Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 08, 1975, Image 23

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    Vegetable conference planned
Innovation* in vegetable scheduled (or Debruary 9-11
and small fruit production - on The Pennsylvania State
including new concepts in University’s main campus,
disease and weed control. “Topics will be of interest
fertilizer use, and to commercial vegetable
mechanical harvesting • will growers, food processing
be featured at the annual company fieldmen, and
Vegetable Conference allied industry personnel,"
said Professor Robert F.
Fletcher, Penn State Ex
tension vegetable crops
specialist and conference
The program is ebing
developed by represen
tatives of the Pennsylvania
Vegetable Growers
Association, Pennsylvania
Food Processors
Association, and Penn
State's Department of
Horticulture. Co-chairman
of the conference is
Professor C. J. Noll, of the
Penn State Department of
Ail educational sessions
will be held, as in the past, in
the J. 0. Keller Building,
Professor Fletcher points
out. On February 11, all
topics will deal with tomato
production and
According to Mr. Fletcher,
-additional program details
will be announced when they
are completed.
A father teaching his
teenage daughter to drive
explained the rules this way:
“Go on green, stop on red,
slow down when I turn
From Loral Ag Teachers:
A Future
For America
Arba Henry
Ag Instructor
November 11 - 14th are
very important days during
the F.F.A. year, for these
are the dates of the National
F.F.A. Convention.
For 48 years now, F.F.A.
members have been
gathering in Kansas City,
Missouri to compete in
judging contests, set F.F.A.
policy, and meet new
friends. From the ap
proximate 3,000 members
who attended the first
convention to over the 17,000
who attended last year, it is a
time, a place, and an event
which one will long
A feature of the Con
vention is a display of
agricultural career ex
ploration booths. Here is
found a wealth of in
formation about a great
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Nov. 8,1975
number of agricultural
occupations. Each booth is
manned by representatives
of trade associations and
national organizations who
stand ready to answer any
questions pertaining to their
particular field.
Several interesting
educational tours of midwest
agribusinesses have been
scheduled throughout the
week. Other places of in
terest to many include the
Truman Li brary,
Agricultural Hah of Famr,
and the Truman Sports
Special Convention
highlights will include
competition in the National
Judging Contests, National
Public Speaking Contest,
Conferring American
Farmer Degrees, naming of
Star Farmer and Star
Becker honored
Dr. Clare A. Becker,
professor of agricultural
business management at
Penn State University,
received the distinguished
service award of the Penn
sylvania Association of
Farmer Cooperatives Oc
tober 22 at University Park.
The occasion was the annual
banquet of the association.
During his career, Becker
has carried out a major
teaching and research effort
in the area of farmer
cooperatives. He was cited
at the honor banquet for
“assisting greatly the far
mer cooperatives of Penn
sylvania in areas of business
management and policy*
during his 28 years on the
College of Agriculture
‘‘We welcome this op
portunity to express our deep
appreciation and gratitude
for your sincere interest,
good council, helpful in
struction, and genuine
friendship which you have
Sire Power and its member cooperative,
Northeastern Breeders Assn, will sponsor a “do
it-yourself” Direct Herd AI. Training School
during the week of
Nov. 24-28, excluding Thanksgiving Day
AT Leesport, PA
If you want to breed your own cows, Sire Power will
train you. This school provides complete training in
livestock breeding. Following completion you will be
able to breed your own cows. You will also gam
valuable knowledge in reproduction, fertility and sire
The four day classes include live cow insemination
practice, which is essential to develop sufficient skill
for this modem procedure. The Sire Power breeding
schools have been very successful and you will receive
guidance from qualified instructors.
The total cost is $lOO.OO A $25.00 deposit is required
with the attached form. Hurry, deadline is Nov. 20.
□Please send full information about the Sire Power AI Training
□1 plan to attend the A I Training course at Leesport Pa My $25 00
deposit is enclosed
□I am not interested in attending a school, but am interested in
purchasing a semen tank, inseminating supplies and/or semen
Return this form to Sire Power, Inc. RD2, Tunkhannock, PA 18657.
Agribusinessman of
America, plus many other
awards and business session
Some 30 members and
advisors from Lancaster
County will be attending the
Convention this year. In
most cases the students have
earned this opportunity
because they got involved in
their local chapter’s ac
tivities and participation in
judgind contests. In some
instances this may have
caused some sacrifices at
home or work by you, the
parents or employer.
With the type of leader
ship, citizenship, and en
thusiasm which will be
exhibited during Convention
Week, it will, demonstrate
and emphasize that these
young men and women are
establishing A Future For
Clare A. Becker
shared with us over many
years. We wish you well in
your continuing efforts
toward the betterment of
rural life and the
agricultural industry,”
stated Edward J. Hartnett of
Harrisburg, president of the
Herd Size