Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 25, 1975, Image 45
COAL & WOOD STOVES IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OR EARLY ORDER LAYAWAY Warm/florninq COAL HEATER Only a genuine Warm Morning has the famous patented 4-flue firebrick construction that turns coal into glowing coke... heats 24 hours or more without refueling. The lit tle extra a Warm Morning costs originally is repaid over and over again in sat isfaction and fuel savings! MODEL 523 Steel Radiant Heres the quality leader in its field' Holds 100 lbs of coal Ample heat for up to five rooms Has many features combined in no other coal heater MODEL 617 - 60 Pounds Capacity Finest Blued The new 701 gives you longer lasting per formance... makes ash removal a breeze! With Model 701 you also enjoy these great WARM MORNING features: PORCELAIN ENAMEL FINISH . . . AUTOMATIC THERMOSTAT . . . FORCED AIR BLOWER (optional)... HOLDS 26' WOOD LENGTHS... FIREBRICK LINED FIREBOX...LARGE SLIDING DOOR. ■ !■' v v i vvL ■ 1 Warm Morning GAS HEATERS Spread a CARPET OF WARMTH over the floors of your home “TOP-O-MATIC" CONTROLS save bending or stooping to adjust temperature or blower STORE HOURS: MON. thru SAT. 8 to 5 TUES. & FRI. till 8:30 Coleman Center 85 Old Leacock Rd. MODEL 400 - America’s Finest Coal Circulator 1 The ultimate in luxury heating with coal or coke' Beautiful cabinet finished in life time porcelain enamel Front feed door permits "no spill filling Side doors open for quick radiant heat release Thermostat gives even temperature control Holds 100 lbs of coal - provides ample heating for up to six rooms' m m LOW COST mtocmi© HEATING with CLEAN, SAFE, CONVENIENT and \ Warm Warning HEATERS mm LANCASTER OLD LEACOCK RO/ „ IIOISI LEACOCK COLEMAN CENTER INWCOUHI R.D.I (tanks, Pa. Farm Women Societies Society 25 Farm Women Society 25 met recently at the home of Mrs. John Gerlach. Sixteen members answered the roll call. Donations were given to the Welsh Mountain Clinic followed by an election of officers. Mrs. Carl Gish was elected as president with Mrs. Sterling Elmer to serve as vice-president. Mrs. Raymond Mylin will serve as secretary and Mrs. Glenn Nauman will be treasurer. Following the business meeting a sewing session was held with a mystery sale concluding the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Carl Gish on Nov. 8. Society 31 The October meeting of the Farm Women Society 31 was held recently at the home of Mrs. David Delong with Mrs. James Landis serving as the co-hostess. A donation of $lOO was given to the Solanco Fair Association. Committees for the coming year were selected before the evening program. Mrs. Donald Rish, showed a slide presentation on a recent trip to Russia. SPECIAL SALE PRICES on Admiral RANGES & REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS - CHEST & UPRIGHT FINANCING AVAILABLE TOM B. MORRISSEY ELECTRONIC SERVICE Rt. 501 between Schaefferstown and Myerslown On the Square in Reistville Phone 717-949-3006 NEW STORE HOURS: Monday thru Friday 12 to 9. Saturday 9to 2 STOLTZFUS MEAT MARKET Q — W\ Our Own Beef / /u\ Right From The Farm 11 y —FRESH BEEF AND PORK— ff OUR OWN HOME MADE MU SCRAPPLE & FRESH SAUSAGE IMh ) Bacon and Country Cured Hams Orders taken for freezer Meats —Custom Butchering PH. 768-3941 Directions: 1 block east of intercourse on Rt. 772 Reg. Hours: Thurs. 9-5: Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-5 Society 19 Farm Women Society 19 met Oct. 18 at the home of Mrs. Scott Nissley in Lan caster. A dessert party was held with Mrs. Harold Saylor giving the devotions. Mr. David Griffith, representing St. Joseph’s Mobile Life Support System, gave a slide presentation and talk on the emergency unit and its work in the area. The Society pledged $25 to the mobile unit. The Society is planning on having a food stand at the Farm Women’s Holiday program to be held Nov. 13. Items are asked to be donated for the stand. Mrs. Paul Hollinger was elected recording secretary for the Society with Mrs. J. Wilmer Charles as corresponding secretary. Donations were given to the Foster Child and the United . Way. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Clarence Newcomer on Nov. 8, at 1:30 p.m. The next meeting will be an evening of crafts at the home of Samuel Click. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Oct. 25,1975- Society 23 The October meeting of Farm Women 23 was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Rohrer, Washington Boro Rl. Mrs. Lester Necomcr had charge of the devotional period. Plans were completed for bowling at Leola Lanes on Oct. 18 and donations were $lOO.OO to the Community Action Program at Columbia; $200.00 to the family of the late Robert Weiss; and $lO.OO to the Korean Orphan for Christmas. The county convention is Nov. 1 and our donations to the Bazaar table will be greatly appreciated. The election of officers resulted in Mrs. Ed Funk, Pres, and Mrs. Glenn Burkholder Vice Pres. The next meeting will be at Stauffers of Kissel Hill on Nov. 4 at 7:00 p.m. Society 14 Farm Women Society 14 members and husbands enjoyed a Halloween Party recently. Approximately thirty joined in the games, fun and refreshments held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groff. The other hostesses included: Mrs. Harold Groff, Mrs. Robert Rowe, Mrs. Robert Esbenshade, and Mrs. Everett Newswanger. Our next regular meeting will be held Nov. 12 at the home of Mrs. Paul Longenecker. We will be learning the art of Scherenschnitte (paper cutting). Please bring a manicure scissors and glue. Also don’t forget the Lan caster County Farm Women Convention on November 1. Society 22 Farm Women Society 22 recently held their October meeting and enjoyed a tour of the Lancaster County area. Twenty-four members visited the Ephrata Cloisters, the Pretzel House in Lititz and the Wilbur Chocolate Company in Lititz. A luncheon was held in the Chimney Corner Restaurant and was followed by a short business meeting. Society 22 will be en tertained by Society 5 on Oct. 25at1:30p.m Sally Bair was installed as a new member of the group. The nert meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Cloyd Wenger, 1904 Pioneer Road, Lancaster at 10:00 a.m. A program on decoupage with Darlene H( will br The yellow color of the withered mistletoe branch was thought to be endowed with the power to discover buried treasure. Dauphin Co. Society 1 The Dauphin County Society of Farm Women, Society 1 held their monthly meeting on October 14, 1975 at the home of Dolly Pickle at 7:30 p.m. Co-hostess for the evening was Ruth Rife who was also in charge of devotions. Roll call was taken with 17 members and two guests answering. Thank you notes were read by the President, Ruth Oberholtzer, from Lydia Rambler for the flowers and visits and also from the flowers State Hospital for the good grooming kits we provided. It was also decided that $lO.OO be donated to the State Hospital toward the pur chase of a tape player for their adolescent patients. The group also started to make a Halloween Masquerade Party. Beautiful decorations and delicious refreshments were provided with gifts for all who attended. A good time was had by all. The election of officers was held with the following results: President, Bertha Kennedy; .Vice-President, Kathy Moffatt; Treasurer, Daisy Cassel; Recording Secretary, Jean Jannsen; Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Fisher. The next meeting of the Dauphin County Society of Farm Women, Society 1 will be held on Nov. 11, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. at the Homerstown Church. Daisy Cassel will be hostess. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! 45