Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 18, 1975, Image 46

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    46—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 18.1975
By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
Preventing Mistakes
In Home Remodeling
Remodeling can add new
living apace, improve the
livability of existing space,
and increase the market
value of your home. Or, it
can cost more than the
necessary amount of money
and add little value. Careful
advance planning makes the
To help avoid remodeling
mistakes, ask yourself the
following questions: Is your
home large enough to meet
the needs of your family or is
an addition really
necessary? If the required
addition is a major one,
would a different house be a
better investment? This
consideration is especially
necessary if the addition
would tend to increase the
size and value of your home
too much in relation to
surrounding homes. Will the
zoning ordinances of your
'community allow an ad
dition? Will the remodeling
Grange cookbook published
The National Grange is
publishing a Bicentennial
Year Cookbook which will be
seen for the first time at the
Grange’s national con
vention, Nov. 10-18 in
Columbus, Ohio.
Mrs. Jenny Grobusky,
Director of Women’s Ac
tivities, said the 304 page
book will be off the press
Nov. 1 and copies shipped
directly to the convention
site where they will go on
sale Mon., Nov. 10.
The book contains 1,200
family-tested recipes and
were selected from over
5,000 submitted by Grange
members all across the
country. Many of the recipes
are over 100 years old and
they are all from “scratch.”
Mrs. Grobusky said the
National Grange has already
received nearly 5,000 ad
vance orders.
The book also contains
Know Where the Activities Will Be?
Read the Farm Women Calendar.
add to the appeal and be a
cheerful, inviting part of
your home? What are the
main flaws and the best
points of your home? What
aspects of your home do you
want to preserve?
Remodeling should help to
correct or eliminate existing
Prepare adequate plans in
advance of beginning any
remodeling. A simple sketch
may be adequate as long as
it includes all essential
details and specifications.
Preparing plans in advance
will aid you in selecting a
contractor and getting
estimates that are more
precise. Ask several con
tractors to submit estimates
for the work to be done.
Plans can also help to
prevent disagreements,
misunderstandings, and
even lawsuits between you
and the contractor.
Strive to save money but
don’t sacrifice quality. It’s
many color photographs and
a section of recipes for
diabetics. It has a special
section of “Recipes from
friends in the Nation’s
Capital,” including ones
from Mrs. Gerald Ford and
Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller.
Mrs. Grobusky said
Grange women wanted their
participation m the nation’s
Bicentennial to result in a
“worthwhile and beneficial
project.’’ She said, “We feel
a cookbook which promotes
the use of American
agricultural products and at
‘ the same time, preserves for
posterity, some of the old
time ‘receipts’, is a very
worthwhile contribution to
the Bicentennial
Persons interested in
purchasing the cookbook
($5.00) should contact a local
Grange or write to the
National Grange, 1616 H St.
NW, Washington, D.C. 20006.
usually beat to spend more
for flooring, wall paneling,
and a new furnace than to
buy the lowest cost items. A
little step up in initial price
will mean a bigger step up in
the quality you get.
Check local zoning or
dinances to be sure your
planned addition is within
prescribed regulations.
Zoning usually lays down
rules for such things as
maximum building height,
allowable types of buildings,
and the minimum setback of
a structure from its property
Your plans may involve a
minor zoning violation. If so,
you can appeal to local
authorities for a variance -
permission to not
specifically comply with the
ordinances - which will
permit you to go ahead. If
you build an addition that
violates a zoning regulation
without first getting a
variance, you might be
compelled to tear it down at
your own expense.
Your building plan must
also conform to local
building codes which set
minimum standards for
safety and health. Local
housing codes might also
specify the minimum
standards for a room based
on its intended use. If you are
issued a construction permit,
it usually means your plans
satisfy applicable codes. Call
your building inspector if
you’re in doubt about any
part of the code.
Now you can laun-
dry with the hot water you need
any time you want it. . . and
dry your clothes efficiently with
no damage to your budget. Call
We’re there when you need us
Enjoy Hot Water!
PHONE 397-4954
Farm Women
Society 22
Society of Farm Women
held their September
meeting at Goodwill In
dustries, Following a guided
tour of the Industries,
refreshments were served.
Roll Call was “A Sign of
Fall" beginning with the
letter of our first name. We
were reminded to bring our
dues in an envelope to the
next meeting. Mrs. Clair
Witmer read a letter from
the Society’s adopted
daughter from Guatemala.
Names were exchanged for
our Christmas Party. We
were asked to give a home
made gift.
Mrs. Lester Landis named
the Program Committee for
the coming year. They are
Mrs. Cora Frymyer,
Chairman; Mrs. Clair
Witmer; Mrs. Jay Landis;
Mrs. Ralph Martin; Mrs.
William Weller; and Mrs.
Cloyd Wenger.
The next meeting will be a
Day Tour, starting at 10:15
a.m., October 14 at the
Ephrata Cloister.
Society 4
Farm Women Society 4
held a meeting September 27
at the home of Mrs. Carl
Siegrist with Mrs. Norman
Siegrist as co-hostess.
After refreshements the
meeting was opened by
members singing “The More
We Get Together.”
Mrs. Charles Shellen
berger shared devotions by
reading Matthew, Chapter 6.
A poem by Ellie Payne and
giving prayer.
Roll Call was My Green
Thumb. Each member
Wash It,
Dry 1t...
The Low
Cost Way
brought a favorite plant or
flower arrangement and told
something or explained
about the item they brought.
October 25 - will be our
next meeting. The place is
Landis Valley Museum. The
time is 1:30 p.m. Meet at red
brick administration
building. Our women are
asked to bring dues along to
this meeting. Also bring
articles for the Needlework
Guild at this time. Mrs. Alvin
Musser is our representative
for the Needlework Guild.
Homemakers Annual
Christmas Program will be
held at the Farm & Home
Center, November 13 -10:30
a.m. Program will be on
“Holiday Foods.”
New officers elected:
Treasurer - Mrs. Robert
Bushong; Secretary - Mrs.
Charles Newcomer;
Delegates - Mrs. Ewdin
Yeaglin, Mrs. Edith Musser.
Mrs. Galen Brandt was in
charge of the program. She
spoke on arranging flowers
and gave demonstrations.
Society is
Society of Farm Women n
met at the home of i 3
Robert Bomberaer m 1
Holland and M?"' B N '*
berger led devotions mh
Mrs. Ruth Hyatt presented,
program on Dolls entity
“The Wonderful Worlds
Dolls.” a 01
The nominating com
mittee headed by
William Bard announced
following officers for
President - Mrs. FlovH
McClenaghan, Vice
President - Mrs. Gordon
Reitzel, Secretary -
William Schroeder
Corresponding Secretary 1
Mrs. Robert Sayres
Treasurer - Mrs. John
Societies 13 and 14 will
entertain the guests at
Conestoga View November
Society 13 will be guests of
Society 27 on October 28 at
St. Mark’s Methodist
Church, Main Street, Mount
Joy at 7:00 p.m.
The next meeting will be
held November 14 at the
home of Mrs. John
Denlinger, 28 Greenfield
Road and Mrs. William
Schroeder, Lancaster, will
serve as co-hostess.