Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 22, 1975, Image 34
P«H Purebred Duroc Boara, For Sale • Irish Setter*, AKC service age from excellent Krjtiatercd. 9 weeka old. mldweatern bloodline*, excellent Chrtatmaa Heavy boned and fast proacnU 7170M-91M. gaining. 717-733-MM, AKC Kecthood male dog. very friendly with children $20.00 Moses K. Click, Quarryvlllc RD3. along May Post Office Ud F,dcn Dr. 17566 Livestock For Sole For Sale - 60 good ouallty » Angus-cross heifers. Ready for the feedlot. Priced right, livestock (or Sale - Reg. Call weekdays 9to 5 I 252- Holstein Bulls; one year old 1536 or any evening 1-252- and younger • out of dams 3935 with records to 24,000 M it 900 lbs. B.F. Stump Acres 717-792-3216 (York Co.) Milk cow. beautiful 2 year heifer Hoiatein with calf by its side, for home or dairy. From thorobred herd. Produces plenty of milk. 1 to 20 acres of Corn Silage $250. per acre. Call 215-286-5440. For Sale - Chester White and Poland China bred sdws and gilts. Boars and Open Gilts. James Parlett. Phone 717- 862-3610. Airville, Pa. Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gQts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm R 2, Strasburg, Pa. 717- 786-2562. Registered Hampshire and Yorkshire boars and gQts. Preston Bankert, RD3, Red Lion, Pa. 17356. 717-244-1244. Duroc Breeding Stock. LAWRENCE ARNOLD RDlßox4o2 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 717-272-2179 LIVESTOCK INSURANCE J. ROHRER WITHER, 717-464-2628 For Sale mm World's Largest C; ■ Cows with calves at si • Bred and Open Heife TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-/86-2146 Wisconsin HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS Financing available in local area. S.K. Norman RDI LEBANON, PA. 717-8664208 Livestock For Solt Hamnahlre and Yorkahirc Service Age Boars and GUts from certified meat type breeding. Contact Jonn Stmvrbridge, Stewartortown, Pa. 17363. Phone 301-996- 2022. For Sale • Charolais-Angus cross bull, 13 mos. old Weighs approx. 1,000 lbs. 216- For Sale - 5 Registered Penn State Ivannoe Star daughters with records up to 16,363 lbs. milk, 3.8 percent test, 619 lbs. Fat at 3 yrs. of age. 3 are from EX and VG Dams with records up to 22,390 lbs. Milk, 780 lbs. Tat. Deep Pedigrees. John Unble, RDI, Atglen, Pa. 215-593- 5756. For Sale - 28 beef cattle herd consisting of Hereford- Holstein cross, cows, calves, and steers of various ages. Call 717-925-6970. Are you tired of paying $l5O to $2OO or more per ton for fertilizer? Try ary poultry manure fresh from the broiler houses. Delivered and dumped on your farm in 8 to 16 ton loads within 50 miles of Lancaster. You can S 8 to 100 tons. Next very in Nov-Dec. $25.00 per ton delivered. Write Box 27, Strasburg, Pa. 17579. AGENT 717-786-2201 1975 Livestock For Solo Charolals-Rcglstcred Purebred! bred and »e looted for Fertility, Calving ease, Milking ability, Gainablllty, Disposition, and Con* formation. John W. Stump, Gearmont Mill Road, Street, Maryland 21154. Phone 301- 4524700. Wanted - Herd of young cows in good flow of milk. PH; 717- 868-4206 Registered Holstein heifer - Sired by Walhowdon President Vcrmon Will be fresh soon by a son of Elevation. PH: 215-678-7813. Registered Suffolk Ram lamb. Bom Jan. 78. Approx. 180 lbs. Shown at several State & local fairs, fIOO. Milton K. Morgan, (717)393- 2327. For Sale - Herd of Hereford cows bred to Charolais bull 18, Blood tested. Charolais bull for sale. Call 215-689- 5138. 2 SimmenUfl cows, % bloods $375.00 each. % calves at side, $375.00 each for calves. 1-215-367-6160 Purebred Duroc Boars and Gilts. Daily gains and days to 220 pounds are available. Confinement raised. Carcass Champions at recent Keystone Expo and Eastern National livestock Shows. Dutch Valley Farms, R 5, Maaheim, Pa. 17545, Mark Nestleroth 717-665-6220. For Sale - Two Reg. Springing heifers, 2 years old, phone 717-733-6081. 40 HEAD OF BLACKANGUS FEEDERS Top choice and Prim* Heifars and Steers. Weaned and on grain and grass. Approx. 300 to 500 lbs. Delmar Brandt KOI, BemviDe, PA 19506 Ph: 215-4886976 For Sale - Registered Quarter Horses aQ ages. Stallions at Stud. Jen-Air Acres, Route 2, Bernville, Pa. 215-488-6914. Feed & Seed For Sale - Ear Com. 717-548- 2618 Robert McSparran. • MULCH HAY 5 WANTED I : HAULING CAN : BE ARRANGED CALL 215-268-8258 Livestock For Sola FORSALE Started Holstein Heifer calves. One or 75. These heifers are well started and healthy. Alao Wanted to Boy 3 day old heifer calves, registered or grade. Must be at least <9O lbs. at birth and be fed colostrum 3 days. Must be from up standing dam with good udder. Phone 215489- 9896. Harold E. Dice, Yellow House, Pa HEAVY-BONED YORKSHIRE SERVICE AGE BOARS FOR SALE. Raised in group lots lor commercial producers Delivery available Write or cal LEON L ARNOLD I24SE.Cuab«IMdSL Lebanon, f A 717-273-5110 Poultry & Supplies SHAVm LAYERS GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY RDI, PA Feed & Seed MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS • SEED WHEAT • SOY BEANS • • SEED GRAIN • FOR SALE SOYBEAN MEAL t SHELL CORN 717-354-9422 ELMER W. MARTIN RDI New Holland, PA Faulfry & Supplies For Sale • 47 Turkey Coops. Good Condition. PH: 717477- 8578. For Sale - Approximately 5,900 ft. Aluminum plastic coated watering trough for cage layer house w-hangers. Excellent condition. Make offer. PH; 717457-2592. , For Sale - Egg grader. 24 ten hole nests. Most set up back to back on 4 legs. PH; 628- 7188. 50 Case Per Hour Wyland Grader, Super 50 Stainless Steel kuhl Washer with Seymour Speed Pack, Belt Lines, Carton Closers and Turntables. Priced to Sell. Call Jim Enck, Modem Poultry Supplies, Inc. 717- 299-0828 or 717-397-6850. LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY, INC. Box 307, Elizabethtown, PA PH: (717)367-1545 Hubbard Leghorn ( DeKalb Warren Sex-Link I CHICKS & STARTER PULLETS 20 WEEKS FEB. 25 20 WEEKS FEB. L 3 Sex-Link Hubbard Laghom LOGO 10.000 FOR SALE Egg-O-Matic Egg Grader, 35 cases per hour Kuhl Egg Washer, suction pump & egg lift. 108,000 BTU Oil heater for the egg washer 2 Automatic egg collectors with nests 9 ton feed bin. HARRY R. ULRICH phone 717-534-1260 Try A Clossified Ad Services Offered If Poys! ■—-— Feed & Seed EIMD MOYER'S CHICKS, INC. Quatartown, PA Ph 215 536 3155 Now handling the Dekalb lines Dekalb-Kimbet K-137 Dekalb 231 Dekalb-Warren S. S. Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow barns, chicken houses. Will do Block and Concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509. Call driver 717-529-2992 or 215-932-2976. Apple Tree Pruning desired. Experienced in commercial and back yard work Call (215) 267-5860. Need a break? Custom milking done by experienced milker. Call Charvin Farm 717-665-7471.