Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 25, 1975, Image 69
CHESTER CO. DHIA .1, . John S.'Smoker" (Continued from Pa|| 67|„ „ 14 RH 7-5 Church Farm School 4 RG 7-9 89 RG 8-0 109 RG 4-5 118 RG 5-7 Milton & Joyce Edwards GH 5-« GH 9-0 GH 9-11 Wilmer L. Hosteller Hershey GH 5-0 Floyd Miller 4 27 30 34 GH 7-11 Harry Freese & Son Ellen RH 5-2 Ope RH 3-0 Beatrice RH 6-2 Hope RH 3-1 VX 6 Battery Additive Gets Rid Of Excessive Sulphatioa-* The #1 Cause Of Battery Failure! r JUST ONE TREATMENT . v WITH VX-6 , tf* ENDS THIS CRIPPLING y Y* PROBLEM OF BATTERY FAILURE FOR THE LIFE 0F YOUR CAR! m guaranteed ir' uv. - n4 v ★VX fi restores Active Life To Meehan* A# ically Sound DEAD BATTERIES 1 ★ VX 6 Gives All Weather Instant Starts.,, ■ Even At 40' Below Zero Or In Torrid B Temperatures of 160* 1 ' Tfc-VXfi Gives Recuperative and Self '*'''■'' Charging Ability l "" ★ VX 6 Extends The Life 0( A Battery* Only one treatment with VX-6 will extend your batteries life for years and years! No need to spend $2O to $4O, or even $lOO every couple years on a new battery. DON'T WAIT; order yours, while your battery still has good charging ability. Simple directions with each unit. A Product of NATIONAL DYNAMICS CORP. NEW YORK Dist. Moses K. Lapp 310 Groffdale Rd. Gordonville, Penna. 17529 SPECIAL OFFER -**** T With this coupon - $3.50 per unit ppd. T Send units at $3.50 ea. to: Name y^ Address y^ * City — jf yt State_ Zip yL ******************* 305 10,311 305 305 305 305 11,677 12,387 10,511 11,665 305 305 305 17,797 14,618 15,154 305 16,975 299 16,515 305 305 305 305 17,973 16,072 15,225 13,863 +VX 6 Gives 25% Brighter Lights' Christ 1,. StolUfus Snntly RH 7-10 Hobo RH 6-3 Jane RH 7-9 Merle J. Klnjj Irma GH 6-3 Penn Ix:a Farm 223 GH 3-3 86 GH 7-0 127 GH 5-7 Harold Umblc Doris RH 4-11 Daniel S. Stoltzfus Flossie RH 5-4 Myra GH 6-4 Henry M. Hcrshcy Milzi RH 5-9 Kimbcrton Farm School, Inc. Alda RG 7-11 305 Walmoore No. 3 578 RH 4-2 167 RH 3-10 477 RH 5-1 673 5.7 5.2 6.1 5.4 668 642 640 632 3.7 4.3 4.2 667 634 630 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.5 662 660 640 620 315 RH 3-1 Hargret Dairy, Inc. 25 Vernon C. Ruth Doris RH 3-4 Sue RH 5-9 Elvin P. Graybill Ginny RH 3-11 Bryncoed Farms, Inc. M 23 RH 5-3 N 99 RH 4-6 054 RH 4-3 Lloyd Mast Jennie Angela E. Kent High 49 John R. Groff Ann Horace Prange Whitey GH 6-6 Norman G. Laffey, No. 1 179 J. Harold Bare 28 GH David Darlington Jean John H. Lamb Wll Harold R. Kulp Noel GH Donald H. Windle 119 RH Henry S. King Ethel RH E. E. Hershey 75 GH Charles H. Gable 191 RA Madison Silos Division Office, P O. Box 27" FOISKmSf LANDIS BROS INC. n h^hi PMENT «7 ilia Lancaster 393 3906 Elizabethtown 367-1319 cdamk cwvncD CARL L SHIRK A»ro™ M 268 Leta °" 711 ' 274 1 « CALEB WENGER SOLLE S E j ! FARM Quarryville 548 2116 Ce „, erp m 2 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 296 273 295 305 GH 3-0 281 305 305 277 305 305 263 305 RH 5-10 RH 3-11 GH 4-1 305 RH 3-10 305 305 GH 305 305 GH 305 GH 282 305 305 305 305 MADISON SILOS Div Chromalioy American Corp 1070 Stemmetz Road Ephrata PA 17522 Phone 733 1206 602 609 602 3.7 3.5 3.6 18,051 17,210 10,839 19,079 654 641 630 4.2 4.7 4.3 15,735 13,646 14,619 653 16,948 652 643 19,243 16,157 652 17,397 651 12,752 650 624 601 600 3.8 3.9 3.5 4.2 17,101 16,154 16,931 14.421 649 14,759 647 638 14,598 16,682 646 20,269 645 615 601 4.7 4.3 3.7 13,744 14,204 16,318 641 600 14,586 17,125 640 13,370 639 16,313 631 16,036 627 17,324 626 18,048 624 14,979 623 13,601 621 16,319 614 15,971 612 18,237 612 18,137 610 15,900 , Madison, Wis. 53701 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 25.1975 Lebanon County makes flood provisions The tabanbn County ASC Committee has Implemented the Emergency Con- servation Measures Program to defray costs to farmers for restoring farm land damage by hurricane, Eloisc. Government cost share rates arc 80 percent of cost for replacing fences, removing debris from far mland, grading, shaping, rcleveling of land, and restoring sod waterways, diversions, terraces, ponds and dams. Please contact the Lebanon County ASCS Office at 1730 North Highway 72, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 or call 273-9321 if you have ex- Groff receives honor for high-yielding com James R. Groff of Lan caster has posted an ap proximate yield of 174.84 bushels per acre of No. 2 com in the DeKalb Yield masters Club, according to a preliminary yield check reported to the Lancaster Farmer by area DeKalb District Service Representative Ed Wilson. Groff’s entry was mechanically harvested and verified by an impartial third party. The yield came from a field of XL64A. Groff planted the field on April 30 in 30 inch rows and had an estimated harvest stand of 24,500 plants. His fertilizer program included 130 lbs. of nitrogen, 110 lbs. of phosphate and 115 lbs. of potash. Weeds were controlled with Lasso & Atrazine. Harry L. Griest 47 GH John E. Bruner 98 GH Hogg & Hershey RH GH Mary F Waren Edgar Miller Joy RH Martin M. Weaver 94 GH Ben 0. Stoltzfus GH GH Ask About Our Pole Structures Thrive Centers combine expert engtneenng knowhow and top quality buildings •Odors and Manure Handling Almost Eliminated •Reduced Pig Mortality •Better Disease Control •Better Working Conditions Year Around Proper insulation and ventila tion lets animals do better naturally HUSKEE-BILTCON! pcrienccd damages because of the storm. Some corn in Lebanon County has received con siderable damage because of high water. Farmers planning to harvest this com for silage and who wish to file for low yield payment should call before it is harvested so that an ap praisal can be made in the field. Com that is harvested as shelled com or picked for ear com should be reported within 15 days after it is harvested to measure the acutal yield for low yield payment. The purpose of the Yieldmasters Club is to promote an exchange of ideas, in an atmosphere of friendly competition, among the nation’s leading com farmers. Each entrant in the program provides detailed information on his own com growing practices. These data are organized by program officials and a composite of results is tabulated. Through the sharing of this information, the program attempts to encourage practices which will help farmers gain the maximum amount of net profit from each acre of com. At a winter meeting Groff will receive a plaque in recognition of his yield. 13,104 303 14,534 277 13,933 16,093 305 305 17,738 305 104 20,394 305 16,198 13,720 305 305 YOUR HUSKEE-BILT MAN: IS MERVIN MILLER RD2, Keener Road, Lititz, Penna. Phone 626-5204 69 607 606 605 602 601 600 600