inch. Brush the top with beaten eggs. Bake at 350 degrees and let cool then cut into bars. When storing put wax paper bet ween layers. These cookies are best after being kept several days. Susan Oberholtzer Leola, PA Chicks on the rise HARRISBURG - Poultry production is on the rise again in Pennsylvania, according to the Crop Reporting Service. Placements of broiler chicks in the Commonwealth during the week ending November 8, were 1,271,000. This represents an increase of 19 percent above the corresponding week a year ago and a one percent decrease from the previous week. Average placements during the past 10 weeks were 11 percent above a year ago. In the 21 key poultry producing states, placements were 52,601,000. This represents an increase of 10 percent above tile same week a year ago and an eight percent increase above last week. Average placements in the 21 key poultry producing states during the past 10 weeks were 13 percent above a year ago. 49
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