Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 15, 1975, Image 57

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    4-H’ers Mark Bicentennial With All American Foods
CHICAGO I rom New gaining a 200-year perspective
Fngland’s hull,in pudding to on New World cuisine
New Orleans’ jambalaya, through “All American
American foods reflect a hoods," I his 4-11 members’
diverse ethnic heritage and manual contains easy-to-cook
the bounty ot the land. recipes spiced with anecdotes
To celebrate the nation’s about characters out ot his
bicentennial, young cooks in tory and folklore like I’ecos
the national 4-11 lood-nutn- Bill, Johnny Appleseed and
tion program arc dishing up Squanto,
some of America’s favorite The manual is one in a
regional fare, senes of educational aids pro-
What’s more, they are vided by General Foods Cor-
A full line of spray materials. Atrazme, Lasso,
Pnncep, Bladex etc Delivered to your farm now
at low prices
Order Now & Save
ROl Box 529
Manheim, PA
PH: 717-569-6576
We want you to have this FREE
Send this coupon to Bob Badger,
Strasburg, Strasburg, PA. 17579.
if you're a farmer.
we have the
money you need,
As a farmer, you know that today’s agri-business proves that
it really takes money to make money You’re constantly up
dating equipment investing in stock and supplies im
proving your buildings And the Friendly First FARM LOAN
CORPORATION hasthe money you need
There are advantages to financing your needs with us
• You can arrange a long-term loan to reduce the size of
your payments
• You can get a loan for any size farm—whether you have
50 accps or even 500
• You discuss your needs with local people who have both
farming and banking know-how A talk with our Bob
Badger or Darwin Mowery can be helpful with current
requirements and they’ll also help you plan for the future
Funds are available now Stop at any office of the Friendly
First for complete details on this new service that’s already
helping farmers like you
porution, sponsor of the As they learn by doing
food-nutrition program for the food-nutrition progra
the 15th year. Under the4-ll’ers can work for awai
supervision of the Coopera-donated by General 100
live I xtenston Service, nearly and arranged by the Natioi
770,000 boys and girls from 4-11 Service Committee.
') to !•> take part in food- This year, $BOO collci
nutrition projects. scholarships will go to
Lcarn-by-doing projects national winners, select'
4-ll’ers may "shop” the Irom among 50 state wmnr
newspaper ads. plan a week’s who will receive expense-pa
menus on the basis of cost trips to the 54th National 4-
and nutrition, then do the Congress, Nov. 30-Dec. 4
actual purchasing, fhey’ll Chicago. Up to four med,
learn how to store foods pro- of honor will be awarded
perly. And when they’re each county,
ready to cook, they’ll be All winners arc chosen I
taught basic culinary tcchni- the Extension Service on t.
ques plus the rules of safe basis of their records «
food handbng. accomplishment. More info
Projects stress good eating mation on the national 4-
habits that last a lifetime, food-nutrition program
Health, physical fitness and available from county exte
appearance all depend on a sion agents,
daily diet that includes foods Flavorful jambalaya
from each of the four major 4-H’crs enjoy preparii
groups, meat, cereals and jambalaya, a savory skill
bread, fruits and vegetables, meal influenced by cai
and milk and milk products. French, Spanish, African a
The Friendly First
a subsidiary of
Ike First Tlntuonofi.
(bfWIJ? oft StnoAlnutg-
First National
284-417 S
Bank of
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 15,1975—87
During America’s bicentennial, young cooks in the national
4-H food-nutrition program are preparing and serving dishes
with an American flavor. While they leam by doing in the
Cooperative Extension Service conducted program, 4-H’ers can
work for a series of awards donated by General Foods Corpor-
ation. ~ „ . ,
Choctow Indian residents ol out, spoon off excess. Dram 1
the U.S. Gulf Coast. The fol- can (1 lb. 12 oz.) tomatoes,
lowing recipe calls for ground measuring juice. Add water to
beef but could be varied by juice to make Vh cups. Add
substituting cooked ham or the liquid, tomatoes, 1 tea
shrimp. spoon salt, V 4 teaspoon sugar.
Melt 2 tablespoons butter teaspoon thyme, and 1
or margarine in skillet over smaU ba V lcaf to mixture, in
medium heat. Add Vi cup sklUet - Cover and sim mer 5
diced onion, V* cup diced minutes. Then stir m 1 1/3
green pepper, and 1 pound CU P S Precooked rice, cover
ground beef. Cook, stirring and simmer 5 minutes longer,
often until meat is browned, piscard bay leaf before serv-
If a large amount of fat cooks mg. Serves 4 to 5.
RDI, Womelsdorf, PA
Frystown 717-933-4616
+ Replaster & White Coat Silos
+ Repair damaged roofs and handle new roofs
+ Lancaster Level-Flo pipe and distributors
+ Acorn Silo unloaders and other equipment
+ Calhoun Forage Wagons
+ Poulk Chisel Plow
+ Agricultural Mills
+ Wetmore Grinders - Mixers
+ Speedy Liquid Applicators
+ Stemman Portable Hay Feeders
■fAgnconomy Building
+ Trulock Gram Bins
and other items too numerous to mention.
Sire Power and its member cooperative,
Northeastern Breeders Assn, will sponsor a “do
it-yourself" Direct Herd A.I. Training School
during the week of
If you want to breed your own cows, Sire Power will
train you. This school provides complete training in
livestock breeding. Following completion you will be
able to breed your own cows. You will also gain
valuable knowledge in reproduction, fertility and sire
The four day classes include live cow insemination
practice, which is essential to develop sufficient skill
for this modem procedure. The Sire Power breeding
schools have been very successful and you will receive
guidance from qualified instructors.
The total cost is $lOO.OO A $25.00 deposit is required
with the attached form. Hurry, deadline is Nov. 20,
:J ■**
□Please send full information about the Sire Power A) Training
□I plan to attend the A 1 Training course at Leesport, Pa My $25 00
deposit is enclosed
□I am not interested in attending a school, but am interested in
purchasing a semen tank, inseminating supplies, and/or semen
Return this form to Sire Power, Inc. RD2, Tunkhannock, PA 18657.
Nov. 24-28, excluding Thanksgiving Day
AT Leesport, PA
Herd Size