—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Oct. 25. 1975 50 McHale asks HARRISBURG • Penn sylvania Agriculture Secretary Jim McHale earlier this week asked farmers to get applications for aid in clearing debris from flood-swollen streams from their county Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service office (ASCS). .McHale recently met with a group of farmers from Bradford County, one of 30 counties along the Susquehanna River and tributaries struck last month by Hurricane Eloise, regarding stream clearance. "A big problem we seem to be having,” said McHale, “is one of communication. Hamburg youth exhibits grand James R. Dietrich, Hamburg R 1 (Berks County) exhibited the grand champion baby beef at the annual 4-H Steer Round-up held recently at the Leesport Auction. The youth’s steer weighed in at 1225 lbs. and was sold to Edgar K. Black and Son for $.69 per pound. A steer showed by Steve A. Bashore, Mohrsville Rl, was selected as the reserve grand champion and was sold for $.56 per pound to T. M. Landis Inc., Mainland, Pa. Both the grand and reserve animals were crossbred steers. A total of 34 animals were shown with the average selling price being $.49 per pound. Results of the fitting and showing competitions were as follows: Judge of Show Mr. Robert Leib, Vo-Ag Teacher, Cumberland Valley High School. Sr. Champion Fitter James K. Holcombe, RDI, Box 135, Mohrsville, PA 19541. Sr. Reserve Champion Fitter Ann Holcombe, RDI, Box 135, Mohrsville, PA 19541. Sr. Champion Showman James K. Holcombe, RDI, Box 135, Mohrsville, PA 19541. Sr. Reserve Champion Showman Steve A. Bashore, RDI, Box 202, Mohrsville, PA 19541. Jr. Champion Fitter Liane M, Haas, RD2, Box 300, Douglassville, PA 19518. Jr. Reserve Champion Fitter Sandy L. Kohl, RDI, Box 81, Mohrsville, PA 19541. Jr. Champion Showman Darlene L. Dietnch, RDI, Box 1548, Hamburg, PA 19526. Jr. Reserve Champion Showman Liane M. Haas; RD2, Box 300, Douglasville, PA 19518. Farmers have been discouraged with talk that there is no money available for stream clearance and stream bank restoration.” Conservation aid in the wake of the recent flood involves state and federal cooperation. The Deaprt ment of Community Affairs was charged with overall responsibility in the flood recovery effort. The Department of En vironmental Resources is the state agency that gives approval to farmers to enter streams with equipment to remove debris. Actual debris removal work is funded and supervises by ASCS and the Soil Conservation Service champion steer 4-H Steers from Berks County going to Penn sylvania State Farm Show, January 5-9, 1976: Ronald A. Heffner, R 2, Box 424, Fleetwood; Sandy L. Kohl, Rl, Box 81, Mohrsville; Ann E. Holcombe, Rl, Box 135, Mohrsville; James K. Holcombe, Rl, Box 135, Mohrsville; Christine A. Adam, R 2, Hamburg; Liane M. Haas, R 2, Box 300, Douglassville; Randall W. Rabenold, R 2, Box 122, Kutztown; Scott R. Rabenold, R 2, Box 122, Kutztown. Other Buyers: A. F. Moyer Meat Co., Souderton, PA 18964; Leesport Market & Auction, Leesport, PA 19533; Kipp Meat Co., Bethlehem, PA Streams cleaned in Commonwealth The Bureau of Water Quality Management of the Department of En vironmental Resources reported today that from 1970 to 1974 there has been a net gain of 715 stream miles cleaned up in the Com monwealth. Approximately 75 per cent of the State’s streams meet quality standards which were established by the State and approved by the Federal government. Controls have been provided for many of the point sources (sewage discharges, industrial waste discharges and storm or combined sewer discharges that are conveyed to a water body in pipe or channel). But most non-point sources (storm water runoff, drainage from abandoned mines and agricultural runoff) still do not have controls. As estimate of the money needed to continue the cleanup work as well as specific information on ♦Fully Automated for fast service ’Custome Storage 4 Drying for 150,000 bu ♦Grain Facilities Designed to fit Every Farmers Needs for streams clean-up ■ i The Bureau of Water Quality Management within DER has emergency stream clearance coordinators based in Wilkes-Barre, Reading, Harrisburg and Williamsport. Funding for flood recovery work is derived through the emergency programs ad ministered by ASCS and SCS. The program is designed to help farmers remove debris from far mland, reshape and relevel grades, restore permanent fences, and rebuild con servation structures and impoundments. McHale pomtes out that ASCS has accessible offices 18016; Kmsl Packing Co., Hazleton, PA 18201; Ben Martin, Rl, Denver, PA 17517; Balthaser Meat Market, 4th & Water St., Temple, PA 19560; Hereford Brothers, Gilbert, PA 18331; Gilbert’s Meats, Rl, Lehighton, PA 18235; Reichstadter Meats, R 3, Lehighton, PA 18235; Kutz town Grange, Kutztown, PA 19530; Perkiomenville Sales Stables, Green Lane, PA 18054; Adam Butz, East Texas, PA 18046; LeVeme Richards, R 2, Boyertown, PA 19512; Meller Meats, Warren, NJ 07060; John Frey Auctioneer, R 2, Douglassville, PA 19518; Roymond Long, Bechtelsville, PA 19505. designated stream segments is among the other in formation included in a Bureau report entitled “1975 Water Quality Inventory.” The report was issued in accordance with 1972 amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and, a Bureau spokesman said, presents an opportunity to report to Congress and Pennsylvanians on progress made in water pollution control and the problems which remain. In addition to chronic problems from pomt and non-point sources, problems of an acture nature are created by addition of substances to the State’s waters through spills and accidents, most often related to storage or transport of materials. Copies of the report are available from the Depart ment of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management, Box 2036, Harrisburg, Pa. 17120. M & R GRAINS Mount Joy, PA Our New Grain Facilities Are Now In Operation. 717-653-1674 in every county which can serve as the originating point in securing federal and state aid for farmers. ASCS will have DER stream entry approval applications as well as its own emergency applications available. “I know that ASCS is having difficulty in getting adequate funds for recovery work," siad McHale. “This is unfortunate. ASCS has always been an effective federal agency for us when properly funded. I think it is up to our farmers and those of us in the state ad ministration to apply pressure to ensure that ASCS gets its needed funding during this crisis." McHale urged farmers to visit ASCS offices to begin filing emergency ap plications “This is the best way to remind Washington that we still have a mess to clean up in Pennsylvania.” McHale said he has held meetings with the Crop of Army Engineers and of ficials from ASCS, SCS and DER. “Farmers have been in to show pictures of their farm damage,” said McHale. “We will continue P New Idea’s Uni-Forage Harvester Superchopper Reliable. A real performer. Today there’s a really dependable forage harvester in the field! It’s the new generation of choppers from Uni-System, the No. 1 self-propelled forage harvester on the market. We call it the Superchopper, if you liked Uni choppers before, wait till you see this one in action. See its reliability ... its added convenience ... and yes, its 15% greater capacity. Bigger, heftier cutterhead. Broader, wider design for even smoother flow of material. Let us show you this great Superchopper. But before you buy, be sure you’ve got enough forage boxes to handle the greater volume. Uni-System just plain makes more sense. A L HERR & BRO LONGENECKER FARM SUPPLY Quarryville Rheems 717 - 786 3521 717-367 3590 ROYH BUCK, INC Ephrata R 0 2 717-859 2441 STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE ABC GROFF, INC Cochranville Pa New Holland 215-593 5280 717-354 4191 .* . t — Calling aomeone "bald a* » to maintain close contact cooL " t.o compare him with federal and state of- to coot of Europe, ficials connected with rural u wa ter bird whoxc bill ex flood recovery efforts until tendn well up im« ii» we are satisfied that forehead, something is being done." CHAS J McCOMSEY & SONS Hickory Hill Pa 215-932 2615 N G HERSHEY & SON Manheim 717-665 2271 LANDIS BROS., INC Lancaster 717- 393 3906 M S YEARSLEY &SONS West Chester 215-696 2990
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