}What's New Portable Building ALLIANCE, Ohio ■ A complete line of portable livestock buildings with the Universal brand name is now available through local farm supply cooperatives, according to an an nouncement by W. J. Brooks, Director of the Manufac turing Division of Universal Cooperatives of Alliance, Ohio. The new buildings • to be marketed as Calf Lodge, Pig Lodge, Sow Lodge, and Hog Lodge - will be manufactured at the com pany’s Star Agri Products Division plants near Goshen, Indiana. Included in the new building line are nursery New grind-and-mix supplement as special as your horses. New Wayne Pro-Pel turns a ho-hum grmd-and mix feed into a tailor-made ration for your horses. Simply add these fortified pellets to your gram and roughage and you’ll see the difference in robust health and vigor. Horses respond because Pro-Pel feeding matches the special needs of their single-stomach digestive systems - unique among roughage-eating domestic animals. (Supplements designed for cattle simply aren’t suited for horses.) In Pro-Pel, you provide high protein plus needed minerals and vitamins - all in readily digested form. See the real difference in animal vigor when you switch to this new supplement. Ask your Wayne Dealer for Pro-Pel pellets - for your mixing or his. If you don't know who he is, write Allied Mills, Inc, 110 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606. Your Wayne Dealer cares. That’s what makes the d " w r BRANDT'S MILL SADDLERY SHOP 830 Maple St Lebanon PA 17042 JE'MAR FARM SUPPLYING Lawn PA Phone 964-3444 MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE RD2 Columbia PA VAN-MAR FEEDS INC Leesport PA DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC RDI Stevens, PA CHARLESE SAUOER &SONS RDI East Earl PA S, :"l !'• I ■•J buildings for baby pigs and calves, farrowing buildings for sows, and a large hog finishing structure. The new Universal Lodge buildings WAYNE ANIMAL sa=S AIDS ftiS L. Allied Mill lnr I 2| Chicago IL 60606 USE WAYNt ANIMAL HEALTH AIDS TO KEEP YOUR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY HEALTHY H M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC Witmer PA WALKER COMPANY Gap PA FOWL’S FEED SERVICE RD2 Peach Bottom PA WHITE OAK MILL RDS Manheim PA HERSHEYBROS Reinholds PA STEVENS FEED MILL INC Stevens PA are available in 12 or 24-foot widths and in lengths from 24 to SO -feet. The largest Lodge unit is a 24 by 50-foot structure, which is delivered in two sections and is assembled on the farm site. Assembly usually takes one day. The buildings are delivered by flat ben truck and installed in any con venient location selected by the livestock producer. The producer needs only to supply a four-inch-thick concrete slab, plus water and electrical hookups. Each building comes complete with feeders, waterers, pens, heaters, ventilation equipment, slotted flooring, and lights. Every Lodge has a built-in manure pit large enough for long intervals between emptyings. CHEAP? Ha ECONOMICAL? YES. SAVINGS ARE WHAT KEENCO STARTER-GROWER SYSTEMS ARE ALL ABOUT. SAVINGS IN DOLLARS. AND IN TIME. Grow your own pullets and save up to 50$ a bird. Or, convert your floor operation and save a pound or more of feed per bird- At today’s prices, that ain’t chicken,feed, Keenco 2 and 3 high cage systems are fully automated. That means you spend fewer hours doing unproductive labor, have more time for management. You get dollar saving feed conversion. oiamonq automation S34QO H«g6>e<"«y «t»d, Parrninßtarv Mteh&ftn 4f3D2^ Weeding Tipi A new free bulletin is now available from Stauffer Chemical Company describing the use of Eradicanc corn herbicide for control of Johnsongrass seedlings, nutsedge, ber mudagrass, quackgrass and several other grass and broadleaf weeds, including wild cane. Eradlcane is a short lived herbicide and leaves no carryover residue to harm rotational crops. The bulletin explains how proper preparation of the soil is essential for optimum control with Eradicane. Working the soil so that it is in good tilth, chopping the rhizomes up into 3 or 4 Inch pieces and using the proper tools for discing will aid in control of Johnsongrass. The bulletin also includes a map illustrating the distribution of johnsongrass throughout the country. For your copy of Eradicane bulletin No, FS -0537, write: Stauffer Chemical Company, Agricultural Chemical Division, Dept. KP, West port, Conn. 06880. Avoid Clutter Planned storage can help cut down on the clutter or disorder of children’s toys Large toys puzzles, books, and records fit well on open shelves Baskets 'and car tons are fine for miniature animals wooden blocks or marbles Shoe boxes, with a picture pasted on the side illustrating the contents, provide extra storage 3j||^^^■MHrp^l ‘‘.r healthier birds, more uniform flocks time after time. And you end up with more productive layers because they’ve grown up in. and are accustomed to, a cage environment. Keenco's Zoned Heating takes the sting out of the energy crunch. You can put three to four times more birds in your old floor house—and use less fuel. All this plus Diamond Automation’s Total Help aKeeneo 3 High Starter-Grower System. 2 High Systems also available- Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Oct. 25.197 S Hay Mover A new hay mover from Best-Way, Inc. will move large hay stacks or two round bales without using a 3-point hitch. Designated Li’l Grabber No. 200, the new mover utilizes a 10-inch hydraulic cylinder to supply power to lift large amounts of hay. The LiT Grabber will enable farmers to move hay with any tractor or vehicle equipped with a hydraulic system. The new mover is con structed with two sets of five grabbing arms, set 90 degrees apart, which are lowered hydraulically to pick up hay. After pick-up they raise to a 45 degree angle with the ground for SK* M hauling. This hauling angle ensures safe moving with a minimum of spillage over an terrian, in any weather. The unit hitches to the rear of tractors or any vehicles for easy pick-up and fast hauling. The introduction of the LiT Grabber No. 200 marks Best- Way’s first entry into the haying equipment market. Best-Way, Inc. is currently a nationally known manufacturer of agricultural spraying equipment headquartered in Clear Lake, lowa. For more information on the new LiT Grabber No. 200, contact Best-Way, Inc. Box 22, 2006 7th Avenue, Clear Lake, lowa 50428. Program. Help in converting your old-fashioned floor brooding operation. Help with planning. With selecting the right equipment Installing it Financing it Operating It more profitably. 63
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