—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 25, 1975 64 Farm organizations from more than 50 countries to meet in Washington WASHINGTON Organized farmers from some fifty nations will coverge here later this month for a ten-day meeting dealing with world food policy, the agricultural aspects of the multilateral trade negotiations, national and international food reserves, farm commodity situations and problems, and the role of agriculture in sustaining a livable en vironment. These are among many issues to be considered when the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) holds its 21st General Conference October 27 through November 6 at the Statler Hilton hotel. This is the first time that the global farm association has held a General Con ference in Washington, D.C. and only the second time it has met in the U.S. in its 30- year history. “If the world will listen, farmers can present some workable solutions to problems associated with Get more heat for your money with a new Agway oil burner A run-down oil burner wastes fuel every minute that it's operating If your present burner won't hold a tune or needs frequent repair, you can probably save money by investing now in a new Agway burner The model 40J will modernize your heating system, conserve oil, and deliver solid, dependable comfort all season long The price is just $199 95 plus tax, and that includes installation Once your new Agway burner is installed, you'll also benefit from our money-saving service program You're already paying good money for heat We think you ought to get all that you pay for Call Agway Petroleum $199« plus tax for a model 40j Were bringing down the cost of winter. AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX] 197 DILLERVILLE ROAD LANCASTER PA PHONE 397 4954 iGWAY PETROLEUM famine, hunger, world trade and agricultural progress in the developing countries,” Charles G. Munro, a dairy farmer from London, On tario, who heads IFAP, believes. “Farmers are, in fact, far ahead of their governments in reaching a consensus on a sensible course in food policy." Munro’s own report on the "state of world agriculture” will come at plenary session on October 29, at which Dr. Addeke H. Boerma, Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), U.S. Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, IFAP Secretary-General M.P. Cracknell, spokesmen for the U N World Bank, the U.S. State Department, and participating U.N. specialized agencies will speak. The principal business of the IFAP conference will take place in its plenary and AGWAY policy committee sessions at which the recommendations of the organization for the coming year will be developed. However, significant discussions will also take place in commodity group discussions, in standing committees on agricultural cooperation and on agriculture in the developing countries, and in special policy sessions on the en vironment, farm contracts and bargaining and agricultural finance. A special session on In ternational Women’s Year (IWY) on November 6 will feature Margaret Bruce, Deputy Secretary-General of the U.N.’s IWY conference, and Dr. Isable Chaly Caserta, Executive Secretary of the Inter- American Commission on Women. Because lanks over 600 gallons have more than 1 agitator lor better More and more BIG dairymen are installing BIG ZERO S 1 Because Ihe ZERO is Ihe only farm bulk milk tank with a completely automated built in ’push button sell cleaning and sanitizing system No wash pump to hook up Sorry No factory rebuilds 20 years experience making round tanks not just 2 years We build them to last not just to sell Used Tanks & Milking Equipment DUMP STATIONS SPUTNICKS VACUUM PUMPS BUCKET MILKERS NEW AND USED COMPRESSORS ALL SIZES SERVICE IS THE STRENGTH OF OUR BUSINESS We are on call 24 hours a day - 7 days a week There are 4 of us that work on Refrigeration and Electrical. —DEPEND ON US COME IN, WRITE OR PHONE FOR FULL INFORMATION' JAY M. HORST DAIRY EQUIPMENT R D.l Lebanon PA Phone (717) 274-1242 Sales Rep. in Lane. Co. Bill Guhl Phone (717) 529-2569 Egg producers to vote WASHINGTON, ■ Producers of eggs will vote Nov. 3-28 to determine whether a nationwide research and promotion order should be issued for eggs, egg products, and spent fowl (nonproductive laying hens), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced last week. The Department also stated that marked ballots must be received in Washington, D.C., no later than Nov. 28. Officials of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) said the referendum will be con- IF YOU'RE ALWAYS RIGHT, YOU LOSE A FRIEND NOW AND THEN, ducted by mail ballot. Eligible to vote are flock owners in all states except Hawaii and Alaska who had, between June 1 and Aug. 31, 1975, more than 3,000 laying hens producing eggs for commercial use, and who arc engaged in the production of eggs at the of balloting. Ineligible are owners of flocks whose output is used primarily for hatching purposes. The announcement, which was published in the Oct. 17 Federal Register, followed USDA’s final decision on the provisions to be included in CLICK'S Distributor for ROOFING t SPOUTING BAKED ENAMEL TM ROWS Colors: Turquoise, Red, White ALSO BAKED ALUMINUM Colors: Green, White, Tan, Red. FULL SERVICE DEALER SALES & INSTALLATION SAMUEL B. CLICK R.D.I, Kinzer, PA Ph, (717) 442-4921 Please call before 7 A.M. or after 6 P.M. HOGMAN’S SPECIAL 'The Livestock Equipment Craftsmen" STARCRAFT farrowing sys tems are so flexible your sows will think you had it built just for them. Easy to tailor to any building, new or old, with a wide range of accessories to help you cut labor and boost sow productivity. See your dealer or write: WE SELL, SERVICE and INSTALL !^li iMi the order (press release USDA 2830-75) and on the rules to be used for the referendum (press release USDA 2904-75). Connor Kennett, AMS Poultry Division director, said all known eligible voters will receive ballots and in structions by mail. Any producer not receiving a ballot by Nov. 3 may obtain one by contacting either a county office USDA’s Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, or from the Director, Poultry Division, AMS, USDA, Washington, D.C. 20250. lai ty product from E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. R.D.I, WILLOW STREET
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