B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 25,1975 OCT. 27-NOV. 2, 1975 Drip, drip, plents of precip. Boner mend sour broken windows now Rita Has worth born Get 27, IPIB Last quarter of moon Oct 27 Veterans Das Oet 27 Average length of dass lor the week, 10 hours. 2b minutes Most small animals in hibernation now First e\pcn mental "Using Fortress" (XB-17) crashed Oct 30. 1935 Statue ol Liberts unseiled Oct 28. 188 b Fisc inches of snow fell on Georgia mountains Oet 28, 1973 Neglect ol agriculture causes most of the world's ills Old Farmer’s Riddle; How can sou make a skirt last’ (Answer below ) Ask *> ,e Old Farmer; Aren't a spider and a skillet both frsmg pans 1 ’ 1 sasses. ms friend no CV? V"<‘i/ are Both are /nine pans. the spider heme larger than the skillet Onemalh. try mi; pans sure designed tor use in a fire plate, and had lone legs. like a 'spider ' Skillet, hc think is a distorted form ol "skellat," whnh ssos a sort ol handbell or rattle Home HinK Rub i brush i\pe hair roller lighilv mer window screens and see how it easily pijys up hm and duM Riddle answer Make the blouse hrM OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Mosi of week fair with normal temperatures, except lor scattered showers in north Greater .\e» Vork-Ne» Jersej: Generalh dear and cool all week, becoming warmer b\ week's end. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Rain ends beginning of week, then general clearing and mild Piedmont & Southeast Coastal; Entire week is clear and quite cool o\er the region. ' Florida: GeneralK dear and \er> warm in central and north, parth sunn> with occasional ram m south Lpstate & Western N A .-Toronto 0, Montreal: Thundershowers to start, then dear and cool Greater Ohio \alle>: Weather is generally clear and cool throughout the week. Deep South: First part of week is mosth clear, then thun dershowers latter pan. subsiding somewhat bv week’s end Chicago & Southern Great Lakes: Sunm skies and abo\e-normal temperatures continue throughout the week Northern Great Plains-Great Lakes: Earh week milder, with some clouds in the west, snow latter part Central Great Plains: Variable cloudiness and mild temperatures at first, then moderate to hea\\ rain in central latter part Texas-Oklahoma: Week begins clear and warm, thunderstorms latter pan. with moderate!) heaw ram on the Gulf Rock) Mountain; Intermittent ram in north and steady showers m central earl) part of week, clear and mild latter part. Southwest Desert: First clear and warm, then becoming cloud) with showers m the east, showers m the west bv week's end Pmsfic Northwest: Mosth cloud) and ram) all week, hea\) m the south and moderate!) hea\) in the north California: North is general!) sunn) and pleasant all week: south is partial!) overcast f \H K R.scrwU OjMm Ml Greencastle Greencastle. Pa. Oct. 20.1975 CATTLE 219. Compared with Monday’s market, two week's ago: Couple Good slaughter steers 44.00 and 44.50. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.25-24.85, one at 25.60. Cutters 19.75-22.60. few Canners 18.50-19.85. Shells down to 13.50. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1070-1480 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.00-31.25, few Yield Grade No. 2, 880- 1240 lbs. 23.85-25.50. Good and Choice 330-700 lbs feeder steers 22.50-33.50, Medium 520-775 lbs. 22.00- 26.75. CALVES 215. Few Choice vealers 53.50-59.00, few Good 46.00-54.50, Standard 29.50- 36.00, Utility 90-120 lbs. 23.60- 29.00, 70-85 lbs. 21.50-24.00. Farm Calves: Few Holstein heifers 90-115 lbs. 26.00-38.00. HOGS 18. Lot US No. 1-3 225 lbs. barrows and gilts at 60.00, lot No. 2-3 220 lbs. at 58.60. Few US No. 1-3 330-460 lbs. sows 45.00-54.50. One Boar at 40.25. 1 Oewart Auction Dewart, Pa. Oct. 20,1975 CATTLE 255. Compared with Monday’s market two week’s ago; Few Choice slaughter steers 44.75-46.00, Good 40.00-44.25, Standard 35.00- Utility 26.75- 31.25. Few Good slaughter heifers 34.00-37.00, few Standard 29.50-33.75, Utility 25.00- Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 24.00-27.00, Cutters 22.50-24.25, Canners 19.50- 22.75, Shells down to 18.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 32.00- few Standard 28.75-31.25. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 900-1900 lbs. slaughter bulls 24.00-29.50. CALVES 232. Choice Thomasville Auction Thomasville, Pa. vealers, individual’s 50.50 Oct. 22,1975 and 54.50, few Good 39.00- CATTLE 103. Compared 45.50, few Standard 36.50- with last Wednesday’s 40.00, few Utility 115-120 lbs. market: Few Choice 27.00-29.00, 90-110 lbs. 22.50- slaughter steers 46.10-46.75, 27.00, few 65.85 lbs. 20.00- few Good 40.00-45.50, few 21.50. Farm Calves: Few Standard 32.10-39.75. Good Holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. slaughter heifers, in- 23.00-26.00; few Beef cross dividual’s 36.75 and 37.00, bulls and heifers 80-85 lbs. one Standard at 24.85, few 23.50-25.00. Utility 23.60-24.35. Utility and HOGS 67. Lot US No. 1-2 High Dressing Cutter 210 lbs. barrows and gilts at slaughter cows 24.00-26.00, 60.35, No. 1-3 200-230 lbs. Cutters 21.25-24.10, few 59.85-60.25, few No. 2-3 190- Canners 17.50-21.25. Few 260 lbs. 58.00-59.00. Few US Utility slaughter bullocks No. 1-3 220-475 lbs. sows 21.25-23.00. Individual Yield 48.85-57.75. Few Boars 38.60- Grade No. 1, 1380 lbs. 46.75. slaughter bull at 29.25. FEEDER PIGS 55. US No. Medium and Good 390-630 1-3 20-30 lbs. feeder pigs lbs. feeder steers 33.25, in- 20.00-26.00 per head, lot No. dividual at 38.50; few 1-3 35 lbs. at 36.00, lot Utility Common and Medium 445- 15 lbs. at 11.00 per head. 580 lbs. feeder heifers 15.00- SHEEP 11. Couple Good 65 15.25. Few Common and lbs. wooled slaughter lambs Medium 365-845 lbs. feeder at 25.50. Few Slaughter ewes bulls 13.25-18.60. CALVES 93. Choice Pennsylvania has become voluntary basis prior to 1969. the third state in the nation, in 1969, it became man following New' York and dotory for all first-time California, to join the hunters under the age of 16 to National Rifle Association’s complete a hunter education 500,000 Club by training over course before being eligible half a million persons in its to purchase a hunting hunter education program, license. The Pennsylvania Game in the past six years, about Commission’s hunter 350,000 youngsters have education program had completed the course in about 150,000 graduates Pennsylvania, while being presented on a © a © © a vealers 50.00-54.50, Good 39.00- Standard 32.00- 39.50, Utility 90-110 lbs. 24.50- 29.00, 70-85 lbs. 22.00-24.50. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 26.00-31.50. HOGS 283. US No. 1-3 195- 230 lbs. barrows and gilts 60.40-60.80, No. 2-3 185-255 lbs. 59.90-60.50, few lots No. 1-3150-165 lbs. 56.00-59.80. US No. 1-3 350-650 lbs. sows 49.00- Boars 38.00-45.50. FEEDER PIGS 187. US No. 1-3 20-25 lbs. feeder pigs 25.50-39.50 per head. No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 45.00-49.50 per head. SHEEP 15. Utility 50-65 lbs, wooled slaughter lambs 20.00-31.00. 8.50-16.50. State Joins 500,000 Club Leesport Auction Leesport, PA Oct. 22,1975 CATTLE 374. Supply in cluded' 106 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday’s market: Few Good and Choice slaughter steers 45.00-47.00, Good 40.25- 45.35, Standard 32.00-40.25, few Utility 29.40-30.00. Choice slaughter heifers 39.1043.00, Good 33.75-39.10, few Standard 23.60-27.00, few Utility 20.00-22.85. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 23.85-27.10, one at 27.75, Cutters 21.60- 24.00, Canners 18.00-21.10, Shells down to 13.75. Few Good slaughter bullocks 30.25-35.00, Standard 26.00- 30.25, few Utility 22.50-25.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1,1180- 1690 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.00-29.75. Lot Choice 465 lbs. feeder steers at 37.50, Good 350-750 lbs. 28.00-33.50, few Medium 450-550 lbs. 18.50-24.25. Good 280-580 lbs. ♦ TOlfc NO. 1 STOP FOR t LIQUID MANURE ♦ EQUIPMENT * THIS IS THE BEST PUMP FOR PROBLEM PITS HUSKY C 72 LIQUID MANURE PUMP * [MI« " BEITERBILT ” ! ♦ ♦ ♦ Vacuum Spreaders ♦ Trailer Mounted Pumps | M°del 800 gal., \ ♦ 8-10-12 Ft. 1500 fal - ♦ ♦ 3 point Hitch Mounted | 2100 231* ♦ t Xa2”W | J A 1875 gal. Tandem i A A 2500 gal. Tandem i ▲ 3OOO gal. Tandem | ▲ ♦ ♦ USED LIQUID EQUIPMENT (1) Mod. 1100 Gal. Better-Biit (3) Liquid Manure Pumps lO’-ll’-ia’ ♦ MANURE SPREADER ♦ ♦ with Plow Down Attachment 4 I SHEWS i ! f&nSi) FARM SERVICE j ♦ R.D.4, Lititz, PA ♦ Ph. 626-1151 feeder heifers 18.50-21 5o Few' Choice"‘sBo-640 lb s feeder bu115'25.25-26.10, Good 350-700 lbs. 20.00-25.50. ' CALVES 133. Choice vealers 53.00-60.50, Good 45.00-55.00, Standard 32 00- 42.00, Utility 90-115 lbs. 24.50- 30.00, 70-85 lbs. 18.00-2500 HOGS 270. US No. 1-2 205- 225 lbs. barrows and gilts 60.85-61.10, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 60.10-60.75, No. 2-3 190- 220 lbs. 59.00-60.25, No. 2-4 280-360 lbs. 51.00-57.75. US No. 1-3 400-580 lbs. sows 43.5047.75. Boars 480-570 lbs 44.8545.25. FEEDER PIGS 160. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 25.0045.00 per head, No. 1.3 35-50 lbs. 40,00-53.00 per head. SHEEP 17. Choice (few) 75-100 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 36.00-46.50. Few Slaughter ewes 14,00-14.50. Few Yearlings 25.00-32.00. LIQUID