Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 22, 1975, Image 33
Farm Equipment Farm Equipment Form Equipment Farm Equipment MANURE PITS 36 ft., 41 ft. end 60 ft. diameter. 12 ft. depth, cir cular precast concrete, with 2 unite coated interior.' ZIMMERMAN INDS. INC. RDI, Ephrata.Pa. 17522 Plione: 717-73M166 NEED GENERATORS? We Manufacture, Instol A Service Automatic and Manual Systems from 25 to 100 K.W. 't&S ft ** WIND ELECTRIC AW GENERATORS j, fp.\ PORTABLES OVER 30 I M \ ON STOCK. USED UNITS FOR SALE— -3 -1975 MocMs, 25 K.W. PTO Continuous Duty 1-1975 Modsl, 20 K.W. PTO Continuous Duty (Demonstrator) (Demonstrators) 1 ■ 25 K.W. PTO Wlnpower (Used) LEONARD MARTIN COMPANY 330 FONDERWHITE ROAD, LEBANON, PA 17042 PHONE: (717) 273-6478 MHHlil Hr ill Hr ill Hr Hh MESSICK FARM m Hh w Hh SPECIAL PRICES 0 ill HAYBINES AND BAL Hh m Hr ih ;Hh IN CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY. WAIVER OF FINANCE ON HAY EQUIPMENT UNTIL JUNE 1.1976. SPECIAL Model 226 Flail Attach, for 268.269,273 & 275 Balers. J L JL nr rfl nr (1) Mod. 8B Automatic Grain Dryer ih FARM EQUIPMENT INC. 2750 N. MARKET STREET PHONE 367-1319; ELIZABETHTOWN, PA JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN SPICKLER HOME 653-4560 ih ih -4* ih 4-hi in in ♦ M -fc ill 4* 197M25C Intemattooal High lift wHh 4 In 1 bvcktt. lull overtiMM, no* track, In oxcillont condition. 717-243-7160 T/P/moo _ Modal 47> Hayblna® <s» USED EQUIPMENT N.H. #8 Crop Carrier w/Third Beater 8 Roof I.H. 2MH-HD Picker w/Nc. 16 SheHcr, Mid. Brk. for Far. 460 Tnc. 10 ft. Briion Packer I.H. 710 Auto. Reset 5 Bot. 16” Plow N.H. 469 Hayblne N.H. 461 Hayblne Geld Fora** Wafon N.H. Super 23 Blower N.H. 1469 Sdf_Propellad Hayblne N.H. 36 Flail Chopper FARM FANS SPECIAL , LAWN & GARDEN Seas Rider Cadet 70 • 31" Mower Cadet ,60 Mower Cadet. 100 3T Mower MESSICK Lime k Fertilizer Spreader*. New WUlmar and boom type apreaden and a few used ones in stock. C. U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, PA 19543 215- 286-6146 HI Hr= W Hh HI Hr M EQUIPMENT INC. Famuli M With Loader I.H.C. 300 UtiSty IN Ford - Real Nice 650 Harvester w/Scretn Pickup Head Case 9 ft. offset disk Sauder Loader ' Hawk-Kit 145 Bu. Tank Spreader Midwest Ufl Harrow Fits 12 ft. Disk Int. 5 Chopper Spring Harrows -13 pt. tl4 ft. Case Spreader I.H. 401 12 ft. Spring Harrow N.H. Tank Spreader P.T.O. Ul ON STOCK. Hr-ii ih N. 1., Fox mapper head for Fox chopper. Doe* clean Job for high moisture ear com. Either alone or with chop per. Reasonable. Phone 215- 2524665. POWER Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 22,197& 1975 int. 1566 Cab & Air, 400 hrs. $19,500 or Less 1975 Int. 1466 Cab & Air, 400 hrs $17,500 or Less New 1066 No Cab. $15,250 or Less John Deere 4020 Diesel New J.D. 2130 (this is a 2630 Sold in Canada) Gleaner Model F corn-soybean special, 2 hds. J D. 4620 w-cab & air cond., 20" rubber, extra nice Oliver 1750 Diesel Oliver 1650 Gas Int. 715 Combine w-both hds. ( Good New Idea 2-row wide Pull Picker (3) Brand New 225 bu. Int. 550 Spreaders w hyd. Tail Gate $2,200 (2) New Int. 1150 Grinder-Mixers $3,140 (4) Uni-Tractors with equipment to choose from, Several Uni-Combines and several corn head, nearly new. (1) Used Mowridge No. 400 Dryer We're moving Uni-Tractors and Corn Equipment every week. But I have the connections to replace with the right kind at the right price. Compare first then buy. RAYMOND B. LEAMAN JL. TT B m IL r Willow Street RDI Phone Lancaster 464-2480 COMBINES - John Deere TRACTORS - Jonn Deere 4400 diesel low hours, 4400 (new) 8430 four wheel gas with 150 hours, 7700 drive with fully hydrostatic diesel, 6600 equipped, (new) 4430, diesel, 105, 95, 40 square 4230, used (3) 4630, (4) bade excellent, Gleaner 4430 4230 4320 with Cab 1972 G diesel fully used 500 hours like new, equipped, G gas, CTL 4620,5020,4020,3020,4010. Massey Ferguson 510 2010,630,2510,1020 diesel, diesel, 510 gas, 300. Case with Loader, 1020 gas. 1660. 1160. International Allis Chalmers (new) MS. 315,205. New Wea 701 7030 with Cab, 200 (new) with Combine, 702 with f or $13,000, used 7050,220, shelter. Also 729 A 729 210, XTI9O, D2l, Dl9. Urn shelters with 3 row case (new) 1070 with cab 30MIv equipped, used 1370 COM! HEADS * John Deere with Cab and duals, 970 643 443, with Cab, 1200 four wheel 3 H , j 24 tii? e( U2 s, one’ drive, 530 diesel. (New), 335, 334, 235, 234, 205. White 4-150 four wheel Mussey 44, 33, drive, 2-150 with Cab, 2- & 4 21 , 105 with Cab. (New) Gteaner F 335, A 330, CH Oliver 1755 price $11,800., 430 used 80 acres. Oliver used 1950 T (sold), 1855 544 ‘ 763 six (gold), 2150, 1650. Far row. 743 row, 227, maU (new) 1466, 1066,966 228. 3 row 38 for 315. with Cab, 100 hydrastatic COroi PICKERS - (2) new f or $15,000., 1066, like New Idea 2 row M and new, 1066 nydrastatic beds, 4 like new wide and 544, 560 diesel and gas, narrow row with 8 and 12 460 diesel, 656 Utility roll beds and shelters, diesel with Loader. Ford also 6 good used wide and (new) 8800 for $12,900., narrow machines with used 5000 j M 1 Massey beds and shelters, 3 row Ferguson 1150, 1100 pull picker with shelter (sold), 1080, 180, 175. New, Wea mounted with David Brown 120 0. 12 roll bed, (New) 323 one Newfield 4-65 (sold) row, also 323 one row DRILLS - John Deere FBB, Picked 25 acres, also International No. 510. shelters for mounted and pull picker. Farmall 656 with New Idea Mounted picker, Farmall 706 with 310 motor with In ternational 234 picker, also 2 M.H. John Deere 237, John Deere No. 18 (sold). Just received (new) Kill Brothers grain boxes. HARVESTERS - New Holland 770 like new, 717. John Deere 38 with 2 row head, also John Deere 38 with 244 two row for Hi moisture Cob corn. Fox 2 row with 30” head. Grove Forage wagon. New Holland 27 whirl A feed blower. Gebl Grinder mixer (sold), (new) New Idea haybine IL r (L r + lil Vil m m JL nr USED EQUIPMENT Midway between Lancaster & Quarryville off Rt. 222 |Take Brenneman Road at Graybill Bros. Garace, Reft on | PLOWS - (New) White 5X reset, (new) John Deere 4XIB, SXIB trips. All makes used 4,5, 6,7 X trips and automatic rdset, late model Oliver 8X on land hitch. John Deere and other 10,11,12, 13 chisel plows. DISCS - John Deere 1630 heavy 13 and 15 foot. Oliver 20 foot wing disc. All makes combines, corn heads. New Idea uni tractors and equipped, shellers, combines ana New Idea 2 row pull pickers. New and used, are coming in and out here daily, call for your needs. PAULSTTTZEL 734 Windsor St. Hamburg, Pa. 19526 Bos. 215-542-8377 Home 215-512-7451 33