•• •» t •m.i.i.. rutmr* r.... Public Sales Register Charles Bonkoikl, owner; Sale Conducted by Col. Fred R. Daniel Auctioneers, Inc., Ncshanic Station. N.J. SAT..DEC. 6 - 2p.m. Public Auction Country Property with Bi-Level Home and Commercial type building located between Schacncck and Reinholds along Swamp Bridge Road, approx. 6 minutes from Exit 21 of Penna. Turnpike. West Cocalico Township, Lan caster Co., Pa. Sale by Richard E. and E. Irene Haller; John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. DEC. 6-1 P.M. Public Sale of Real Estate located along road from Penn Hill to Fishing Creek, 2 miles East of Fishing Creek on corner of River Road and Harmony Ridge Road, Drumore Twp. Terms by Martin K. & Charlene M. Waltman; J. Everett Kreidcr and Carl Diller, Auctioneers. TUBS. DEC. 9 Feeser Production Sale at the PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 29, 1975 12 Noon Sharp Watch for sale sitns at New Tripoli, PA Harvestore, 20 x 80 w-Goliath Unloader (new); JD 4230 Diesel Tractor, 160 hrs.; JD 210 14’ Disk w scrapers & furrow tillers and big tires, 30 hrs.; JD 950 12’ Roller Harrow w-rear scrapers, 8 hrs.; 12’ Hesston Hydro Swing 1014 Windrower (new); Woods Cll4 Rotary Mower 9W swath, 40 hrs.; Brillion 8’ 3 pt. hitch sure stand grass and legume seeder w- a *Te meter, 20 hrs.; Fox Super D Self-Propelled chopper, 372 hrs., w -4-71GM Diesel & new grass pickup; Stauffer Hydraulic Forage Wagon (new); JD 65C Forage Blower (new); 1971 Ford Bronco 4-Wheel Drive w-heavy duty axles; Gravely tractor w-30” Rotary mower, Rotary plow, snow blade & mulch grinder. SALE BY CLINT SWINGLE |2ls| 298 8080 HARRY GRUBER, AUCT. Terms Cash or Check with Bank Letter of Credit /* A llr A ft TOP QUALITY Upstate, HI I Hr ||| I Wisconsin and wU llbrift# Minnesota Cows The Kind of Cows That Produce Buying & Selling Daily We Are Here to Serve You. Sale held at the Black & White Holstein Farm located just West of Lancaster, Pa. on Dairy Lane. Exit 283 West of Lancaster at Flory’s Mill Rd., turn left and then right around mill to farm. ABE DIFFENBACH, Auctioneer CHARLES C. MYERS HENRY KETTERING, Pedigrees 717-569-2106 PARK MYERS, Sales Manager or 717-569-6800 ROBERT LAWRENCE, Cashier Lebanon County Fairgrounds, Lebanon. Penna. TUBS. DEC. 9 - 7:00 P.M. Feescr’s 9th Big Framed Hampshire Sale. Located Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Pa. I l * miles South of Lebanon on 72 turn left on Rocherty Rd. to Evergreen Rd. Sale by Franklin Feeser. TUBS. DEC. 9 1976 - i2:30 6m. Miles H. and Elwood E. ouser, Complete Holstein Dispersal, Ix>banon, Pa. 91 Registered Holsteins, Harris Wilcox Inc., Bergen, N.Y. Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers. FRI EVE. DEC. 12 - 8:00 p.m. Public Sale of 78 A. Timber Land. Sale will be held at Mifflintown in Juniata Co. Court House. Timber land located 3 mile south of Port Royal, along Tuscarora Mt. Excellent stand virgin timber % mile from black top road, near public hunting. Long Bros., Auctioneers. Livestock is our full time Business. FRI. DEC. 12 - 9:30 «.m. All Day Sale of Farm Equip* mcnt, Some Household Items. Reg. Sc Grade Holstein* 70 ncad, Mucls Sc Horses. Ix>catcd just off the Gordunvlllc Rd. along Harvest Drive, near In tercourse, Lancaster Co. Owner, Uvl S. Esh. Auc tioneers • Dillcr Sc Kreidcr. Sales Report Special Feeder Calf Sale Nov. 6,1975 ROANOKE-HOLLINS, Va. There were 1,983 head sold. All steers and heifers were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. SHEERS: Choice 300-400 lbs. 28.00-32.50; 405-500 lbs. 32.25-35.00; 505-600 lbs. 34.25- 36.25; 605-700 lbs. 35.50-37.50. Good 300-400 lbs. 26.75-30.00; 405-500 lbs. 30.25-33.75; 505- 600 lbs. 33.00-34.50. Medium 300-400 lbs. 25.00-30.75; 405- 500 lbs. 25.00-30.75; 405-500 lbs. 26.75-31.50; 505-600 lbs. 29.50-32.00; 605-700 lbs, 27.00- 31.00. Short 350-450 lbs. 34.50- 36.75. HEIFERS: Choice 300-400 lbs. 18.00-24.50; 405-500 lbs. 24.25-28.75; 505-600 lbs. 26.50- 31.00. Good 300-400 lbs. 16.75- 23.25; 405-500 lbs. 18.75-26.25; 505-600 lbs. 25.00-26.00; 605- 700 lbs. 25.25-26.75. Medium 300-400 lbs. 14.00-16.50 ; 405- 500 lbs. 14.75-16.75. Short 400- 450 lbs. 17.00-18.00. Special Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale Nov. 6,1975 LYNCHBURG, Va. There were 1,509 head sold. All steers and heifers were 8 P.M. WED. DEC. 17 - Special Consignment Sale of Equipment, Christmas Goods. Toys, 2 load of Southern Fruit, etc. af ternoon and Evening Sale at the Paul Z. Martin Sale Barn, located 2 miles East of Intercourse, Pa., along Route 340. Sale by Paul Z. Martin, Blue Ball, Pa. Martin Auctioneers. graded by representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on VDAC standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS: Choice 300-400 lbs. 30.50-31.75; 405-500 lbs. 31.00- 505-600 lbs. 36.00 37.50 ; 605-700 lbs. 38.00-39.50; 705-800 lbs. 36.25-37.75; 805- 900 lbs. 33.00-36.25. Good 300 400 lbs. 25.75-28.50; 405-500 lbs. 27.25-27.75; 505-600 lbs. 32.25-35.50; 605-700 lbs. 34.25- 37.25; 705-800 lbs. 34.00-35.75. Medium 300-400 lbs. 20.75- 22.25; 405-500 lbs. 23.75-26.25; 505-600 lbs. 28.50-32.00; 605- 700 lbs. 24.00-30.00; 705800 lbs. 22,75-26.25. Short 300-400 lbs. 23.00-24.50; 405-500 lbs. 24.50- HEIFERS; Choice 300-400 lbs. 20.00-22.50; 405-500 lbs 21.50- 505-600 lbs. 25.50; 605-700 lbs. 25.50-25.75; 705- 800 lbs. 26.00-26.25. Good 300- 400 lbs. 19.50-23.25; 405400 lbs. 20.00-22.00; 500600 lbs. 23.00- 605-700 lbs. 25.00 25.25. -Medium 300-400 lbs. 16.00- 405-500 lbs. 17.50 18.50; 505600 lbs. 19.00-21.00. Short 300400 lbs. 18.5018.75. Sechrist Sales Company, Inc. Livestock Auction Stewartstown, PA November 10,1975 CATTLE 143 Steers - High Choice and Prime absent; Good Choice $46.00-47.50; Good 45.00-45.75; Standard Good 40.00-44.00; Holsteins Good 35.00-38.25; Standard to Good 25.00-32.50. Heifers - High Choice and Prime absent; Good to Choice 38.00-40.25; Good 35.00- Standard Good 30.00- Holsteins Good 27.00- Standard Good 24.00- Feeder Steers - Good and Choice 37.00-40.00; Standard Good 30.00-35.00; Utility 25.00-28.00. Bulls - Good and Choice Commercial 35.00-38.00; Standard to Good 32.00-34.00; Utility to Standard 24.00- 30.00. Cows - High Yearling Commercial 22.00-24.50; Cutters 20.00-21.75; Canners Low Cutters 18.00-19.50; Shells 6.00-17.00. PIGS Have you ever attended the “State Graded" Feeder Pig Sales at Westminster? ★ Lots of pigs ★ Easy to get to ★ Super sanitary ★ Outstanding qualit] ★ Quick service FRI., NOV. 28IN 1:30 P.M. WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION For directions or info, call collect (301) 733- 8120 or write Box 108 Hagerstown, Md. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 15,1975 CALVES 129 Calves i Choice and Prime 60.00 63.50; Good and Choice 52.00 58.00; Standard and Good 45.00-50.00; Utility to Good 110-140 lbs. 38.00-44.00; Utility 90-110 lbs. 28.0035.00; Culls 10.0022.00. HOGS 316 Hogs • U.S. No. 1 and 2,190220 lbs. 53.0053.50; U.S. No. 1 and 3.190230 lbs. 52.5052.75; U.S. No. 1 and 3, 180250 lbs. 52.00-52.25.* Sows - 250375 lbs. 44.00 45.00 ; 400500 lbs. 40.0043.00. Boars - 300-500 lbs. 35.00 37.00. SHEEP 7 Lambs - Good to Choice 40.0043.00; Medium and Good 25.0032 00. Ewes - 6.0011.00. Private Treaty Fat Ho ,- s, Select No. 1 and 2, 200 15 lbs. 53.0053.50. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 2,220230 lbs. 52.50 52.75. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 3,190220 lbs. 52.00 52.25. Special Calf and Yearling Sale Nov. 5,1975 DUBLIN, ,Va. There were 1,789 head sold. All steers and heifers were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on VDAC fee Auctioneer's Directory AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sale too small or too large 717-859-2688 717-733-7052 SALE SERVICE Licensed Auctioneers NEVIN Z. MARTIN RD2 East Earl, PA 717-354-7186 LEWIS B. GROFF Box 233 Blue Balt, PA 717-354-7826 CHECK OUR RATES AND SET YOUR DATES Tents Available LLOYD H. ■CRUDER AUCTIONEER and SALES MANAGER R.D.#l New Providence, Pa. Phone; 786-3394 standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS: Choice 300-400 lbs. 26.00*30.00; 405-500 lbs. 28.50- 505-000 lbs. 30.25- 36.25; 605-700 lbs. 34.75-37.00; 705-600 lbs. 34.25-36.25 ; 900- 1000 lbs. 34.50-37.50. Good 300-400 lbs. 25.50-29.25 ; 405- 500 lbs. 25.50-29.75 ; 505-600 lbs. 33.25-35.50 ; 605-700 lbs. 32,25-36.00 ; 705-600 lbs. 30.50- 33.50; 805-900 lbs. 32.75-33.00. Medium 300-400 lbs. 24.75- 27.00 ; 405-500 lbs. 27.50-28.00; 505-600 lbs. 31.50-35,00 ; 605- 700 lbs. 31.50-34.00; 705-800 lbs. 29.50-31.25 ; 805-900 lbs. 27.50- Plain 300-400 lbs. 24.25 ; 405-500 lbs. 22.50-24.00; 505-600 lbs. 25.00-25.25 ; 605- 700 lbs. 23.75-25.50; 705-800 lbs. 27.25-28.75. HEIFERS: Choice 300-400 lbs. 17.00-19.75; 405-500 lbs. 22.75-23.25; 505-600 lbs. 22.75- 24.00 ; 605-700 lbs. 25.25-26.25; 705-800 lbs. 23.00-24.50; 805- 900 lbs. 23.25-24.75. Good 300- 400 lbs. 17.00-19.75; 405-500 lbs. 20.00-23.00; 505-600 lbs. 23.50- 605-700 lbs. 23.50- 24.50. Medium 300-400 lbs. 13.00- 405-500 lbs. 16.75- 18.75; 505-600 lbs. 21.50-23.25; 605-700 lbs. 21.75-23.00. Plain 300400 lbs. 11.75-13.50; 405- 500 lbs. 14.50-15.30; 505-600 lbs. 17.50-18.00 ; 605-700 lbs. 18.00- AUCTIONEERS SANGER & SENSENIG The best way to sell your Farm Home or other property is at PUBLIC SALE If its for sale we can sell it The Fast & Sure Way Lebanon, PA 717-272-1025 Quarryville, PA 717-786-3128 C. H. WOLGEMUTH RD#2, MANHEIM, PA AUCTIONEER Member of COMPLETE SERVICE CALL 717-665-5664 »p^ FOR COMPLETE SERVICE CALL JOHN E. MARTIN RDI, Rt. 322 Ephrata, PA 717-733-3511 or PAUL E. MARTIN Stevens RDI, Box 561 717-733-3305 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS No Sale Too Small or Large Tents Available RANDAL V. KUNE Specializing In: DAIRY & FARM MACHINERY SALES REAL ESTATE-PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SALE. COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE WITH TENT AVAILABLE. Stevens, PA 717-733.1006 83