— LjncotT Firming, Saturday, S«pf mbtr 20. 1975 16 Area DHIA supervisor receives state honors Individual samples are bagged to be shipped to Penn State University for testing. Here Breneman gets out his supplies as he prepares for work. AgwayPetrrfeum gives you 3 ways to worry less about winter . , • - •-T’o o° °2-2 2 o - C C • o O o emergency When you have a heating problem, we send a trained, well-equipped technician to check it out. Our service people have the know-how and supplies to perform tune-ups, repairs, or modernizations at costs you can afford. And our optional Full-Security Plan includes six important heating services. The Agway Budget Plan—to help keep your budget balanced At your option, we'll divide your annual heating bill into equal monthly payments. You pay the same amount each month instead of getting wallet-breaking surprises during the winter season. Dependable, automatic delivery—and 50 free gallons if we slip up If you're an Agway Certified Delivery Service customer who heats only with Agway oil, you never have to worry about phoning for a fill-up. Our degree-day system allows us to keep track of your usage and predict just when you'll be running low. And if we let your tank run dry during the heating season (September 1 thru April 30), we'll deliver your next 50 gallons for free, just to make up. If you're thinking about switching to oil heat, or if you're unhappy with the oil service you're now getting, call Agway Petroleum. Were bringing down (JcOnSu the cost of winter. AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. i BOX 11 97. DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER. PA PHONE 397 4954 LGWAY PETROLEUM o t) AGWAY J. Harold Brcncman. Strasburg Rl, has received the Distinguished Service Award of (he Pennsylvania Dairy Herd Improvement Association. Brcncman, a dairy herd Improvement supervisor for ten years, was one of two supervisors in the state to receive the award, given (or "outstanding service" to production testing in Penn* sylvanla. There arc H supervisors in the Red Rose DHI Association. ''ml.'/’7 So • vjr- >*// c • In ancient China a girl sometimes would commit suicide rather than marry the man she loved because she was jealous in advance of his falling in love With someone else. A NEW TWIST TO TILLAGE! A totally new and different approach to soil management! The Glencoe “SOIL SAVER" creates a non-compacted, "ridged” field that just naturally protects against erosion by wind and water! Instead of simply turning over the soil and leaving it bared to the elements .the "SOIL SAVER" opens up the land down deep to catch and hold available moisture. Controls runoff, holds and stores rainwater for thirsty crops soil surface is left open and blended with crop residues that protect precious topsoil! Cutting “slicers" cut up heavy stalks, leaves and root crowns and leave the soil ready to be turned under by the helical blades following. Designed so you can work your stubble immediately after harvest, generally without chopping or shredding. FARM EQUIPMENT INC. 2750 N. MARKET STREET PHONE 367-1319; ELIZABETHTOWN, PA JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN STICKLER HOME 6534560 Brcncman tests 30 herds in the Dairy Herd Im provement program and has nearly 35 herds in the owner sampler program, He said he became In terested in the program at the time Eastern Stales and Agway were merging and the local dealership for whom he worked went out of business. One of the patrons, John E. Krcldcr, suggested that he look into supervising work. Brcncman said, "There was an opening and I took It. I like it very much," .50 r 4 MODEL SS "SOIL SAVER" See our display today! The new twist to tillage. MiSSICK The most rewarding part of the work, according to Brcncman. is being able to *cc "outstanding cows, enjoy seeing jannen gel Ahead." He said he finds the records very interesting and added. "I like working with figures " Belonging to the testing association is very im portant for dairymen. Hrcncman said. "Some soy they can't afford it, but I feel they can't afford not to test." According to J. Wilbur Houser, head supervisor in the county, Breneman is a "very dedicated man. He is very sincere and tries to do a good job. I'm sure he is much appreciated by the farmer* he works for." Breneman grew up in the West Urn peter area on i, farm with Guernseys, tie and his wife have nix children, five of whom arc married and living in Uncaslcr County. Hi* daughter Miriam is a senior at Uncaster Mennonitc High School. He is co-pastor, with three others, for the Mechanic Grove-New Providence Mennonitc Churen. He has been at this pastorate for 24 years, after having served five years in the Philadelphia area. -