Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 22, 1975, Image 26
26—Lancaster Firming. Saturday, Nov. 22,1975 *ll • Area Grangers capture national awards at meeting Travel series planned The second In the new Travel and Adventure Scries programs sponsored by the Paradise Rotary Club will be held on Saturday evening, November 29 at the Conestoga Valley High School auditorium. Scheduled to begin at 7:30 pjn. the program is entitled “Timbuktu, Africa and Beyond.” The narration win be presented in person by the photographer and explorer, Remain Wllhelmsen. Timbuktu is located in deepest Africa, but Wllhelmsen notes that a majority of people do not believe such a {dace exists. He is sure, however, that a thousand years ago it was erne of the most important cities of inner Africa. Sijllmassa, the capital city of Africa five hundred years Bucher joins conservation staff LEBANON - George B. Wolff, chairman of Lebanon County Conservation District, announced Thur- sday that Warren Bucher Chairman Wolff said -that will be joining the Con- Bucher comes to the District servation District staff on with a background of November 24th. Bucher, practical farm experience, formerly a successful dairy and keen personal interest in fanner, from Myerstown R 2, soil and water conservation, has achieved recognition . with a high producing herd of TDY A CLASSIFIED registered Guernseys cows. SSS2SS FORTIFIED with a new combination of Power-Packed Ingredients • GRAIN DISTILLERS SOLUBLES • AMMONIUM POLYPHOSPHATE • CONDENSED FERMENTED CORN EXTRACTIVE So what???? Recent College Research Showed +12.8% Weight Gains! + 5% Feed Efficiency! Both Benefits at No Extra Cost m Mol-Mlx Get "Lucky"-Go Liquid! muz. New Holland RDI Phone 717-354-5848 RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY MAIN OFFICE: 27 N. Church St. Quarryville 786-7361 ago, today is a forgotten area of Arabian Night monumental ruins and Is now called "The Lost City of Africa" or “The City of the Dead." The Travel and Adventure Series has witnessed a great deal of commdnity interest and has provided op portmlty for family-oriented type of entertainment In fact, Leroy Shenk, president of the Paradise Club, declares that “this is our response to the community’s desire for better movies ... a lot of people are disgusted with the X-rated movies and they’re demanding this type of thing." Group tickets for the series are available at |6 each for adults and to students for $3. Single performance tickets are also available at the door. Additionally, Bucher has received several awards for his successful forage crop programs. MARTIN Div. of Carnation BUCK. PA 284-4464 HARRISBURG - A Lawrenca County youth and a York County woman woo two of tha six top honors awarded at tha lOltb annual National Grange convention in Columbus, Ohio. Sixteen other Pennsylvanians woo awards in various com petitions that featured the convention program. George Rodgers, It, of Slippery Rock R 3, was chosen as the National Grange prince for 1978 and will travel throughout the nation as the Grange am bassador to activities of his own and other organizations. Rodgers, a son of Mr. and Mrs.'Walter Rodgers, is a sophomore at Alfred N.Y. Agricultural and Technical College. Miss Mary Margaret Craft, of York Haven, was one of three grand national winners in the necdleword competition at the con vention. An afgban she knitted bad previously taken first places in. state and national contests. Her mother, Mrs. Iva Craft, also of York Haven, AgwayPetroleum gives you 3 ways to worry less about winter o« S— o 0o ° . * O o emergency When you have a heating problem, we send - a trained, well-equipped technician to check it out. Our service people have the know-how and supplies to perform tune-ups, repairs, or modernizations at costs you can afford. And our optional Full-Security Plan includes six important heating services. The Agway Budget Plan—to help keep your budget balanced At your option, we'll divide your annual heating bill into equal monthly payments. You pay the same amount each month instead of getting wallet-breaking surprises during the winter season. Dependable, automatic delivery—and 50 free gallons if we slip up If you're an Agway Certified Delivery Service customer who heats only with Agway oil, you never have to worry about phoning for a fill-up. Our degree-day system allows us to keep track of your usage and predict just when you'll be running low. And if we let your tank run dry during the heating season (September 1 thru April 30), we'll deliver your next 50 gallons for free, just to make up. If you're thinking about switching to oil heat, or if you're unhappy with the oil service you're now getting, call Agway Petroleum, Were bringing down the cost of winter. AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE 397-4954 AG WAY PETROLEUM woo a blue ribbon in the Ktchwork pillow contest, at Ih tha state and national Orange conventions. A |SOO scholarship was awarded to Mary Louise Schuler, seventeen, of Fleetwood RS, one of the four finalists in the annual sewing contest of the Notional Grange. Mlaa Schuler previously had won first place ribbons in state and national Grange com petitions for contestants in the 10-17 age group. First place in the family vocal competition was won by the "Yankee Doodle Dandies” from the Lehlgh- Northampton County area. Members were Mrs. Henry C. Shankweiler, Lynn, Debbie, Joanne, James and Andy Sohneck, John and Mark Shankweiler, and Michael and Matthew Beitler. The ancient Greek* believed that they would acquire in* spiration by deeping with laurel leave* under their pillow*. o •o AGWAY In the family instrumental contest, second place was won by "Tha Relatives" from Bernvllle. In the group were Mrs. Doris Kittling, pianist, and six children, Arthur KlasUng, Jr., Susan, John and May Klailiog, Roaann Snyder and Kim berly Kehler. Other Pennsylvania winners were: Mrs. John Cressman, Bethlehehem, first place in both adult poster and banner classes. Carol Pensyl, Bedford, first in youth poster class. Mrs. Betty M. English, Girard Rl. third in knitted three-piece baby set. Mrs. Leroy Hoover, Roaring Spring, third place in women’s activities recognition for states with 300 or more Granges. Robin GraxetU, Grove City, three awards in color Suf Dutchman. Controlled POULTRY CAGE Systems Big Dutchman cage systems are the "stan dard" by which all others are measured. So wh/ not start your cage shopping with the No. 1 company in the field. We can provide “all” the components that, make up a complete cage system and therefore are able to guarantee reliability, control, cost savings and one-source service. Contact us for personalized information and service concerning these systems. • 4 DECK LAYER • FLAT DECK LAYER • TRI-DECK LAYER • TRI-DECK CHICK-EZE • DOUBLE DECK LAYER • FLAT DECK CHICK-EZE HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO., The Systems Company PHONE (717) 3544576 AUTHORIZED 215 Dilter Avenue g }<| DISTRIBUTOR New Holland. Pa. photo contest (or Juniors; flnt (or acenea, oecood (or animals, and third (or propla. Amy Hickman, prosperity, second in color photo close ups (or Juniors. Elizabeth L. Boccardo, Newton, Third place in scene* and third in dose-ups in adult black and white photo contest. Carol Myers, Washington, first (or animals and second (or scenes, in Junior blade and white photo contest Donna, Myers, Washington, first in people class. Junior black and white photos. Karen Shaw, Vanderbilt, third in Junior blade and white photo close-ups. Robert Myers, Washington, first, scenes in Junior color slide contest.' Peggy Credeur, West Chester, first, prople in junior color slide contest. INC.