Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 13, 1975, Image 9
Thomasville Auction Tbomasvllle, PA Sept. 10, in CATTLE 191. Compared with last Wednesday'! market, slaughter steers grading Good steady to strong. Slaughter cows grading Cutter SO cents to 75 cents lower. Choice 1000-1335 lbs. slaughter steers 46.35- 50.50, Good 40.10-47.75, Standard 35.60-39.60. Couple Choice slaughter heifers 45.25 and 46.00, few Good 30.00- Few Utility k High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 21.25-24.00, Cutters 19.00-21.50, few Canners 18.35-19.35. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1075-1725 lbs. slaughter bulls 27.25- 30.35; few Yield Grade No. 2 850-1150 lbs. 20.50-28.60. Good 315-500 lbs. feeder steers 28.00- few Medium 330- 650 lbs. 23.25-27.00, Common READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS A STANDOUT PERFORMER The Sperry New Holland exclusive 12-knife cutterhead is coupled with a P.T.O. driven power sharpener to keep knives razor sharp. • Gives you chopping ability, capacity and horsepower efficiency! • Built for tractors in the 60-90 H.P. range! • Seven optional screens available! • Three corn heads available, plus one-row, ear-corn snapping head! • Flotation tires reduce soil compaction and increase maneuverability on soft ground! • Two row ear corn snapping head is available for the Model 890 Forage Harvester. L. H. Brubaker C. E. Wiley & Son, Inc. 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster 397-5179 Stanley A. Klopp, Inc. Bernville Pa 215-488-1500 215 488-1510 k Medium 325600 lbs. 20.00- 21.60; few Medium 340-800 lbs. feeder bulla 16.75-19.60. CALVES 69. Few Choice vealera 46.0061.50, few Good 38.50-48.00, few Standard 32.0063.50. few Utility 95-110 lbs. 21.50-23.50, 7565 lbs. 17.0021.50. Farm calves, few holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 24.0060.50. HOGS 63. US No. 16 215- 235 lbs. barrows k gilts 61.00- 61.10, No. 26 205-240 lbs. 59.6561.00, few No. 2-4 295- 315 lbs. 52.1063.50, lot No. 16 175 lbs. 52.25. Few US No. 16 410490 lbs. sows 47.1048.35. Couple Boars 40.00 and 40.10. FEEDER PIGS 3. Not enough of any one grade to establish a market. SHEEP 11. Few Good 75- 100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 27.0063.00, lot Utility 65 lbs. at 22.00. IN ANT CROP! 101 S Lime St Quarryville 786-2895 Shollenberger Farm Supplies 4th & Pine Sts Hamburg Pa Albert J. Noss RD2 Oley, Pa 215-987-6257 Martinsburg, Ha. Septembers, 1975 CATTLE 180. Compared with 2 weeks ago market; Good slaughter steers 40.00* 48.85, (ew Standard 37.00- 40.75, few Utility 21.25-27.00. Choice slaughter heifera 36.10-40.50, few 42.10, few Good 35.50-39.00, few Standard 27.50-34.25. UtlUty * High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 23.75-25.60, Cutters 22.00-23.75, Canners 17.75-21.25, Sheila down to 13.60. One Good slaughter bullock at 30.85, few Stan dard 24.50-28.85, two Utility 21.50 and 24.85. Few Yield Grade No. 2 1290-1620 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.00-33.00. CALVES 294. Good vealers 41.50-52.50, Standard 33.50- 40.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 25.00-32.50, 90-110 lbs. 22.50- 27.00, 60-90 lbs. 16.00-23.00. Farm calves, few holstein heifers 100-110 lbs. 26.00- 27.00; few beef cross bulls & heifers 75-110 lbs. 21.00-27.00. Good & Choice 225-360 lbs. slaughter calves 29.00-40.00, one at 45.00. SHEEP 23. Few Choice 95- 102 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 38.00-41.00, mixed Good & Choice 70-130 lbs. 29.00-38.00. 215-562-2005 Roy A. Brubaker 700 WoodcrestAve Lititz Pa 626-7766 Martinsburg Auction HOGS 259. US No. 1-2 190- 245 lbs. barrows & gilts 60.10- 60.50, No. 1-0 195-240 lbs. 59.50-60.10, few No. 2-3 200- 255 lbs. 57.60-59.50, few No. 2- 4 275-285 lbs. 55.00. US No. 1-3 290505 lbs. sows 47.25-54.10, one No. 3 715 lbs. 51.00. Boars 34.75-40.75, few light weight to 45.50. FEEDER PIGS 100. US No. 1-3 25-30 lbs. feeder pigs 24.00-30.50 per head, No. 1-3 3050 lbs. 31.00-38.50, No. 1-3 50-60 lbs. 44.00-47.00 per head. I. G. Ag Sales Silverdale PA 18962 215-257-5136 A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 110 S Railroad Ave New Holland 354-4191 NUTRITION LABELING: A NEW LOOK What’s on a milk container is Just as important as what's inside. For the putt eighteen months. the Dairy Industry Tusk Force on nutrition labeling has been collecting valuable information on the nutrient composition of milk and dairy products Tests have been conducted to up date existing nutritional in formation. As a result, individual dairies arc now redesigning their labels to conform with new federal regulations by July 1, 1975 The changes taking place are rcquirccTof all products, notjust dairy products. Labels are being changed to inform consumers what’s in side the package or con taincr. ! To comply with the new federal regulations, certain information must appear on dairy containers. The "Prin cipal Display Panel” will con tain the name of the food NUTRITION INFORMATION Serving Size Servings Per Container Calories Protein Carbohydrate Fat ... Percentages of United States. Recommended Daily Allowances (U.S. RDA) ... 20 Vitamin D 4 Vitamin B* . 4 Vitamin 812B 12 ... 6 Phosphorous 25 Magnesium . . * Zinc .30 Pantothenic Acid. Protein . Vitamin A Vitamin C Thiamine . Riboflavin Niacin Calcium Iron ‘Contains less than 2% of the U.S. RDA of these nutrients. Pena. Championships Tractor Pull Sept. 20TH 100 P M and 7:00 P M Top Penna. tractor in Penna. Points standing Penna. Tractor Pullers Assoc Pull Off 5.000 Stock 9.000 Stock 5.000 Super Stock 9.000 Super Stock 7.000 Modified 15.000 Open Class Dale Wheeland Cogan Station, PA 717-435-0404 Lancaster Farmlni. Saturday, September 13.1978— i fmllk, cottage cheese, yogurt) and the quantity contained in the carton (gallon, email). Another panel, directly below the PDF is called the "Nutri tion Information Panel.” This panel contains the name and place of the packer or distributor plus an ingre dient statement. This state ment will list the fat and acid composition, vitamin and mineral supplement in formation and special dietary food labeling, number-of servings. Nutrition labeling is man datory fordairy products that arc sold via interstate, con tain any added vitamins, minerals or protein or make any nutritional claim. All nutrient information listed on the panel is on a per serving basis. The label tells the sivc of a serving and the number of calories and the amounts of protein, car bohydrates, and fat in a serv- HALF GALLON Per Serving _ i __ ***** - "-"W. OK- V " **"_ Fairgrounds, Hughesville Penna. Entires by Invitation Only 1:00 P.M. More Information Tickets in#. The lower part of the nutrition label gives the per centages of the Recom mended Daily Allowances of protein and ot least seven vitamins and minerals in each serving. As stated on the label, these amounts an* provided by a single one-cup (8 ounce) serving. It’s easy for con sumers to determine the spe cific amounts of nutritional elements present in one serv ing and calculate exactly how much of the U.S. RDA s each serving furnishes to meet dietary requirements. Each eight-ounce cup of milk provides 20 percent of the high quality protein for building and maintaining body tissues; 25 percent of the riboflavin to keep the eyes healthy and 30 percent of the calcium needed for the growth and structure of bones and teeth. Nutrition labeling is a step forward in helping to edu cate consumers on the con tents and value of dairy products. Anesthesia was first used’ in America in 1842 when some young men, seeing laughing gas extolled by a traveling patent medicine salesman, got Dr. Crawford Long to give them ether. Noting that his turned-on friends felt no pain when they fell down, he applied his discovery to a tumor operation and opened the way to modern, painless operations. One Cup 150 8 grams 11 grams 8 grams In 1939, a Harvard instruc tor named Howard Aiken began work on a machine that could solve problems better and more accurately than the human brain—the world’s first computer. 7:60 P.M. 12.000 Stock 12.000 Super Stock 5.000 Modified 7.000 Super Stock 7.000 Stock 9.000 Open Class Entry PTPA Intercourse, PA 717-354-8600 * • * ♦ * ♦ ’s'-rt %**