12 —Uno«fr farming. Saturday. Nov. 22,1975 Market lamb sale slated by Chester-Delaware 4-H Cheater and Delaware County 4-H abeep date will hold their flrat martet lamb aala and ahow at the Vintage Sake Stablea. Vintage, on November 2S. About 15 lamba which have been ralaed by 441 abeep dob meenben will be aold during the regular Vintage Auction atarting at 7:00 pm. Im mediately before the auction the club lamba will be Dr. Vasilef to visit area natural food store Dr.'Val Vasilef famous for his work oq “Retardation of the Aging Process and Also appearing with Or. Rejuvenation,” winner of Vasilef will be Miss Susan over 80 physical fitness titles Shull, current “Mias Eastern such as "Mr. America” and U.S.A.” and “Miss -World “Mr. Physical Fitness’ will Physical Fitness.” be making a personal ap- Dr- Val Vasilef quotes pearance at Weaver’s “there Is considerable Natural Foods, Inc. in evidence that the hands of Manheim, PA, Saturday, time can be turned back.” November 22 from Ito 4 pjn. Currently, he is treating Dr. Vasilef will be middle-aged business spekking on methods of executives who have “Retarding the Aging prepared affidavits attesting Process,” and will be an- that they “feel and look” ten years younger. FISHER SPRAT PAINTERS (Henry K. Fisher) SANDBLASTING and SPRAY PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Aerial Ladder Equipment Office & Shop ■ 667 Hartman Station Rd. Residence - 2322 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, Penna.' For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 FARM* There is a time when it doesn’t pay to eggs j" There are certain advantages to be gained by centering your farm credit needs at Farm Credit. Foi example, if your plans for the year ahead include a new piece of equipment, spring fertilizer and seed, and perhaps an improvement to your farm home, you can arrange now for a Farm Credit loan to provide the total amount you will need You can draw on these funds as you need the money You will pay nr interest ufttil the money is actually in use And then, only on the actual amount In use at any given time In addition, by centering all your credit needs at Farm Credit, you will have the convenience of dealing with one source the security of knowing cash will be available when-needed, plus the-cost-saving of Farm Credit’-j'- , interest charges Why not discuss your plans with Farm Credit now. Then when the time comes to put them into effect the necessary funds will be waiting for you. judged. The winning pen of three lamba will be eligible to go to the State Farm Show. All other animal* will be aold at the auction. Both Cheater and Delaware Countierfhave had active 4-H abeep duba (Or many yean, but moat of the project* carrle \ by the member* have b*en breeding abeep proje< t*. swering questions on Nutrition and its value. have your in too many baskets. According to Mr*. Want G. Menhsonett, chairman of the market lamb sale and abaep dub leader from Cheater County, the tncreaae In market lamb projects is a result of tbs success of the breeding sheep programs. In most cases tbe lambs which will be marketed are progeny of the breeding sheep owned and managed by tba 4-ITer. Individuals as well as business, banks, restaurants, and food markets are welcome to bid at tbe auction. Often times firms wfao wish to encourage the 4-H youngsters and stimulate the growth of tbe 4- H, programs will purchase dub animals at 4-H sales. Bayers then have the option of keeping tbe lambs for their own use or reselling them through the auction. Telephone and m«n bids Palletized Storage can save you time and money. Palletized materials are easier to move-store load. Takes iessfiobr space, also. Let us help you with your feed, egg or other storage problems. INDUSTRIAL TRUCK CO. P.O. Box 346, Leola, PA 17540 / Tel. [7l7] 656-2616 FOR MOIRE information, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. % *sooopaid for broilers KANSAS Cl’iY, Mo. - Seventeen-year-old Ksnnath Zapalae** ohampi/w antrv in ihf National Junior Dressed Broiler Show was auctioned off ben today to Coion-i Hariand Sanders for Fire Thousand Ootlan, 10 Colood ZapaUc, from UGrange.Toai, competed against» 4-H and FFA member* from affoaa the when tbe Judging was finished, Texas contestants had swspt aavsn of the top ten placec in the now. . «y*nre cfaaroptoq honor* went to Kathy Bahten, 18, Gonzales, Tex**. Kathy's brother, Shawn, U, placed third and fifth fo two of the con tsd^sdfvSooa. w U pounds of chicken. Colonel ‘ I yoanffirtejra, especially those Interested in poultry. 1 look at this as a kind of special scholarship to this young man.” Eniiu Sponsored by wu held In coofanctioD with tbt American Royal Liveetock, Hoy Shew yd Rodeo, underway ben now. Kentucky Pried provided mon gOOOwortb of prize money for tbe top ten pledngrZepalac andßehlen each received |9do in prize money In addition to their sale receipts. for the sale, and arrangements for trucking purchased lambs can be made by writing to or calling John R. Leaman, RDI, CochranvUle, Pa. 19330, area Code 21M9M462, Clubs participating in tbe sale win be tbe Delaware County 4-H Sheep Club, the Tri-Community Club of Chester County and the Golden Fleece 4-H dub of Chester County. Help You with ir Material handling Storage Problems. with Hand Lowering Control Division of Dues foe. Wright-Hibbard 3 VI BIG HUB TIRE SERVICE LOCATED 1 MILE WEST OF BLUE BALL ON ROUTE 322 PHONE 354 4931 CREDIT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers