Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 25, 1975, Image 21
I ri f the i Ivan ight) 1 Star led for itional rs, and flowing ics of !. It is ibuted .0 the dation. n and years of cost Films, Qlinois ble ne m In pellet form, #631 can decrease feed waste and improve feed efficiency by approximately 10% over meal type feed. With’Pennfield #631 Pellets there is no withdrawal requirement. Mail l the coupon today for information on Pennfield s Complete Swine Feeding Program. IT'S FREE! NEPPCO convention (Continued from Pa*e 1| although some of them may take weeks and months. We must not allow others outside of agriculture to make our decisions for us without us being heard.” On a similar note, Hendrik Wentink, chairman of the National Commission on Egg Nutrition (NCEN) and assistant to the president at Pennfield Corporation, urged poultrymen to accept the proposed Egg Research and Promotion Order. Wentik observed that the upcoming vote (scheduled for next month) will give egg producers an opportunity to underwrite their own future by promoting research, education, and sales. Wentink opinionized that this is a chance for self improvement which will not come again for several decades. To illustrate his remarks - and favoritism towards the referendum, he cited a graph which depects total U.S. annual per capita egg consumption. (See chart) According to a brochure prepared by the United Egg Producers, egg consumption has been declining steadily since 1951, and especially since 1971. The average American eats only eight eggs per year, UEP claims, and if this alarming rate of decline continues there won’t be any need for eggs by the turn of the century. The egg research and promotion order now before poultry producers for their consideration would permit the following: - Advertising through the mass media ■ Promotion to reach customers - Research in market development and new products - Merchandising tools for eggmen - More accurate data for better marketing decisions - Foreign market development - Coordination of existing programs - Consumer and producer information programs Organized in 1931, NEPP CO has been meeting an nually to discuss future programs, technological developments, mutual problems, and general as well as specific trends. This year’s convention also featured a special ladies’ program, and youth ac tivities in which over SO FFA and 4-H members from nine states took part. Following are some of the highlights of addresses given by several keynote speakers: A poultry industry in which nearness to market will assume more im portance than other traditional geographic ad vantages was pictured by speakers at the convention. The lower labor and construction cost ad vantages of the Southeast are disappearing, according to Fred Adams, Jr., president of the giant Cal- )■ PENNFIELD CORPORATION 711 Rohrerstown Rd. Lancaster. Pa. 17604 The lower level of the spacious and luxurious Hershey Convention Center served as the ex position area for manufacturers and businesses who attended the NEPPCO convention this week. The latest in equipment and services were Maine Foods Inc., headquartered in Jackson, Miss., so that now nearness to market by producers and processors assumes a more important role. Adams was joined by panelists William Groseclose, vice president, Rockingham National Bank, Harrisonburg, Va., and C.F. Dickson, vice-president, Federal Land Bank, of Baltimore, who viewed poultry capitalization needs of 1980 for those attending the 14-state NEPPCO ex position here at the new Hershey Convention Center. Please send me your 16-page brochure on your Complete Swine Feeding Program. NAME ADDRESS STATE ZIP Adams predicted the demise of many smaller contract growers in the face of the need for facility replacement, low-cost labor availability and static in come in die face of rising costs. “Hie egg business has not made a profit in five years,” he told the group, “wfafle inflated costs have caused working capital requirements to increase each year.” Northeast poultry producers have an important stake in the successful reorganization of the Pom pennOdd corporation 711 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, PA 17604 LANCASTER 299-2561 - YORK 854-7867 - RED LION 244-4511 master Firming. Saturday. Oct 25.1975 displayed, while informative talks and panel discussions were held in halls and banquet rooms on the upper level. The three-day NEPPCO con vention hosted poultry producers from 14 nor theastern states. Central and the other bankrupt railroads,” Charles B. Shuman, former president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, told the eggmen. Shuman, a farmer from Sullivan, Illinois, is a member of the Board of Directors of the United States Railway Association. “Congress is now con sidering the recom mendations of the U.S. Railway Association that a new northeast railway system, Conßail, be former from tiie Pom Central and six other bankrupt lines. While there are many risks, and success is by no means assured, Conßail is the best of the alternatives available,” Shuman said. “Northeast poultry producers are dependent upon railroad transportation for a huge tonnage of feed ingredients and other sup plies brought from outside the region. If forced to turn to other modes of tran sportation, their costs would increase markedly and many poultrymen might be forced out of business. The IContinued on Page 23] 21