Milk can’t be loss leader HARRISBURG - The in the state capital, an* Pennsylvania Poultry nounccs the following Federation, with offices here legislative news which may BIG HUB TIRE SERVICE LOCATED 1 MILE WEST OF BLUE BALL ON ROUTE 322 PHONE 354 4931 ORTHO-GUARD A TOTAL APPROACH TO TREATING AND STORING ORTHO GRAIN PRESERVATIVE Ortho Gram Preservative offers a practical way of cashing in on the advantages of harvesting and storing high mositure feed grains. Ortho Gram Preservative lets you move your crop directly from the field to storage where it gets a chemical coating of protection before it goes into conventional buildings. The result - there’s no need to tie up huge amounts of capital m drying equipment or sealed silos. Gram that’s treated according to label directions resist spoilage for up to 12 months when stored m metal bins, wood cribs and similar low cost storage structures. Unit available on rental basis or can be purchased. Treats up to 900 bushel per hour, depending on moisture content of gram XM See or call us for complete information on Ortho-Guard and applicator. P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. —---- - -- - - SMOKETOWN, PA, Legislation announced - HIGH-MOISTURE FEED GRAIN. + Reduces the need for air tight storage. + Protects grain quality and feed value. + Used on the farm for 4 years. have an affect on agriculture. No loss leaders for milk .. Senate bill 1000 la an ex tensive milk regulatory bill, but includes a provision (for milk only) which says: “Any store offering to sell milk at retail for the consumption by the ultimate consumer, shall charge a markup of at least five per cent over and above cost.” It continues by making it unlawful to use milk as a loss leader, either at cost or below the cost including processing, packaging, handling, hauling, sale and distribution. Amendment to Unem ployment Compensation Law ... House Bill 1634 amends the Unemployment Compensation Law to require that the employer give written notice to em ployees within five days who have become eligible, through mandatory retirement or otherwise, for benefits under this act. The employee must sign the statement and return it to the employer. Increase in Fuel Excise Tax ... House Bill 1720 in creases the fuel excise tax from eight cents (.08) to eleven cents (.11) on all 717-299-2571 dealer-users of fuel in the Commonwealth. The bill does not change the agricultural exemption and has passed the second reading in the House. HB 1721 provides the same changes but required one cent per gallon of the tax to be used for the maintenance and surfacing of secondary roads. Vehicle Registration Fees ... House BUI 1723 wiU in crease motor vehicle registration fees. The bill has a variety of changes including exemptions for persons 65 years of age, handicapped veterans, new passenger vehicle rate of $28.00, and new rate schedules for buses and trucks, etc. If anyone is interested in the new truck schedule, contact PPF. DER Must Act In 30 Days ... House BUI 1744 would require the Department of r a Hggcp, baMier MaltH’iif asa tractor aroand! • Reliable diesel engine—proven m over a million hours of field work • Big capacity hydraulics—7 gpm (U S ) linkage pump, 10 gpm (U S) auxiliary pump, 5 gpm (U S ) power steering pump • Tight quarter maneuverability-12' turning radius, hydrostatic power steering • Easy-action automotive-type clutch & brake pedals • Grill screens and side panels remove easily for fast, routine service • Popular straddle-mount design in Standard and Lo-Profile models YOU CAN BUY, LEASE OR RENT A NEW MF TRACTOR WAIVER OF FINANCE CHARGES TILL APRIL 1,1976 NO PAYMENTS N. H. FLICKER & SONS INC. Maxatawny Phone |2ls| 683-7252 LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 700 E Linden St Richland Pa Phone: [7l7] 866 2544 A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave Quarryville Pa Phone [7171786-3521 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Oct. 25.1975 Environmental Resources to act within 30 days on any grant, applications for permits, licenses, registrations, renewals, etc. under any law or regulation administered by the DER. Failure to do so shall be demmed a grant of approval. Tougher Weighing and Measuring Law ... Senate Bill 1044 established the “Dealers and Repairmen of Weighing and Measuring Devices Registration Act,” The act will require cer tification and registration of dealers and repairmen; reports- of sales (in staUation) or repair within 48 hours; maintaining records with specified in formation available for inspection and submission of calibration testing equip ment for inspection every 2 years. Salvaging Pennsylvania Railroads... Senate BUI 640 would permit the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania M. M. WEAVER S. 6. LEWIS & SONS AND SON North Grotftown Road Leola Pa 17540 Phone ]717]656-2321 HEITZMAN EQUIPMENT, INC. Rts 100 & 401 Glenmoore Pa Phone |2ls] 458-5777 or 1215] 458-8525 a Dad’s the One Father's are the guys who give their daughters away to other men who aren’t good enough for them—so they can have grandchildren that are smarter than anybody’s to go into partnership with the federal government as a means of saving some railroad lines. 80 PTO HP* Hitch up BSH to Massey. West Grove, Pa (215)869 9440 NISSLEY FARM SERVICE Charlestown Rd Prospect Rd Washington Boro PA Phone 1717] 285-4844 57 869 2214
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