Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 04, 1975, Image 15
Farm Activities The Board of Directors of the Lancaster County Poultry Association will hold their next meeting Monday Evening October 6, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. in the Farm and Home Center. Please try to attend the meeting October 6. 4-H programs are con ducted in 3,150 counties of the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. No Other Protein Need When You Feed 19p*r^ r* : V - ,i 7 USE ONLY Vi 11. SPECIAL TANVIIAC PE* HEAD Pi* DAY WITH GRAIN AND ROUGHAOI - GET lICGE* PROFITS I FOR MORE PROFITS - 1 1 MAIL COUPON I I THE TANVILAC \ I COMPANY, INC. 6th & Corning Aves., Box 96, Highland Park Station, Des Moines 13, lowa -Please Send Me Ad ditional Information! ! about Special Tanvilac.j fI have Cattle! NAME [ADDRESS. j C. 0. NOLT LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR BIRD-IN-HAND (TJ* * You’ll put less straw through the combine with Coker 68*15. shorter than Coker 65-20. Resistance to lodging has also been very good. Coker 68-15 will stand up under more units of N than most wheats we’ve tested. Coker 68-15 gram is readily accepted by the flour trade It performed well in preliminary cookie and cake baking tests, and ranked first in combined milling and baking quality in 1969 USDA Soft Wheat Quality Tests Distributors For: mm COKER ’S PEDIGREED Wm SEED COMPANY SPECIAL TANYILAC Feeders Say. "The Most tconomical Feeding Plan of All" No trouble with gcours or cattle going off feed. You’ll be more than satisfied with our feeding program for you’ll get healthy stock, quick gains at low cost. Remember, there’s a FEED LOT PROVEN TANVILAC CULTURE PRODUCT FOR EVERY FARM FEEDING PURPOSE. Phone Lane. 397-0751 Agents Wanted . . . Contact ROYSTER COMPANY or Your Nearest Royster Dealer. % JUST ARRIVED 20 PICKUPS & VANS WILL BE SOLD AT THE OLD PRICE CALL NOW! (717) 367-1808 Ready for Immediate Delivery PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. Route 230 East, Next to Shopping Center Elizaoetmown, Pa. PH.367-1808 BOARD BIG YIELDS ... HIGH TEST WEIGHT ... WIDELY ADAPTABLE SEED WHEAT! Introducing t Table 15. Performance of wheat varieties for several characteristics at Hager stown, 1974. Entry Arthur 64 7 13 61 May 14 15 43 0 Arthur 71 S 4 g 17 61 May 14 15 41 0 Abe 61 4 14 62 May 14 10 38 0 Coker 68-15 •*' 5 62 .May 12 7 40 43 MT *5 6 51 May 12 43 35 20 Joker /*-. Coker 72-12 McNair 701 McNair 1587 McNair 1813 McNair 4823 Holley .. BJueboy Blueboy II Redcoat Oasis Va 66-54-6 Va 70-52-22 Conducted at. State Correctional Institute Soil Type Hagerstown Loam Date Planted- October 25, 1973 Fertilization 360 lbs. of 5-20-20 Fall and 60 lbs. N/A Spring Date Harvested July 3/1974 CALL NOW FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ,1' / Yield Rani, Testwc. Date Percent Height Percent Bu/A lbs /Bu Headed Lodging Inches Mildew 706 811 67 7 812 70 4 77 0 609 -662- 15 -12 16 18 59 0 538 67.9 675 704 \' s S '’ S ' VT' S Company Lancaster. Farm! 'Z4. Sixty acres of land on the James Wilirett farm were taken up by the exhibit area alone during the 23rd annual Farm Progress Show which was held there last week. The event, the largest of its k>nd in the world, always takes place on a midwestern farm. Unlike eastern fairs and shows, where one large tent is usually shared by several and even more than a dozen exhibitors, this agricultural exhibition had one large tent for each exhibitor. The big machinery and tractor companies even had their own “arenas" complete with grandstands and shows featuring their implements and tractors. And it was ail accompanied by a band which played popular music on guitars, drums, clarinets, saxaphones, and electronic organs. May 16 May 10 May 14 May 12 May 14 60 May 12 58 .58 MayJL4 ]_ 59 May 14 4 May 16 May 15 May 15 May 16 May 15 ROYSTER COMPANY 500 RUNNING PUMP ROAD LANCASTER, PENNA. 17601 Phone (717) 299-2541 Saturday, Oct 4 ■4' ■ y *<V'i i **. ,* * 4 <\ »i> 4l 55 43 40 50 20 43 0 47 23 37 3 39 0 Agronomy Mimeo 19 (Revised August. 1974) Page 16 9