Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 22, 1975, Image 37
r Cfunuu FA* MAIMS > Caaba Couwfy • 152 Acra Grain Farm near State Cottage; suitable (or hog or beef operabon, «xceO«nt level limestone soil, (ood bink barn I outbuildings, iodd brick home btrtll in 1163. 3230.000 with liberal terms Caaba Clarity • Near Sayres Dam. 189 ecres ailh timber valui. excellent hunting fishing and donation Only 3350 par Kra with (amt ■air Cewwty • Fina Dairy Farm. 214 acm axealtant buildings stanchion barn. Rac Holstein Hod with rolling herd avg of over 15.000 Rn mlk Full bne of |ood equipment Packaia price with food terms) (Man Caawty ■ 324 acra dairy farm (247 acres bllabla). 2 goqd houses. 2 bams, 60' silo with bunk leader, free stalls, excellent water supply, low taxes, priced under 31.000 per acre with 7 percent terms HweingdM County • 293 acm (250 bllabla) excellent limestone soil, high productivity. 2 houses. 2 creaks, large barn, several miles road frontage 3225.000 25 miles from Penn State Hwftwden County -146 acre Dairy farm. 120 acres tillable, small stream. 40 stab barn, gutter cleaner, silo. 4 bedroom home 3120.000 with terms Mala County 180 acres. 125 tillable with silt loam soil, ideal (or beef operation, renovated 4 bedroom stone farm house, 1 mile of Tuscarora creek on property Barn and buildings in good cond 3165.000 Sold Year Farm? Looking For An Investment’ We have a Centre County 20 unit motel Excellent condition only 394.000 with modest down payment and low interest terms This property will provide a good independent income for a family FARM SALE REPRESENTATIVES Fred Strouse PH; (814) 364-1705 Dan Knode PH: (814) 635-3883 F. J. Kissinger, broker PH: (814) £.B-7308 245 South Allen St. State College PH: (814) 234-4000 “Serving Central Pa. Since 1933” YATES and SCHUYLER COUNTIES NEW YORK STATE FARMS all types and sizes. Homes. Businesses Call anytime 607-243-7410 or write: STOCKING, Broker Dundee, NY 14837 AUTHORIZED McCulloch CHAIN firmer saws fURSf^ 4t s Call Dick Bamberger CALL US - COULD BE WE HAVE IT 20% DISC ON ALUMINUI SHOVELS ANI BARN SCRAPERS. II C. B. " ■ MfERMIIiSE, PENNA. IT FAYS TO BUY AT C. B. WE HAVE SOME LEBANON CX)UNTY 40 Acres with large frame house. 30 Acres with brick mansion BERKSCOUNTY 119 Acres Dairy, modem home, 43 stanchions, two silos. This farm adjoins the Auto-Truck plaza No. 78 on Rts. 645 & off of Rt. 78. No local zoning restrictions. 130 General farm, 2 streams, large double house. CLINTON COUNTY 146 Acres Beef Farm reduced to $125,000. MONTGOMERY COUNTY 52 Acres Dairy Farm. BUCKSCOUNTY 43 Acres Gentleman’s Farm, 28 Acres woods. JUNIATA COUNTY NEAR LIVERPOOL - 95 Acres Dairy SNYDERCOUNTY 50 Acres about % tillable. CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMANN, REALTOR 734 Main Street Akron, PA Office Phone 717-859-1004 717-733-1224 58 Acres Firmland with 2600 feet road frontage in Lower Chanceford Township Approximately 45 Acres tillable, balance woodland with spring which could be cleared and farmed Just l'/i mile South of Norman Wood Bridge 560,000 00 LANCASTER COUNTY FARMS 105 Acre Beef Farm in East Drumore Township 95 Acre Fully Equipped Steer Farm in Drumore Township 240 Acre Dairy Farm in Fulton Township 189 Acre Dairy Farm Coleram Township 265 Acre Dairy Farm in Fulton Township 51 Acre Dairy Farm with 28 stanchions, 65 foot bunk feeder, wagon shed, and corn crib Stone Tlouse with 5 rooms and bath 2 miles North of Lower Oxford Township $2500 per Acre HOOBER & SON. YOUR COMPLETE FARM EQUIPMENT CENTER. SPECIAL PRICES ON SHREDDERS & PLOWS. Used Equipment 4366 4 wheel drive F 656 D Hydro F 706 D Oliver 1650 D Ford 741 F6S6G FSS6 D (all sizes) Artsway Mixer Box with scale 480 Disk Harrow 13 736 Cornhead - For 915 5.9" SttL—' 370 Disk Harrows I pr Pteker 475 Dlsk Harrow 20 2350 Loader ft. 5-9" 710 Plow - 4F - 16” 1066 w-Cab Farmall 200 w/Mower & Blade 1466 w-Cab 700 - 5 bottom plow, Auto. icgfi w-Cab 650 Harvester w/2 Row Head RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR SETTER SERVICE Real Estate YORK COUNTY CHESTER COUNTY WAGNER Co. ttoorryvffle. Pa. 17566 Bailors (717) 786-2131 or 786-3020 Grain truck 4000 International, twin screw, 34 ft. grain trailer. *5800.00 HOOBER & SON 768-8231 WE ARE NOW AN AUTHORIZED UPS STATION Real Estate 215 West Fourth Street farm Milk tooling Tanks New Equipment 650 Forage Har vester w-2 Row Head 710 Plows just received carload Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Nov. 22,1975 NITTANY VALLEY CLINTON COUNTY Near Mackeyvillo. Pa 114 Acre dairy farm with 84 acres tillable and 30 acres pasture, good producer, 1250 lb. milk per day with 31 cows milking, new milk house, 500 gal milk tank in cluded in sale 2 corn barns, machinery shed, barn and silo. Nice home with large family style kitchen, 38 milking cows can be purchased but not included in sale AlL.this for only $129,500. REPRESENTATIVE - E. G. ROHRER 717-657-S3AS ROBERT E. PLANK REALTOR 717-393 1384 PRODUCTIVE FARMS - YOUR CHOICE 180 Acre Dairy Farm, good buildings, stream, very productive for com, alfalfa and soy beans. Armstrong Valley, Dauphin County. 109 Acre Hog or Beef Farm with stream, very nice remodeled home. Quiet living place in Lykens Valley. 116 Acre Farm, excellent for horses or beef. Home tastefully remodeled. 20 z 40 diving pool. Twenty minutes from Penn National Race Track. 160 Acre Farm Hagerstown Loam in the heart of Lebanon Valley. Zoned industrial. Stone home and 1.7 miles road frontage. * WE NEED MORE FARMS FOR BUYERS* -SLAUGIi. mumEtisrant O i-ri REALTORS “ MJ-insurors Phone 733-6556 Jesse D. Ziegler, Associate Phone 838-1257 Waiver of finance (expires Nov. 30, 1975) on New tractors & Implements (purchased w/a tractor) till March 1, 1976. ASK US FOR A QUOTE ON LANCASTER SILOS Now is the time to buy your silo for next year. LEROY ZOOK 37 *