Asst, sec. of ag. named WASHINGTON - President Ford has announced his Intention to nominate William H. Walker, m. of Brownsville, Tennessee, to be an Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. His area of responsibility will be Rural Development. He will suc ceed William W. Erwin who resigned effective July 22, 1975. Since June 1975, Mr. Walker has been Deupty Administrator of the Agriculture Marketing Service for the Deaprtment of Agriculture. He has been a self-employed fanner since 1961. He served as Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture for the State of Tennessee from 1971 to 1975. From 1969- 70 he served in the Tennessee House of Representatives. Mr. Walker was born on October 28, 1933, in Mem phis, Tennessee, and received bis B.S. degree in 1958 andhis M.S. in 1961 from the University of Tennessee. Mr. Walker is married to the former June Derryberry and they have two children. They reside in LMcLean, Virginia. LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Use Tins Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (IJlssm 01 Issues) 14 or Less $1 4t (3.36 15 1 SO 3 60 16 1 60 3 84 17 1 70 4 08 18 1 80 4 32 19 1.90 4 56 20 2 00 4.80 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer commi to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming 50 cents additional. Ads runnmi 3 or more consecutive bmes with no change billed at 20 percent discount. Deadline' Thursday of each week's publication Lancaster Farming P.0.80x 266 Libtz, PA Phone Lancaster 394-3047 or Libtz 626 2191 ’SIoVS. f*t, we MY , It mi a medieval taint, St. Bernard (NOT the one the dop ate named after), who first used the exprettion "love me, love my_dog.” It occurred in hit fint sermon. m m I«? J MOM 717-3944047 er 717-424-Jlfl Wants To Rent WANTED To renter buy poultry farm. On long term lease. Should be large capacity. Write P.O.2ME Lancaster Farming Utlts, PA 17543 Wants To Buy Ear Corn. Can pickup at farm. PH; 717-786-2839. Old range cook stove. Aiso, Wooden wheels. Elmer S. Kauffman, Sr., Box 87, Atglen, Pa. 19310. Call 215- 593-5754. TRY A CLASSIFIED Dairy Equipment 1-12 CPH 2-Row Kuhl Washer with Candler and Egomatic Grader. 3,000 Used like New Plastic Flats. 1-D6V Egomatic Candler and Grader. Assorted Length 12” Wide Belt Lines with Motor Drive. 1-Used Egomatic Carton Closer. 2-Full Cross Loaders. 1-40 CPH Seymour Washer Completely Rebuilt. 2-J-60 Wyland Graders one with Counters. Call Modem Poultry for information on other used equipment we now have available. For all your poultry needs cell Jini'Enck) Modem Poultry Supplies, Inc. Modern Poultry Supplies, Inc. James J.Enck 717-299-0828 717-397-5850 Against Power Failure Your profits go down when power goes off* Let us show you how you can protect your family and farm from costly annoying power outages by leasing or buying a Wmpower alternator "Hw <M rdiaW*" DISTRIBUTOR MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances R.D.81 |lona| Lebanon, PA Phone 1717 f 272-0871 * Located on Route 897 between Schaefferstown and Lebanon , over 30‘years in business at same place Dairy Equipment Wants to Buy - Cream separator, preferably used hand-crank, 5 to 10 gallon milk capacity in good con dition. Box 155 lumberton, 19442. Call 215-935-0304. For Sale - 520 gal. Mojonnier bulk tank. 215-200-5182 before 8 a.m. or after 4 pm. Equipment For Sale , 500 Gallon Jamesway milk tank and Jamesway pipeline milker, 36 cow hook up. 4 milking units, automatic washer and vacuum pump. C. Paul lied, Jr. RD#, Box 103 Sinking Spring, Pa. For Sale - Rath dumping station - 90 ft. plastic hose, new electric motor, good condition $2OO. Phone 302- 737-6510. Mail Box Market For Sale - Miller orgarrmade in Lebanon and is in playing condition. Plume 867-1358 Wanted - Big Dutchman cage trough for big Chain. Phone 717-529-2512. For Sale - Stair Step cages and battery part cage feeder and engine part cage feeder and rare roll-away nests. 717-354-7561. Slow Speed Bamford Diesel Late model, 10 H.P. 4 yr. old. Elam S. Stoltzfus, Rl, Kirk wood, Pa. 17536 Wanted - Milk Cans and stainless steel wash mats. Ammon G. Yoder, Rl, Box 212, Haetly, Del. 19953 State price & condition in first letter. For Sale - Colman model 888 oil furnace, w-52,000 BTU’s good condition, used last winter. $40.00 B. L. Fisher. 717-768-6609. For Sale - Holstein Heifers, Breeding age. some pure breds, also with records. TB & Blood tested. Levi M. Stoltzfus, 31 E. Eby Rd., Leola, Pa.At Monterey. Allis Chalmers B. Electric start w-plow & cultivators (good condition) Ideal for small farm operation. 91195.00. Also John Deere Cyclone B. w-loader as is $600.00. Phone 569-0111 Ask for Bill Custom Work Cold Storage Insulation Fruits - vegetables SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for tem perature and humidity control Continuous coating no seams-no adhesive. For free estimates call- Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 p.m. Call 872-2233. Livestock For Sole For Sale - Pigs 100 hd. 40-60 lbs., tails cropped, vac* cinated for eryfipelas, wormed. Call 717-949-3403 Real Estate Wanted to Buy - Farm land in Lancaster County. Minimum 50 acres, 2 years lease minimum. Will pay up to $5O per acre for good tillable land. Call 717-684- 2755 or - Write Box 148, Columbia, Pa. 17512. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Nov. 22,197 S Real Estate 41 acre farm located in East Earl Twp., Lancaster Co, Pa. % mile east of Center Church off Rt. 625. 30 acres tillable, more or less, 7 room house, Vi bath, bank barn, tobacco shed, farrowing house, silo, raring water and other buildings. John Z. Martin, 215-4454051. Wants to Rent • Dairy farm for Spring of 1976. Have own cows and equipment. 215-287- 3190. 32 acre farm with stream, 3 bedroom house, bank bam, corn cribs, implement shed, 2 car garage and workshop. Providence township. Private Sale. 717-786-2275 after 5 p.m. For Sale - CUMBERLAND CO. MOUNTAIN TRACT. 256 Ac. near Blue Mtn. Exit of Pa. Tpke. Suitable for cabin site development. Asking 9285-ac. Terms 29 percent dn. bal. 3 yrs. at 8 percent J.E. Hitter, Box 84, Blain, Pa. 17006 Phone 717- 536-3554 eves. Wants to Rent - House wanted to rent, prefer country location, 4 bedrooms and bath. 717-299-6123. Large Farm house with 3 bedrooms, new modern kitchen, bath & furnace, retired folks, children & pets welcome. $2OO plus utilities 8c security deposit. 717-367- 3814. 420 A. Level productive land, 160 free stalls, 25 x 80 Harvestore, 3 con crete silos, large modern home. 150 A. level modem Hog and Beef, double brick home, Franklin County. 265 A. level good grain farm with good buildings. 120 A. horse farm, 2 homes, meadow, stream. 211 A. limestone with excell, buildings, modern beef, Reg. Charolais Herd. Choice woodland in Perry County. BLUE BALL REALTY Blue Ball, PA 717-354-4536 Help Wanted Mechanic with knowledge of plumbing and electrical to install milking equipment. Must be reliable. 717-626-1151 FARM MANAGER Are you looking for an unusually chaU'iging and rewarding position A have what it takes to manage a 370 Acre Experimental farm, then the Rodale Organic Gardening people an interested in talking with you. Wo are interested only in a person with at least 1 or 2 years of farm management experience, has finely tuned administrative & management skills & has a degree or years of experience in (for ficuHuie. A truly exciting position with top benefits, .Deluding housing. Write, including resume A other pertinent information to: John Habertm, V.P. Rodale Press, 222 Main St, Emntaus, PA 18049. For Rent For Rent Warehouse storage with loading dock & tow motor service available. West of Lancaster along Pt . PH: (717) 392-7803 Or Write: R 1 Box 151 Columbia. PA 17512 Help Wanted Person to work on dairy (arm. Must do field work and milk cows. House and extras provided. Write to Box 286 D, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Litltz, Pa. 17543. Milken - Part time-Full time. Also person who can milk & can do general farm work. Call 215-827-7687 between 8 ajn. & 5 p.m. Experienced, Christian, married man for modern dairy farm near Lancaster. Good living conditions. Mail resumes to Box I, Bird-in- Hand. Pa. Sell Animal Health Products farm to farm in Chester County. Must have current Dairy experience. Salary plus commission & benefits. Animal Medic Inc. 717-266- 5611. Employment opportunity • office and barn night maintenance, near Lan caster. Salary, uniforms, life insurance, hospitalization, paid vacation. Prefer ap plicant with farm background. Atlantic Breeders Cooperative. Phone 717-569-0413 ask for J. Floyd Weidler. Wanted Feed Manufacturer desires top marketing person to call on feecL dealers and large farming operations. Good salary, com mission and fringe benefits. Send Re*nme to P.O. Box 266 W, cto Lancaster Farming Litite, Pa. 17543 Wanted - UN’s & LPN’s 3-11 p Jn. Medical Insurance, life Insurance, Payed Vacation. Cornwall Manor 272-3016. Equal Opportunity Em ployer. Dealers and Sales Representatives wanted in your local area for proven line of liquid fertilizer and seed corn. Protected mien territory. Write of CaU Hoffman Hi-Score Products, Inc., 11l West Newport Rd., lititz, Pa. 17543. Pnone 717* 626-8909. Experienced help wanted, married, for 40 cow dairy herd and general farm work in eastern Pennsylvania. Pleasant homing & good salary. Write P.O. Box 266 C, c-o Lancaster Fanning, Pa. 17543. Mature experienced farm equipment mechanics able to repair all tractors & balers. State wages desired & give references. Berks Co. area. Write P.O. Box 2668 o o Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Pa. 17543. ■ For Rent 29
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