Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 25, 1975, Image 70
-Lancastar Firming. Saturday. Oct. 25, 1975 70 Kuhfuss export policies SAGINAW, ... The Key role that record 1975 U.S. crops can play in the nation's economic recovery and favorable balance of trade is being Jeopardized by the Ford Administration's in terference in agricultural export markets, William J. Kuhfuss, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, said here last week. He addressed the annual meeting of the Saginaw County Farm Bureau. "American agriculture through its unequalled productivity and its con tribution to a favorable blalnce of trade, is the one sector of the economy that has made a major con tribution in combatting inflation and in giving sorely needed impetus to the general economic recovery,” the national farm leader said. Kuhfuss pointed out U.S. farm exports for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975. reached $21.6 billion and resulted in a positive trade balance of $l2 billion in our agricultural trade. This pushed the U.S. overall trade balance into the black by $2.2 billion. “Our record farm exports have helped to pay for the soaring costs of oil imports and also strengthened the vaule of the U.S. dollar, but we are faced with a decline in these exports because of the delays in sales to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe by the on again, off again export policy of the Administration,” Kuhfuss said. PUBLIC SALE LIVESTOCK & MACHINERY SATURDAY, NOV. 1,1975 The undersigned will sell at the former Boyd Morrow farm West of Newburg, Rt 641 First crossroad left on Sunset Rd Second farm on left Watch for Signs Dispersal of Complete Herd Of Holstein Milk Cows and Heifers Some fresh by Sell Date. 15 heifers; one Registered Bull, Arlinda Chief son; 3 yearling Angus heifers; 2 calves, 4 mo. old; One 6 mo. old Belgian stud colt; 1 Reg. Belgian colt, Blond. 2 bottom sulky plow w-Massey Ferguson trip back bottoms, good condition; One 4 bar New Idea side delivery rake; 1 No. 9 McCormick mower, 5 & 7 ft. bar; one fertilizer spreader; 2 chick brooder coal stoves, John Deere Fertilizer drill; Bush beater w-4 cylinder Wisconsin motor, 22 in.; Frick threshing machine, good condition; one pickup baler w-kicker; gas stove; gas water heater; Stuart Model 151 Chpmaster; 2 John Deere 3 horse hitches; 2 double trees; 1 AC single bottom trailer plow; Bobsled; 10 hole round hog feeder; % ton capacity, good condition; Canning lids; many miscellaneous items not mentioned. Any one is welcome to bnng any salable items to be sold. The commission will be donated to the Amish School. Lunch stand by Amish School. Also a bake stand. A fruit truck will be here. TERMS Cash, Auctioneers: Lloyd Kreider Stephen Petersheim 215-869-2508 Not responsible for accidents, The Federation president pointed out that even if restrictions arc removed this month on Soviet sales, (they were) much damage has already been done to the image of the United States as a reliable supplier in world markets. "The Soviet Union has purchased 500,000 bushels of soybeans from Brazil and last week bought 500,000 long tons of wheat, oats and barley from Canada. "The most unfortunate aspect of the embargo on sales to the Soviet Union and Poland is that the ac ion was totally unnecessary on the basis of supply estimates as early as a month ago. Even with the October crop report which showed the largest corn crop on record, the second largest soybean crop, and record wheat and nee crops, the Administration refused to lift restrictions on Soviet sales. “U. S Department of Agnculture officals admit that the record com and wheat crops show that the United States can take care of domestic needs, increase its exports and still have an increase in the carryover at the end of the crop year. •Why then is the govern ment playing a cat and mouse game with the nation's vital export market? The claim of the AFL-CIO that sales to the Soviet Union would increase consumer pnees is a phony as the union’s stated interest in protecting U.S. con sumers. The unions pressured the Ad ministration into its 10:00 A.M Machinery ISAAC L. ESH Rl, Newburg, PA hits moratorium action in order to secure higher shipping rates, higher maritime subsidies and an increase in the amount of grain loaded in American ships. The State Department used the excuse of union pressure to use U.S. farmers' grain as a political pawn in a diplomatic chess game to gam concessions from the Soviet Union unrelated to gram agreements. “The orchestrated cam paign to make Soviet sales the scapegoat for increased food costs and other economic ills has provided a handy excuse for those Congressmen and union leaders seeking to divert public attention from ex cessive government spen ding • the root cause of in flation. The myth of the disastrous effect of the Soviet sale is exploded by the fact that sales to Russia to date amount to only six percent of the wheat crop, and three percent of the com crop.” The farm leader also expressed concern over the so-called “agreement” negotiated with the Soviet Union to “regularize” future sales to Russia under a bilateral agreement. “In view of the success me United States has enjoyed in the world export market through use of the market system in moving our grains, why does the Administration seek to copy the failures of govemment-to-goverament trading as experienced by Great Britian, and other nations. “Consumers, whether they know it or not, have con siderable to lose if the U.S. shifts a surplus, producing nation in grain crops. If maxiumum U.S. farm production, with its ac companying efficiencies, is to be maintained, there must be export outlets for its output. We traditionally export two-thirds of cur wheat, one-fourth of our corn, and one-half of our soybeans. In the absence of world market outlets, the only alternative for the nation’s farmers is to curtail output. This means less ef ficient production, higher food costs, a lower standard of living and a loss of jobs for those workers involved in all phases of U.S. farm exports. “As far as farmers are concerned, there is an urgent need for the Congress and the executive branch to determine a long range export policy that is in the best interests of all segements of the national economy and then stick to it. The recent experience of farmers, who were urged to go all out in production with the promise of unfettered access to world markets only to have the rug pulled out from under them at harvest time, has resulted in a growing distrust of govern ment policy on the part of farmers,” Kuhfuss said. Commenting on a current and erroneous criticism by some that the United States is delivering its food com moditites mainly to those countries that can afford to purchase them and thus denying food aid to the poorer nations, Kuhfuss From Local A# Teachers: i *SZ.~i Remember Safety when Harvesting By Ronald Althoff Ag Instructor Sotanco High School Fall baa now officially arrived. The leaves arc turning to their brilliant shades of color and the corn is ripening. Pumpkins are appearing at roadside stands and witches and globbins are popping out from store windows. Farmers are taking to the fields to harvest that last cutting of alfalfa, or get the com finished so they can enjoy the first day of the hunting season. Yes, I think you will agree that fall is indeed a lovely and busy season of the year. Don’t let the hustle and bustle get to you this year; remember SAFETY. We want’alT of you to be able to enjoy the coming seasons as well. HAS A WAY OF LETTING ONE KNOW WHO HIS FRIENDS REALLY ARE. pointed out: “In spite of increased commercial ex port sales and tighter sup plies, the United States provided $1.6 billion for Public Law 480, our principal food aid vehicle, in fiscal 1975. This was enough to finance approximately 5.5 million tons of commoditites, mostly wheat and rice. “U.S. export sales also are necessary to maintain a large and efficient production plant. Such a productive capacity is necessary not only to meet our domestic needs and commercial exports sales, but to make continued food aid possible. “We should also remember that if it were not for the 80 million tons of farm commoditites being sold abroad on commercial terms in the current fiscal year, these buyers would face the threat of food shortages,” Kuhfuss said. Farrand Farm HEIFER AND FARM MACHINERY DISPERSAL At Rathbone, 4 mi. from Addison, N.Y., and 15 from Elkland, PA SAT., NOV. Ist at 11 A.M. 101 interstate-tested Holstems (7 cows, fresh or springing, 93 heifers of all ages and a really good set of cattle'), 3 colored animals, 1 Reg. Ayrshire bull, 4 MF tractors (three 65’s - 2 diesel, 1 gas and one 10-20), NH “461" haybme, and a complete line of equipment in very good condition, plus 6,000 bales of the best hay, 600 bu. gram, 500 bales straw, small tools, antique items, everything! l For full list mailed you, contact Rumsey Sales, 226 Liberty St, Bath, N.Y. (607-776-3478). Carelessness Is a con tributing factor in a majority of all accidents involving com pickers and combines. Motors List A new six page Stock List is offered by Leeson Electric Corporation of Grafton, Wisconsin. The Stock List provides specifications for the complete line of stock fractional and integral horsepower motors available from Leeson. Both open drip-proof and totally enclosed motors are included, in rigid, resilient and “C" face mountings. Sizes available range from the 48 through the 215 T frame, in horsepower ratings from V* to 10. “Hard to find” motors, such as 575 volt designs and 50 hertz, single phase designs, are also stocked. Brake motors, farm duty motors and ac cessories are covered in special sections. Sales office locations and ordering in formation are also provided. Leeson Electric is a full line manufacturer of in dustrical purpose electric motors. For a copy of the current Stock List, write Leeson Electric Corporation, Box 241, Grafton, Wisconsin 53024. SPECIAL DAIRY CATTLE AUCTION AT NORTH FRANKLIN COMMISSION SALES Route Junction 32 and 207 North Franklin, Connecticut FRIDAY, OCT. 31,1975 AT l:OOP.M. 300 HOLSTEINS 300 200 High-grade and Registered Holstein springing, handling and fresh cows plus first calf heifers hand picked for size, quality and production especially for this sale. 100 yearling, open and bred heifers with size, quality and production behind them. T.B. and Blood Tested Trucking Available Within 30 Days Terms - Cash or Check With the demand for good dairy cattle being greater than the supply, attending this sale is of utmost im portance to any man that is in the market for the kind of cattle that pay instead of cost. SAM PHONE 642-7575 r/ What causes those who operate these machines to be careless? I have several opinions on the subject. You are entitled to agree or disagree with me. 1. Haste - Everyone gets in a hurry to get finished. We have had some wet weather now that has slowed down the harvest. Don't be too hasty - slow down, there will be a tomorrow. Stop the machine, a loaded wagon has a great deal of energy once it gets started in motion down a hill. 2. Boredom - Boredom dulls our senses. Operating a machine all day becomes monotonous and often causes drowsiness. Stay alert! Take a break and get something to eat or drink. Just walk around and wake-up. 3. Daydreaming - Thinking about the cow that might be calving in the pasture, or the tractor that needs repaired. Think about what you are doing. Carelessness is only one factor for many accidents, but I think this is the factor each of us can control if we slow down and stay alert. Let’s all enjoy this beautiful season and not have it marked by tragedy.