Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 25, 1975, Image 60

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    60—ynctitor Fi
SiUifdiy, Oct 25. 1978
'#* •
The Department of En
vironmental Resources,
Bureau of Forestry, to
cautioning motorists with
1975 cars equipped with
catalytic converters that
studies have revealed that
the converters can cause
grass and forest fires.
Under normal operating
conditions, eshaost gas
temperatures are
significantly increased
within the converter for the
purpose of reducing the
engine’s chemical
emission. The skin tem
peratures of converters have
been reported as ranging
from 100 degrees F to I*o
degrees F, depending on the
type of converter. Malfunc
tioning engines, out of tune
engines, or vehicles under a
strain such as towing or
going up a grade, can result
in very high converter
temperatures because of an
increase in unhurried fuel
reaching the catalyst. When
this occurs, temperatures
may go above 2500 degrees
F, twice the temperature of a
lighted cigarette. In ad
dition, reports indicate that
when catalytic converters
reach these extreme tem
peratures, components are
sometimes expelled through
the tail pipe, exiting at
temperatures around 2000
degrees F.
These temperatures are
potential fire hazards and
may start grass and brush
fires. Dry grass and dry pine
needles begin burning at
temperatures between 700
degrees F to 800 degrees F.
V" ■
Form A to Z, whatever the
small business, the Internal
Revenue Service points out
there’s a common charac
teristic to almost evey
successful enterprise - good
records. According to the
IRS, good records are im
portant to the success of a
business because they:
-help keep track of profits
-help determine
depreciation allowances and
enable the businessperson to
get full tax deductions
-show which business
income is taxable and which
may not be taxable
-susbtantiate information
provided on tax forms and
help answer a tax
examiner’s questions during
and IRS audit
-establish reportable
earnings for social security
Business records need not
follow any particular form to
meet IRS requirements, as
long as the records dearly
establish all income,
deductions, and credits. The
Internal Revenue Service is
ready to assist persons
operating small
busin assesses and to provide
free pamphlets covering a
variety of business topics.
Fire warning issued
A soft-spoken witness in
sisted on directing his
testimony to the prosecutor,
making it hard for the mem
bers of the jury to hear him
"Will the witness please
speak to the jury’ ” the judge
finally ordered
Taming, the witness looked
the jury over, nodded af
fably. and said brightly
Contact time for ignition
decreaaoa dramatically in
the MO degree F to 1100
degree F range with almost
instenta ft f°«'« ignition oc
curring between 1000
degrees P and 1100 degrees
With the upcoming bunting
season, 1975 cars may
become quite a problem as
hunters park their can in
grass fields or sit and idle
their vehicles in high gram
areas, or drive through these
areas. Owners of 1975
vehicles should be made
Irvan M. Groff, MQletsviDe RDI atmomces the Grand
Opening of his new office located at Park City Mall,
Lancaster, November 4th, 1975. lir. Graff has been
associated with Corporate bnstaot Company and
it’s subsidiary Corporate Life I—ranee Company for
the past several years, and self employed for fifteen
years. His knowledge of the tax problems and needs of
the businessman today can be a valuable help to you.
For Pension and Estate Ptaafog '
1132 Park City Center
aware «f (fata potential On
danger to prevent grass and
forest fires, damage to their
vehicle*, and Injury to
themselves. One should be
taken when peridot off the
road and making *ore the
vehicle is operating
Under Pennsylvania laws,
a pencil rreponaiblc for
starting a forest fire is liable
for the coat of extinguishing
the fire and the damage it
causes. Ifata pertain* to fires
started accidentally as well
as those started on purpose.