COAL & WOOD STOVES IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OR EARLY ORDER LAYAWAY Warm Ufa mng coal heater Only a ganutna Warm Morning ha* tha famous patantad 4-floa flrabrick construction that turns coal Into glowing coka... haats 24 hours or more without refueling. The lit t|a extra a Warm Morning costs originally is repaid over and over again in sat isfaction and fuel savings! Side doors open for quick MODEL 523 - Fines) Blued radiant heat release Thermostat Steel Raifiant fives even temperature control Here's the quality leader in its Holds 100 lbs of coal - field' Holds 100 fbs of coal provides ample heating for up to Ample heat for up to five rooms six rooms' Has many features combined in no other coal heater MODEL 617 - 60 Pounds Capacity The new 701 gives you longer testing per formance. ..makes ask removal a breeze! ' With Model 701 you also enjoy these great WARM MORNING features: PORCELAIN ENAMEL FINISH . . . AUTOMATIC THERMOSTAT . . .* FORCED AIR BLOWER (optional)...HOLDS 26' WOOD LENGTHS... FIREBRICK LINED FIREBOX...LARGE SLIDING DOOR. LOWCMT r"* 3®<r. ! W. , ■ :-.^w Warm Morning GAS HEATERS Spread a CARPET OF WARMTH over the floors of your home. “TOP-0-MATIC” CONTROLS save bending or stooping to A (g/i\§ HEATERS adjust temperature or blower. \F STORE HOURS: MON. thru SAT. 8 to 5 TUES.&FRI. till 8:30 Coleman Center 85 Old Leacocß Rd. R.D.I Ranks, Pa. MODEL 400 - America’s Finest Coal Qrcuiatori The ulbmate in luxury heabng with coal or coke' Beaubful cabinet finished in life time porcelain enamel Front feed door permits "no-spill' filling HEATING with CLEAN, SAFE, CONVENIENT and gm UNCASTER 3i OLD LEACOCK RD,/. „ U01S( LEACOCK COLEMAN mutuum Farm Women Societies Berks Co. Society 1 The highlight of our November meeting held at the home of Ellen Snyder was the making of a leaded glass Christinas tree by each member. Two ladies from Group 9 gave instructions and showed us how to make the ornaments. The business meeting followed. Roll call was an* sered by members telling how they intend to spend Thanksgiving Day and also what they are most thankful for. Christmas gifts will be given to a local family and to a blind girl in the com munity. For the State Convention held in Harrisburg January 5 - 6 we must have two members serve as ushers. Also our Comity President, a member of our group will be one of the Hostesses-at the Tea. We were reminded of the coming Bingo Party at Berks Heim, also bed pads and, articles for their handicrafts arc needed. Our bus trip to see the Christmas Pageant in New York City is November 25. The bus will leave Oley at 6:15 in the morning. Our Christmas Party, with ' our husbands as guests, will' be held December 3rd at the Exeter Diner. Try A Classified Ad It Pays! mmmmn ISP GAS «g|c Now you con do your laun- dry with the hot water you need ... any time you want it... and dry your clothes efficiently with no damage to your budget. Cali. We’re there when you need us. Enjoy Hot Water! AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE 397-4954 Society 3 Society of Farm Women Group 3 of Lancaster Co. met Saturday Nov. IS at the home of Mrs. Melvin Nolt, Ephrata. This was “Creative Day". The members had on display articles they make or told of hobbies they pursue. Several members wore dresses thay have created for the Bi- Centennial year. During the business meeting conducted by the president, Mrs. Jesse Balmer, a contribution of $5O was given to L.A.R.C. Our adopted daughter at The Hamburg State School will be remembered during the Holidays with visits and gifts. A report on the recent County Convention of Farm Women was given by Mrs. Jesse Balmer. Sunday, Nov. 16, members and their families were entertained at the Mt. Airy Fire Co. Hall at a family dinner. Die arrangements were in charge of the program committee, Mrs. Robert Gregory, Mrs. Walter Trumbaurer, Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. Walter Shaub, Mrs. Wm. Eberiy_& Mrs. Lloyd Martin. During the afternoon modpodge Christmas tree ornaments were made. Mrs. Leon Weit, Ephrata, entertained with a demon stration on spinning. She demonstrated spinning onboth the drop spindle and with the spinning wheel. She spun with wool, flax, silk and cotton. She also had on y Wash It, Dry 1t... The Low Cost Woy Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 22,1975- display articles which she Mrs. Rothenberger has spun the yarn and woven showed how to make a the fabrics. wreath with greens and Mrs The next meeting will be a Taylor had a com husk Christmas party for wreath and tree ornaments members and their children, she mode on display, Dec. 20 at Salem Lutheran The next meeting on Church, Ephrata. Mrs. Earl December 2 will be a Miller and Mrs. Jay Miller Christmas Party in the home will be the hostesses. Chlpso Mrs. Charlotte Maugcr, the Clown will entertain the BcchlelsviUe. children. Society 10 Farm Women Society 10 held a meeting in the Refton Fire Hall with Patricia 0. Reed as the speaker. Mias Reed is the Director of the Conestoga Cottage since August. She gave a very informative talk relative to the operation of the home for delinguent girls. The President, Mrs. Jay Habecker, and Mrs. Mary Habecker, and Mrs. Charles Shank will serve delegates to the State Convention in Harrisburg, in January. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Stauffer, Lime Spring Farm, Rohrerstown, Instead of an exchange of gifts, each member will donate money to be given to a worthy organization. Berks Co. Society 4 Berks County Soceity of Farm Women Group 4 met at the home of Mrs. Jean Waldo, Boyertown, R 4. Twelve members and a guest, Mrs. Ruth McMullen, answered the roll call, “A Craft I’d like To Try.” The resignation of vice president, Mrs. Katharine Harrison was accepted. Mrs. Waldo will fill her term. Mrs. Elsie Rothenberger was named to the program committee while Mrs. Edna Angstadt and Mrs. Georganne Fullerton were added to the ways and means. Plans for the State Con vention in Harrisburg on January 5 or 6 were made. For Your Fall Table or Gifting illustrated Is the extensive Dlnnerwam Department of W L Zimmerman l Sons Department Store In Intercourse, Pa. Fitly patterns am stocked and are in complete seta or “open stock" places which can be bought separately 'All patterns are underglaze dishwasher-proof The drawingfor the 51 door prize names was accomplished Saturday afternoon and names are posted in our stores and published elsewhere in this issue. For Your Tobacco Crop This is the place to buy Spring TOBACCO PAPFR TOBACCO MUSLIN m cotton or nylon, In Large and Small Rolls Michigan Peat, etc Ask for advance information. W. L. ZIMMERMAN & SONS On account of Thanksgiving our store will be open until 5:30 P.M. Wed., Nov 26. INTERCOURSE, PA Ph: 717-761-1291 Open Thurs. Wl 8, Fn fail 9 Society 22 A meeting of Farm Women Society 22 was recently held at the home of Mrs. Cloyd Wenger, 1804 Pioneer Road, Lancaster. Thirty-two members were in at tendance. ,Mrs. Lloyd Herr in structed a class in decoupage. Following lunch, Mrs. Henry Hess, president, conducted the business meeting. She thanked all her officers for the fine Job they had done in the past year. Mrs. Harold Rank gave a report on the Fall Con vention. Mrs. Melvin Martin gave a report on a recent visit of our Society to the State Hospital at Harrisburg. The next meeting will be held Dec. 9 at 7 pjn. in the Lampeter Fire House. Home made gifts will be ex changed. Society 19 The Society of Farm Women 19 met recently at the home of Mrs. H. Clarence Newcomer, 1791 Wicker sham Lane, Lancaster. Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Robert Spahr. Mrs. Ross Weaver, president presided at the meeting. Society 19 had a food stand at Homemaker’s Day at the Farm and Home Center, November 13. A contribution of $lO.OO was given to LARC. Sue Reese spoke and showed slides on ■“Decorating Your Indoor World With Carpet.” A Christmas Banquet for members and their husbands will be held Saturday, December 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Boom of the Willow Valley Motor Inn. 45
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