T 64—LMK«st*r Faming Saturday. Nov.' 8,1979 H Wayne Animal Health Aids For Daily Wayne Tamed lodine Spray Wayne ADE Injectable Wayne-A-Mycin Powder Wayne Mast-Aid Wayne Teat Dip Wayne Cattle Wormer Waynextra ADEK Wayne Min-A-Lyte Wayne P-12 Mineral Wayne P-18 Mineral Other Wayne Health and Sanitation Products: Wayne Super Cleaner Wayne-Odine (disinfectant) Wayne Dairy & Livestock Spray Concentrate (for insect control) Wayne Pinkeye Spray The modern Wayne dairy feeding program meets the needs of today’s expert dairymen best in every important way. 3 It recognizes the value of home-grown dairy feed grains and roughages, and uses these crops as a basis for most economically formulating the total program. 2nd It recognizes that each different phase of a cow’s milking and dry period calls for a carefully balanced program of its own. 3rd It considers proper feed balance for maximum milk production keeping total feed costs as low as possible in the process. 4th Dairy research at the Wayne Research Farm is planned and carried out by several of the top men in the field working with a herd of high quality animals. They do far more than formulate feeding programs. They also deal in herd health and management matters. They are the key men behind the total pregrams carried out in hundreds of Wayne fed operations from the Eastern slopes of the Rockies to the East Coast sth Modern mass-purchasing methods and computerized feed formulation to determine least-cost com binations, assure Wayne customers of the most for their feed dollars. About half the cost of producing milk is feed cost. Wayne pledges to every customer an all out effort to keep feed costs as low as possible without sacrificing quality, which would cost you income from milk. These are all good reasons for you to calf in the Wayne Team, your local Wayne Dealer and District Salesman. They’ll bring along their MAXIMIZER TM BOOK and work your feeding program out exactly based on what you have on the farm, and what Wayne should provide to develop the program your herd needs. 6th f r Spray the navel cord of newborn calves. Spray on cuts or wounds to help prevent infections. A readily available source of extra vitamins. Inject '/« to 1 cc at birth. Inject cows with 1 to 2 cc per head 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after calving Contains the antibiotics Neomycin and Oxytetracycline plus vitamins and electrolytes. Give l*/z tablespoons per 100 pounds body weight daily for 3 to 5 days for prevention of bacterial enteritis. Contains antibiotics and cortisone for the treatment of mastitis. Infuse into mammary glands after their last milking of the season as a prevention or treat milking cows as needed. An iodine disinfectant for use to dip the teats of all milking cows after each milking. Contains Thiabendozole. Feed 0.4 lb. or 0.2 kg. Wormer per 100 pounds or 45 kg. body weight. Multiple vitamins in the Waynextra carrier provides readily available levels of vitamins which aid in reducing the recovery time from stress and periods of con valescence. Also, aids in the prevention of foot rot and lumpy jaw. Contains potassium and magnesium in sufficient levels to aid in the prevention of grass tetany. The EDDI aids in prevention of foot rot. Electrolytes are added to maintain fluid balance in the cell and aid in the reducing shrink after stress. Designed for use when the majority of the roughages fed are medium to low in calcium such as corn silage, grass hay. Sudan grass or sorghum. Designed for use when the majority of the roughages fed are high in calcium such as legume hay. -,♦* i-i-ja «_ ». I m n> ■*' ’* ' tt tJ%,f ,*■'c *• Jf W 3 Jfcwt-M*-* ■£>.b JJf'VJWdtL l*K AiAjHfiSadli J v" SU ■ WAYNE V * %. j. u e ' if. u A t * ' »} j- ,; ■‘v * ■' 5 1 1 J ' v * - ~ »i 7-? “ ; ’ 4 ■~*-fc^C“„ , '-Lt. 4 4 t “* 1 »' MILKING & DRY COW PROGRAM * 5* . r . 1 <4 *- WAYNE I Mastitis Prevention By Milking Procedure An ounce of prevention is worth more thah a pound of cure in the case of mastitis. Management to prevent infection costs less than depending on treatment. The following is a recommended milk procedure. 1. Wash teats and udder with warm (90 degrees F) water containing Wayne losan (Vz ounce to 10 quarts of water). 2. Use an individual disposable towel to wash and dry udders. Do not use the same towel for more than one cow. 3. Wash not less than one minute nor more than three minutes before attaching teat cups. ■ 4. Use strip cup regularly on each quarter before attaching teat" cups. 5. Machine strip each quarto’and remove the machine as soon as milk flow stops. 6. Dip each teat in Wayne Teat Dip after removing teat cups. •S FOWL'S FEED S Peach Bottom, PA WALKER COM Gap, PA Wholesale Specialty Feed D Manheim, PA hilaman’s mm RDI, Nottingham, PA I H M IB WALTER’S FEEI Route 543, Walter’s M Forest Hill. MD 21050 im JAMES BALI K >'iS