Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 25, 1975, Image 26

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Oct. 25. 1975
Farmer market
A new Game Law
provision now permits 12 and
I Continued from 24| 13-ycar-old hunters to be
produce here. His main a 79 acre farm to supply his accompanied by any adult
criticism of the market is its retail needs at both markets who is 18 years of one or
vulnerability to bad weather, i d kc most of the others older,
and he htyes it will open m tcrvicwed last Tuesday, p rcvious)y 12 and 13-vear
sooner next year. Pfautz thinks the market n A in k !
Managed by Robert Stine nee ds more customers. ‘We cimSicdbln nr
of the Pennsylvania had enough people last compamed by a parent or
Department of Agriculture. summer. but not now." he th^farndT^
the marketing facilities cost dsse rted He also felt that member of thc family
farmers six dollars per stall som e kind of protection was Now. any adult 18 years of
Measuring 15 feet wide, each needed from the weather. "It age or older, with the ap
stall provides its renter with rained on about half of the proval of the parent or
parking and sales space market days at one time or guardian, may assume the
Fees collected from stall- another." he explained. role of a parent or guardian
renters go towards as for the future of thc m accompanying a 12 or 13-
promotion and advertising market, Pfautz thinks year-old youth while hun-
The sales organization itself there’s potential for it “This ting
is operated on a non-profit 1S a beautiful spot nice
basis parking, and access to
To illustrate his customers," he remarked
satisfaction with the market,
Wedde explained that he
once came w ith 25 bushels of
beans, thinking that it was
certainly too man* and he’d
have to take a lot of them
home again. To his surprise,
he sold them all, and he
believes he could have sold
another 25 bushels besides.
“By comparison,” he con
tinued, “back home I only
sell a couple of baskets.”
Another advantage he cites
after his experience here this
year is that he’ll know what
to plant next year.
Leroy Pfautz of Stevens R 1
believes the market was a
success but it has really
slowed down since
Hurricane Eloise came
through the area last month.
People apparently realize
that the growing season has
ended and are coming in
fewer and fewer numbers.
Consequently, many of the
farmers have left and
those who return come with
less to sell than they had
several weeks ago. To
counteract the dwindling
supply of fresh vegetables,
Pfautz brings such items as
woven baskets to the
Marketing 15 to 20 per cent
of his produce in Harrisburg,
Pfautz concludes that the
market is worthwhile for
him because it’s only a two
days-a-week market. His
stand at home operates six
days a week The Lancaster
County vegetable grower has
Pfautz claimed he sold
much of his produce cheaper
here at the Farm Show
parking lot than he did at
home The simple ex
planation for that is that
there was a competitive
factor to reckon with here,
while that was not so
noticeable at home. “We
were selling corn and
tomatoes at wholesale prices
here,” he admitted, “but at
least we moved a big
The market is described as
“so far so good” by the
Labenberg Brothers of Zion
Grove, in northern Schuylkill
County. Participants since
the market opened, the
brothers intend to come back
again next year in spite of
several disappointments.
Drawing on vegetables
grown on their 25-acre farm,
the brothers marketed about
half of their produce here
and the balance at a roadside
stand at their farm. The
finding was that some of
their vegetables move faster
in Harrisburg than back in
rural Schuylkill County.
“Others don’t move so fast,
however,” Labenberg added
As far as Labenberg is
concerned, the market can
be improved upon through
better management. “It
wasn’t organized well
enough,” he said scratching
his head, “but don’t ask me
to explain that.”
Youths can hunt -
must be with adult
Lewisburg Grange meets
Welfare reform legislation recipients be required to
that would provide programs accept gainful employment
and services “for the benefit when it is available and
of those persons who are in offered to them in order to
need of assistance,” has remain eligible for continued
been recommended in a welfare payments.”
resolution adopted by Valley It also recommends that
Grange of Lewisberry. “voluntary termination or
The resolution, which has interruption of employment
been forwarded to the shall not be acceptable
Pennsylvania State Grange grounds for welfare
for its consideration at the assistance.”
annual convention in Lan- In adopting the resolution,
caster Oct. 27-30, also urges Valley Grange pointed out
that “employable welfare that the original intent of the
welfare program in the
Labenberg believes the United States was to assist
market was a success, and persons in need. It cited the
like most others, he believes growth and expansion of
it could be even better next welfare programs “beyond
year. The general feeling is the intent of the original
that the market should open law,” and the resulting
sooner in 1976, and some kind financial burden this places
of stipulation should be on taxpayers,
decided upon to benefit the
Editor's Quote Bonk
a success. Labenberg does
not think it would be fair for
the market to open to just Time is the most laluable
anyone next year, without thm? a man can spend
compensating original Theophrastus
participants for their efforts,
*** m CORN
V-2662 - 125 Day Maturity
Very Dependable, Large Ears, Heat & Leaf
Disease Resistant, Deep Kernal
V 2642 - 119 Day Maturity
A Champion Short-stalked, upright leaf, with a
really high yield and potential Moderately high
V 2562 - 113 Day Maturity
Tall, stiff stalk, excellent standability, good
disease resistance but most of all an out
standing yielder
V 2442 - 103 Day Maturity
Best adapted to combine harvest, very healthy
hybrid but fast drying Excellent standability
compared to other hybrids in its maturity class
Top yielder
V 2402 - 102 Day Maturity
Large, long ears tolerates high population very
well, will sucker under excellent early growing
V 2382 - 99 Day Maturity
95 day hybrid of excellent dependability, very
stiff stalk, large ears Excellent seedling vigor
Mt. Joy, Pa. Phone 653-4121
Prior to the Game
change, it was nearly Im
possible for some youngsters
12 and 13 years old to enjoy
sport hunting if they were
unfortunate enough to come
from a family of non
hunters. The new provision
will also take care of cases
where the parents may be
separated or divorced,
where a parent may be
deceased, etc.
Those active in the “Big
Brother" plan and similar
programs will find the
change in the law helpful in
carrying out wholesome
outdoor activities with their
young charges.
Horse show
I Continued from Page 16|
Other feature events of the
seven-day show included a
special police competition
with teams from the Penn
sylvania State Police,
Philadelphia, Washington,
and Baltimore performing.
There was also a I-adics
Barrel Racing class, as well
as the usual classes for
gaitcd animals, walking,
Morgans, jumping, and
Radio and television
personality Arthur Godfrey,
The .mcient Greeks believed that rainbows brought bad
There’s an AGWAY Corn Crib
to Fit Your Exact Needs.
961 bu. *575. 1205 bu. *625.
1027 DiUerville Rd
RFHIFN Lancaster Pa sth Street Highway 717 397-4761 Tem P le PA
Open Friday Eve til Bpm „ 215-929-5794
Mon. thru Thurs Bto 5 open Mon thru Fri 8,0 5
Sat. 8 to Noon Sat. 8 to Noon
who is known all over the
country as a lover of horses,
made an appearance at the
show on Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday. He
will make a fourth ap
pearance tonight during the
conclusion of the show. Show
time is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are
$4, 5 and $6, depending on
their location and whether or
not they’re reserved. A
specially-pnced ticket for
those who wanted to see all
events was made available
to fans for $30.00.
/ V