Brandt wants farmers to (ISBURG - Rep. :h E. Brandt, R. liter, will toon in* ' legislation proposing ie Department of be permitted ly to a private owned by the ilth withiln the my of a State high for agricultural pur- explained that his M would permit > to plant or mow land Pennsylvania’s high* an idea which would the farmers with land to grow more feed foodstuffs for the con 's of the Com ith and also would Penn Dot from the expense of mowing HOG PRODUCERS! Get Top Price for llj New Holland Sold in sorted lots the auction way See them weighed and sold and pick up your check SALE EVERY MONDAY 9:00 A.M. HEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. _ .. Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-354-7288 Abe Diffenbach, Manager BRED • TESTED • GROWN FOR THE EAST If you are interested in seed corn bred for your area, tested in your area, and grown by people who have been growing seed corn in Penna. for 40 years, Doebler’s Penna. Hybrids should be your choice. Last year alone sales increased 50 percent overall. Test results are great and Doeblers are one of the last to still pack 56 lb. bushels at prices that Pennsylvania farmers can afford ($5 to $l5 less than many competitors). Sound interesting?? 89X SINGLE CROSS - 125 DAYS Has highest potential yield of any full season hybrid we have tested. 200 bu. yields are not unusual. Ideal ear type on a good stalk. Excellent blight resistance. Fits Southeast Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware for maturity as 89X is a full season hybrid. Very upright leaves. A MOST POPULAR HYBRID, GAINING MANY FRIENDS EACH YEAR!! 85X SINGLE CROSS - 120 DAYS A popular full season Single Cross. Excellent stan dup and top-notch appearance. Ears are low and girthy. Ideal for Southeastern Pennsylvania and Maryland grain production. Official yields have reached 221.8 bu. dry shelled corn per acre. A very consistent performer. and maintaining the land along the highways. Paul Myers, District Superintendent of the high way district which Includes Lancaster County, said, "I think it's a great Idea which will save PcnnOot a great deal of money on grass cutting, which could be used for other highway main tenance problems, such as road repairs.’’ Brandt said, that ac cording to Penn Dot, Lan caster County clone has 580 acres of mowable turf on multi-lane (4-lane) high ways. “If my legislation is enacted, this land could be maintained by the farmers of the area, giving them more land for growing and DOEBLER'S Hybrids Mk JW'sr grown FOR THE EASI Ilfß'S PENNSYLVANIA HYBRIDS, INC jantYtt—HtO I Kota (TNO NET WT. 56 US Bl *• SZZ?' FULL SEASON HYBRIDS FOR PENNSYLVANIA'S SOUTHEAST Doe bier's Pennsylvania Hybrids, Inc. R.D.I, Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania 17740 Phone 717-753-3210 at the game time, helping Penn Dot in its financial crisis," Brandt said. Brandt pointed out that bipartisan demands that the Department of Tran* spoliation put its house in order before it gels ad ditional State funds have delayed action on bills to raise motor vehicle taxes until the Legislature reconvenes in mid- November. “Penn Dot officials claim they need an additional 1200 million in gas taxes and increased registration fees for maintenance and repair of the State highway system,” he added. “They cite inflation as the primary cause, but a close look at the overall spending by the Department during the past four years shows where the major source of inflation has occurred: “In 1974-75 the cost of actual highway maintenance was $225 million, up 47 percent since 1970-71. But administrative costs in the maintenance field rose 177 percent during the same period. “As a result, roads go unrepaired while upper echelon costs rise out of all proportion and the Depart ment itself has become a center of payroll padding, political control, inef ficiency, graft and corruption.” Secretary of Tran sportation Jacob Kassab recently complained publicly'abuut his inability to dismiss Department em- ITS "EARLY ORDER" TIME FOR DOEBLER'S HYBRIDS (NOW UNTIL JAN. 15) 83X SINGLE CROSS - 118 DAYS New in 72, this Single Cross Hybrid has gained a large following. Look for a good sized plant, a vigorous grower and yields that compare with the very best. 83X is a fine stander and shows resistance to eastern blights. A good picker-sheller corn. 8703 3 WAY - 118 DAYS A Penn State released 3-Way Cross with exceptional yield and standup. Averaged 184.3 bu. dry shelled corn per acre in the 1970 Agronomy Tests in five Southeastern Pa. locations. Percent erect plants 94.6 percent!! An excellent choice for grain or silage. Very blight resistant. SOLD BY 250 DEALERS IN PENNA. NEW YORK, MARYLAND & DELAWARE. work along Pa. highways ployccs indicted on criminal charges directly related to their jobs as State em ployees. In 1974, a special House investigating committee uncovered a State-wide pattern of graft and kick backs to highwak officials by contractors doing business with the State, and the ultimate cost of such corruption is borne by the taxpayer, the Pennsylvania motorist. “The Governor has changed his position several times during the past year on the method he favors to raise additional highway revenues,” Brandt said. “First he proposed a $lOO million bond issue for high way maintenance, which would have been un constitutional; then the use of Federal revenue sharing funds for this purpose and in 1974 the Governor strongly opposed a one-cent increase in the gas tax earmarked for maintenance, which was passed by the Legislature last September. “In 1975 he is asking for a two-cent increase, from nine to 11 cents a gallon, plus the doubling of auto registration fees, from $l4 to $2B a year, as well as increases in truck registrations according to their weight.” Recently, House Minority Leader Robert J. Butera, R- Montgomery, called for “major advances in reor dering Penn Dot priorities, built-in safeguards against political corruption, and a much higher degree of ac Lancaater Farming, Saturday, Nov. 1.1975—23 countability to the public and the General Assembly ...” Within leu than a week two House Democratic leaders joined him with the following statement: "We want firm and specific assurances that these funds will result in some visible improvement in our roads. Penn Dot has not satisfied us on this point yet.” "Secretary Kasub who has resigned effective Jane Hill of Kutztown accepted the Beatty H. Dimit plaque on behalf of the Berks County Grange Drill Team. The team, of which she is a member, took first place in state-wide Grange competition this past week. Miss Hill was the state Grange’s Youth Princess for 1974-75. LANCASTER COUNTY DEALERS DANIEL BRUBAKER DANIEL ESH NELSON HABECKER WILBUR W.KREIDER RICHARD LEININGER ROBERT McSPARRAN, JR. PENNFIELD CORPORATION LESTER Nl. WEAVER P. ROBERT WENGER NORMAN ZEAGER, JR. RALPH B.ZEAGER ROY ZIMMERMAN 800 - 3 WAY - 115 DAYS New in 73,800 3-way is outstanding in yield, standup and tolerance to thick planting and drought. Yields of 200 bu. dry shelled com have been reached in test plots. Look for a close attached ear of substantial length and girth. Excellent for silage. 800-3 was No. 1 of 84 hybrids tested 14 bu. better in yield than any other hybrid brand in the 1973 Maryland Extension test in Carroll County!! Has the highest 3 year average in Dorchester Co. with 159.1 bu. dry shelled corn per acre. SOX SINGLE CROSS - 115 DAYS A super hybrid, SOX is the straight single of the modified 800-3 way. It is very uniform, has an ideal ear type and is protected with multi-gene blight resistance. An excellent stander. This is a difficult hybrid for us to produce, but is something very special when farm planted. Latest strip test yield on BOX is 226 bu. dry shelled corn per acre!! Supply limited. January 1, announced recently that he »u working on a plan to cut Penn Dot peraonnel by 20 percent, but he can only accomplish this objective if hla hands are freed from political in* terference," Brandt said. He added that his proposal to free highway funds from use for grass cutting would definitely help in putting Penn Dot's house in order. EPHRATA PARADISE LANCASTER LITITZ ELIZABETHTOWN PEACH BOTTOM LANCASTER NEW HOLLAND QUARRYVILLE BAINBRIOGE ELIZABETHTOWN EPHRATA