—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Oct. 25. 1975 34 Dairy Equipment For S..U - Used IV' Galvanized milker vacuum pipe with DcLaval stall cocks for 58 cows, also 16 extra DcLaval stall cocks. Phone 215-942*2143. 850 Girton all stainless, 2- 3IIP compressor automatic washer 13000.00; 600 Majonnicr vacuum, automatic washer 12500.00; Melrose 500 Bob Cat loader like new 13175.00; 1972 Dodge dual wheel 12’ stake 12975.00; Will Finance. 814-793-2829 CURRV SUPPLY CurryvUle, Pa. Miscellaneous J.C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Ter mite Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery graying, Free Estimated, 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717- 397-3722. Pick Your Own Apples An abundance of quality apples. Fall and Winter Varieties. Bring Containers. Delicious Cider - Made in our press. FORGE HILL ORCHARDS Mt WoHRDI.Pa. Phone -717-266 1206 West on Rt 30 to Mt Zion Rd Exit turn right on 24 North toward Manchester Pa Proceed 4V? miles to Phillips Gas Station sharp left to orchard sign York Co :^xvx*k*SS! | RUBBER STAMPS ji Make To Order £ Ink Pads Available g Write or call after 6PM Gary Hess 451 N George St. Millersville, PA £ 717-872-6245 £ SX'X'XvCv Hardwood Roof Sheathing 17c sq ft Oak Fence Boards l”x6”-8thru 16ft 10c !n ft Hardwood Lumber 2x4’5..... 14c Lineal ft 2x6’s .20c Lineal ft 2xB’s 26c Lineal ft 2xlO’s 50c Lineal Ft 2xl2’s 60c Lineal ft Railroad Ties - Untreated 6x6xB' $4 32 ea 6xBxB’ - 576 ea Slab Wood & Kindling - Bark Mulch -20 c cu ft Sawdust - s]/2C5 ] /2C cu ft 5 percent Discount on all orders over 500 bd ft 10 percent Discount on all orders over 3000 bd ft WALTER H. WEABER SONS INC. RD4 Lebanon, Pa. Phone 717-867-2212 Dairy Equipment Jugging Plant Equipment for sale: Girton bottle and case washer, automatic. 3 or 400 gallon Honogcnizcr. l a gal. automatic bottle filler and capper. 10 foot wash up tank. 2 holding Units, 150 & 200 gallons. Stainless steel plate cooler. Compressors; 3 hp. Brunner water cooled. 5 hp. Brunner belt-driven, 2 hp. belt-driven air cooled 3 hp. air cooled Copelan 5 hp., 7Mt, and 10 hp. Copelan air-cooled. Priced for quick sale, Must be moved. Call Leßoy Hoover - 215-286-5239. Will sell by the piece or entire lot. 300 gal. Girton milk Unk, good condition <4O gal. Esco tank, good cond. 500 gal. Esco, for diesel operation, 12 volt, island mounts, good cond. Special price $500.00 Star 12-Can open front milk cooler, good cond. CLARK ELECTRIC RDl,Kinzer,PA Phene Intercourse 768-8228 Miscellaneous Shenandoah Wood and Coal Stoves, Fire Grate. The Maximum Security Lock, without Kev-Dialoc. HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS RDI, Marietta, Pa. Ph. 717-426-3286 Cash For Pups I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, Pa. Every Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No Phone Calls. For Sale - 3,000 frames - 2V*" x 4” for Addressograph plates. Any reasonable offer accepted. Lancaster Far ming, Call 717-394-3047 or 717-026-2191. Shoes and Boots for the entire family Men’s & Boy’s, Wolverine Work Shoes m $ W V" 'A * Boy’s Work Shoes (seconds) as low as $4.00 per pr. See us soon 215-682-7926 Ivan Leid Harness & Shoe Shop Kutztown RDI Berks County, Pa. 10c cu ft Doiry Equipment 1 For Sale - Surge Alamo 30 vacuum pump like new, also Gandy applicator used very little. Apply to David L. Zook, Christiana RDI, Pa. (Bartvllle Rd.) For Sale - Stanchions, Jamesway, lever action for 60 cows. Water basins, new type, milker air line. 500 gallon Wilson tank, Harrow cultivator. Benjamin H. Amoss, Route 152, Fallston, Harford County, Md. Phone 301-838-6319. Milking Equipment; Kesco dumping station, completely automatic washer. Four large Surge units with electric pulsators. Model SO Surge rotary vacuum pump, completely rebuilt. 400 gallon Mafonnier milk tank and compressor. Surge electra brain. Call 717-244- 5012. Miscellaneous For Sale - All White Short hair Guinea pigs. John E. Weber, Rl, Willow Street, PA 17584 717-284-4740. For Sale - Good frying chickens to be sold last week of Oct. Jonathan S. Esh, Ist. farm south of Red Caboose Lodge. Stove & Firewood cut to size hardwoods, pickup trucks, all you can load-$lO PH: 215- 942-3450, eve. 215-273-2837. Custom Grain Hauling. Any amount, Anywhere. 14 per bu. Phone 717-757-7095. Phone after 7:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. Wanted to Buy - Puppies, 7 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots. Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Friday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 8 p.m. 215-229-0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. Special KNAPP K 29 6" Brown Farm Shoe *18.99 Reg. $22.99 Send check with shoe size to Benj. S. Miller Rt. 1, Box 431 A Paradise, Pa. 17562 CUSTOM DRYING & STORAGE WMfl AVAILABLE —■ Will Also Buy Grain geo. c. stein mmmm Box 142 RDI Mohrsville, PA [ji^s 215-926-3296 j3j Miscellonaout Bum for sale to highest bidder. Approx. 45 x 30. to be dismantled & removed before December 15, 1975. Located near Lcola. Call 299- 4662 or 215-363-7172 for further information. Submit bid in writing to Lancaster Fanning, P.O. 266 N, Lititz, Pa. 17543. WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. 120.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at $175.00. Less expensive than straw or tanbark. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. Ceramic tile, seconds Ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdale Road Services Offered 'Looking for work, Willing to Oaten Corn Shredding. 717- paint farm buildings at a <42-8523. reasonable rate. Phone 717- 859-2350 Custom Grain Hauling. Any amount, Anywhere. 14 per bu. Phone 717-757-7095. Phone after 7:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. Masonry work, lay brick, fireplace, blocks and stone work on houses and barns. Stucco and white coats and concrete work. Contact Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509, Call driver 717-529-2992 or 717-687- 6178 Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow bams, chicken houses. Will do Block and Concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509. Call driver 717-529-2992 or 215-932-2976. Purebred Chihuahua Stud Service. 717-354-0293. Cold Storage Insulation Fruits - vegetables SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for tem perature and humidity control. Continuous coating no seams-no adhesive. For free estimates call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 p.m. Call 872-2233. : SILO REPAIRS : I * Tear Down • * Rebuild • * Replaster • * Roofs Installed • * Extensions t * Distributors and Pipes I * White Coating : DAVE DETWEILER * • • • Ro#2, Newville, PA 717-776-7533 BUILDER Houses and Barns, new or remodeled. Roofing, Spouting, Masonry, and concrete. John M. Esh RDI, Narvon, PA Box 298 717-354-7739 Saturday Sampler Classifieds for the For Sale • 55,000 BTU Coleman Gas heater, only used 1 winter, Leroy S. Riehl. Gap, R 2. PA along Gap Hill Custom Work In the field ear com grinding with Field Queen Side Dump. Will consider anywhere. 717- 442-8153 or 717-442-8206. Custom round Baling Cora fodder; Custom bedding for loafing & free stall barns. Jim Hoopes, (215) 869-3068. Custom Corn picking, 36-40” rows on cob or shell in field. Lansdale area. PH: 215-368- 0560 Custom Grain Hauling. Any amount, Any where. 14 per bu. Phone 717-757-7095. Phone after 7:00 P.M. or before 7:00 A.M. Custom corn shelling, 30” rows, Manheim to Ephrata area. Would consider large acres outside of area. 717- 626-6168. Household Goods * im jaw «$ • Ortho Pedic : Box Springs • and Mattresses • Double Sets $llO.OO | Extra Firm $135.00 ; Other Sizes Available call I BARR’S AUCTION j & EXCHANGE Rt. 322 just east of newßt 222 Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-4580 *••••••••••••••••••••••••• Services Offered NORMAN LEININGER, JR. BUILDING & REMODELING Roofing Siding Storm Doors and Windows Free Estimates and Reasonable Rates CALL 717 656-7829 ALL TYPES WASH ING and SPRAYING for your Poultry Houses, Dairy Barns, etc. ELMER H. LEHMAN Donegal Springs Road RDI, Marietta, Pa. Ph: 717-426-3276 CUSTOM DRYING AND BUYING GRAIN CONESTOGA VALLEY GRAIN Phone 717-354-9258 Woman Farm Printed Pattern 9120 Printed Pattern 9120’ Misses’ Sizes 8, 10. 12, 14, 16. 18 20 Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2 yds 60-lnch fabric. ONE DOLLAR for each pat tern add 25 cents each foi first-class mail and special handling Send to 170 News paper Pattern Dept, 232 West 18th St, New York, N Y 10011. Crochet with Squares .. $1 00 Crocheting a Wardrobe ... $1 00 Instant Sewing Book . . $1 00 Instant Fashion Book .. $1 00 Fashions to Sew (F/W1.... 75 197 6 Needlecraft Catalog Designer Collection #3l Book of 16 Quilts #1 Museum Quilt Book #2 . 15 Quilts for Today #3 Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs 12 Prize Afghans #l2 Complete Afghans #l4 . $1 00 Complete Gift Book . $1 00 Instant Crochet Book $1 00 Easy Art of Flower Crochet $1 00 Easy Art of Hairpin Crochet $1 00 Easy Art of Needlepoint $1 00 Easy Art of Ripple Crochet $1 00 Nifty Fifty Quilts $l.OO Sew + Knit . $1 25 Pleas* add 25 cants for each Book for postag* and handling. Services Offered (£- 8-20 .50 50 50 50
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