Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 25, 1975, Image 74
74—Unmter Farming Saturday. Oct, 25. 1975 Public Sales Register Sale located in Cumberland County. 24 miles West of NcwvlUe, Pa., along Route Ml. Sale by John F. Stamy 111, owner, RD2, Ncwville, Pa. Ralph Horst and V. Art Kling, Auctioneers; Fred Nauglc, Pedigrees. FRI. OCT. 27 7 p.m. - Penn*. Feeder Calf Sale of 200 head at Westmoreland Fairground, Greensburg. TUBS. OCT. 28 7:30 - p.m. 4th Yearling Steer Sale at the Narrows livestock Auction Market, Inc., Narrows, Virginia. TUBS. OCT. 28 1:00 p.m. - Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc. Lancaster, Penna. TUBS. OCT. 28 - 7:00 p.m. State Sponsored Calf & Yearling Sale. At Front Royal Livestock Sales, Inc., Front Royal, Va. TUBS. OCT. 28 - Herd Dispersal at the Black & White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or '4 mile West of Breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer; Henry Ket tering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. WED. OCT. 29 1 p.m. - Penna. Feeder Calf Sale of 800 head at Waynesburg Fairground. WED. 29, THURS. 30, FRI. 31 OCT. - 9 a.m. 3 Day Public Sale. Wed. 29 - Notions, Cooking Utensils & Glassware, Thurs. 30 - CATTLE AUCTION SATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1975 12:00 Noon Lloyd Tyler Farm, Bark Shanty Road just off Route 872 between Coudersport and Austin, Pa. Watch for Auction Arrows. 73 hd Holstein Cattle 21 Registered 52 High Grade 21 2 yr old Heifers 1 to Freshen Nov 2 in Jan balance in Spring 23 Heifers - 6 - 18 mos. old 18 Steers, 1 & 2 years old 11 bull calves 6 to 8 mos old Interstate tested - Charts day of sale 20 metal stalls and stanchions, several odd stanchions 50 lb Surge milker Terms Cash or good check Lunch LLOYD TYLER, owner Si Pepperman, Auctioneer RITZMAN STEAM COLLECTION SALE CANCELLED DUE TO FLOOD NEW DATE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Ist 9:00 A.M. Located 1 mi west of Enola, Pa along Rt 944, 4 mi West of Harrisburg 2 steam engines, salesmans and hand made models of farm machinery and steam engines, posters and advertisement signs, lot of rare books Terms - Cash or Travelers Checks Only Inspection 7 00 a m sale day only. MRS. EARLENE RITZMAN Owner Long Bros. - Auct. 717-732-2023 717-527-4784 Groceries. Frl. 31 Groceries, Equipment & Antiques. located 200 E. Main St., New Holland, Pa. Sale By Morris A. Trimmer. Auctioneers: Robert E. Martin & Frank L. Stcllcr WED. OCT. 29 ■ 7:00 p.m. Public Sale of 59 Head of Holstein Dairy Cattle, Bulk Milk Tank, Pipeline milker. Located approx. 3 miles Northwest of Myerstown. Sale by Irvin N. & Arlene H. Zimmerman. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. WED. OCT. 29 ■ New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Annual Dairy Show and Sale to be held at their Sales Barn, New Holland, Penna., 10 miles Bast of Lancaster, Pa. Show 10 A.M. Sale 12 Noon. Abe Diffenbach, Manager. THURS. OCT. 30 - 5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat and Gavel Auction Co. located one mile North of Lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. THURS. OCT. 30-1:30 p.m.- Public Sale of Valuable Lebanon Co. Farm Real Estate situated on the North East Corner in the Borough of Cornwall along Tice Lane, Lebanon Co., Pa. Conditions by Richard B. Bucher, owner; Earl S. Buf fenmeyer. Auctioneer. THURS. OCT. 30 - Two Feeder Cattle Sales in One Day, 3200 Feeders; 1:00 p.m. at the Culpeper Agricultural Enterprises 3 mi. So. of Culpeper on Rt. 29 the other at 7:00 p.m. at Fauquier Livestock Exchange, 1 mi. E. of Marshall on Rt. 55. FRI. OCT. 31 • All kinds of Cattle Mile at the South Branch Stockyards, Mooreficld, West Virginia. FRI. OCT. 31 7 p.m. - Pcnna. Feeder Calf Sale of 500 head at Mercer Livestock Yards. FRI. OCT. 31 - 10:30 A.M. Special Short Notice Dairy Sale of 40 Head to be sold at the Leesport Market and Auction, Inc. Dairy Barn, Leesport, Pa. FRI. OCT. 31 - 7:00 P.M. Special Fall Stocker and Feeder Sales. Located at Vintage Sales Stables Inc., Box 100, Paraside, Pa., Lancaster, Co. FRI. OCT. 31 - 7 P M. 2nd Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale at the Farmers Livestock Exchange, Inc. on Rt. 50, West of Winchester, Va. Sale sponsored by Northern Virginia Livestock, Inc CONSIGNMENT SALE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5, 1975 9:30 A.M. Location: Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., PA. Tractors, Farm Machinery; Horse Drawn Implements; New Tools, Lumber; etc., etc. We have buyers for hay and straw No. 354 New Holland Grinder-Mixer, used 5 months, No 350 New Holland Grinder-Mixer; Int. Grinder-Mixer; Large variety of lumber, 100 Trusses from 20 to 32 ft. in length; Aluminum Siding, Aluminum Roofing, Doors and Windows Truck load of citrus fruit direct from Florida We Sell On Commission POSITIVELY NO DAVID H. GOOD HOUSEHOLD GOODS 717-656-9024 F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, J. Fry Aucts. NEXT SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 20. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 1,1975 COMMENCING AT 11:00 A.M. Located 14 miles West of Watkins Glen, 10 miles East of Hammondsport, 3 miles Northwest of Weston, 2‘/z miles Southeast of Wayne, on Bailey Hill Road. 38 Hi-Grade Interstate tested Holsteins 38 5-fresh, balance in various stages of lactation. A real good farm herd, home raised, never pushed. 28 Holstein heifers, and steers. 6 crossbred beef cows with calves. MACHINERY J.D. 3010 - Int. “H” - A.C. “WD” w-loader - J.D. 14T baler - J.D. 480 haybine - 2 J.D. No. 12 corn choppers - J.D. self unloading wagon - N.H. self unloading wagon - No. 160 Badger manure spreader - J.D. 3 bottom 16” plow - 3 running gears - 9’ offset disc - 3 section drag - 8’ N.I. roll bar rake P.T.O. reverse tedder - Ontario 16 hoe gram drill - J.D. 4 row corn planter - J.D. fertilizer spreader - elevator - Case corn picker 1 row - Chevrolet IVz ton stake dump truck MILKING EQUIPMENT DeLaval milker pump with 3 horse motor - 4 DeLaval magnetic milker units - Dumping Station. Come early, we start on tune. Dairy sale held inside. Lunch available. Terms: CASH MR. AND MRS. MARK DICKERSON OWNERS Bob Allen and Boys Auctioneers, Sales Managers and Real Estate People Dundee, N.Y. 14837 Phone: 607-292-3180 FRI. OCT. 31 • 6 P.M. Public Sale at Gap Auction located off Route 14, Lancaster Avc. opposite Turkey Hill Minlt Market, cross RR Bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioneers. FRI. OCT. 31 - 1:00 P.M. Special Dairy Cattle Auc tion. Located at North Franklin Commission Sale, Route Junction 32 and 207, North Franklin, Conn. Sale by North Franklin Com mission Sales. SAT. NOV. 1 -11 a.m. Public Sale of Hi-Grade Holsteins, machinery, milking eauipment. Located 14 miles West of Watkins Glen, 10 miles East of Ham mondsport, 3 miles Nor theast of Weston. 2M> miles Southeast of Wayne, on Bailey Hill Road. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dickerson, owners. Bob Allen and Boys Auctioneers, Sales Managers and Real Estate People. SAT NOV 1-11:00 a.m. SAT. NOV. 1 - 10:00 a.m. Public Auction of Plumbing Marian! Lumber Co. Close Sunnllcs i Appliances. Out Public Sale. Located at Location*: Rudniefs Barn. Sheridan Ave. and Ulrich St. Rt. 213. Galena, Md. Harry Annvlllc, Pa. (Formerly Rudnick & Sons, Inc. Sales Saylors Lumber) Conditions Managers & Auctioneers. by Gladys Marianl, owner. p - Roy I. Ebersole and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. NOV. 1 -10 a.m. Public SAT. NOV. 1 - 12:M Ayrshire Auction, 11 Antique and Sale selling 50 Registered Classic Cars and Trucks and Ayrshires. Located at the Parts, Industrial Equip- Robert farm located ment, Antiques and Fur- miles Northeast of nilure located at 3647 Shirleysburg, ‘ Huntingdon Churchvllle Rd., Md. Rt. 22. Co.", Pa. or 7 miles South of between Aberdeen an<i Mount Union, turn East off Carsins Run (only 0.3 miles R^ e - 522 in ShirleysvUle onto north of the Aberdeen exit, of Germany Valley Rd. Ar- J.F.K. Highway 1-95 and Md. * H° rs *. Managers. Rt. 22) Harford County, Ralph W. Horst, Auctioneer. Aberdeen, Md. Sale by Leonard E. McGrady, SAT. NOV. 1 7 p.m. - Penna Owner; William H. Amoss, Feeder Calf Sale of 50 head Auctioneer. at Mercer 4-H Park. HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. 1 Mile North ol Lititz on Route SOI THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 “ 5:30 P.M. COLLECTIBLES - HOUSEHOLD No Coins At This Sate Round Oak Table, Six (6) Vz spindle back chairs, pie safe, trestle table and benches, jelly cupboards, old guns, powder flask, wooden dog collars, brass pieces, wooden carved pieces, rug remnants, Myers water pump, electric grinder, oak dresser, and lots of new sewing notions, bedroom furniture WE SPECIALIZE IN PUBLIC AUCTIONS, ESTATES AND ANTIQUES. WILBUR H. HOSIER 306 Owl Hill Rd., Lititz Harold K. Galebach, Partner HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. SELLS ON COMMISSION CALL 626-0254 Receiving Hours Monday, Noon to 9 P.M., Wednesday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M; Tuesday, Pickup Day. PUBLIC SALE IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES ON SATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1975 AT 10 A.M. Located 5 miles West of Leesport, 5 miles East of Bernville, 3 /> mile South of Bellaman’s Church. Along Pony Road. Watch for Sale Signs. IMPLEMENTS B.N. Tractor, 2 Way Plow, Double Plow, 7 ft. Mower, Cultivator, Corn Planter, Corn Binder, Grain Drill, MC Baler, Elevator, Stalk Buster, Potato Digger, Harrows, Horse Cultivators, Wagons, Feed Grinder, Corn Cracker, Milk Cans, 2 Black Smith Outfits, Harness, Single and Double trees, Milk Cooler, Bell, Milkers, Scalding Trough, Meat Grinder, Sausage Stuffer, Scales, Iron Kettles and Tripot, Chains, Block and Tackle, All Kinds of Bags, Tools, Chicken Coops, Pig Trough, Snow Plow, Anvil, Tractor Saw, Hinges & Plumbing Tools. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES Kalamazoo Range, Good Condition, Wood Space Heater, 2 Coal Oil Stoves, 3 Iron Beds, T.V. Chairs and Rockers, Old Books, Butter Churn, Butter Mold and Scale, Baskets, 8 Day Clock, Sewing Machine, Tables, Refrigerator, Bottles, Jars, Crocks, and Jugs, Almanacs Dating from 1875 to 1931, Wash Machine, Shoe Repair Kit, Riding Mower, Other Mowers, Dishes, Pots and Pans, a lot of other Farming Items and Household Goods. Sale starts at 10 A.M. CONDITIONS BY: HELEN M. KNOLL Paul E. Bixler and Gerald G. Kramer, Aucts. Bernville, PA. Not Responsible for Accidents *