CAT SEPT, w • 12:30 PM. The Pa. Invitational Jersey SVStowiSS.dl.ylta StoT^W" 1 * 0 ' 11 *^” " SELLING APPROX. 500 YOUNG CALVES ALSO HOGS & PIGS, HEIFERS, COWS STEERS, SHEEP, lAMBS, BULLS THE VALLEY STOCKYARDS, INC. Athena, PA, Bradford Co. Juatoff Rt. 220 EACH & EVERY MONDAY 1:00Come anytime. SPECIAL SALE OF DAIRY COWS, HEIFERS & FEEDER CATTLE WED. EVE., SEPT. 17th, «:oo p.m. All B.T. and T.B. Teated. KNEP-DEL ANNUAL FIRST CALF HEIFER SAU on the Lewis Knepper farm 5 milts southeast of Cbambersbun, PA, 1 mile North of Duffidd, 1 mile south of Spring Valley Estates along old Faffing Spring road, him south off Rte. 30 about 100 yards East of Rte. II Exit, watch for signs. FRIDAY EVE. SEPTEMBER 19,1975 Sale at 7:30 P.M 30 First Calf Holstein Heifers 26 Are Registered - 4 Grades Tested within 30 days, most vacc. This is another choice lot of heifers with size, type, good udders, several from dams with over 20,000 M., 800 F.; Most will be fresh thru August, September, October, bal. thru fall; Sires including Peiistate Ivanhoe Star -5, Kilinsdale Ivanhoe Jack -5, Triune Complete -4, Texana Kit Butterman -3, Elfac -3, others by Clarion, Pierre, Samson, Kenny, Milk & Honey Ivanhoe, Educator, Optimist; Bred animals carry artificial service. Plan to see these sell if interested in good cattle. Terms: Cash; Refreshments. Folder on request to Armour & Horst, Marion, PA. LEWIS A. KNEPPER JAY F. KNEPPER Chambersburg, PA R. 1, Owners Ralph W. Horst Auctioneer Fred M. Naugle Pedigrees W.W.Gossert Clerk Public Sale Valuable Farm Machinery & Tools SAT. SEPT. 27,1975 At 10:00 A.M. Located in southern York Co., 'h mile off Rt. 74 at Sunnyburn along Atkins & Reinecke Rds. Watch for signs leading to sale. Int. Farmall 826 w-wide front end, fully equipped, only 900 hrs. in like new condition; Int. No. 550 5 -16 in. bottom semi-mount plows; Fannall M tractor w-P.S., live hyd. & PTO; Fannall M tractor w-a mounted 2 row Int. corn picker No. 2-ME; Farmall H tractor w cultivators; Int. No. 101 self propelled combine w-10 ft. grain head; New Idea No. 323 single row corn picker used 3 seasons; 2 gravity bin wagons, one Little Giant & 1 McCurry; 2 dump bed wagons; 2 flat bed wagons w bale sides; Ontario 14 disc drill on rubber; N.H. No. 351 Eortable grinder; J.D. 14T baler w-kicker; Case 3 pt. ook 7 ft. mower; J.D. No. 15 flail chopper; J.D. No. 494 A corn planter; J.D. No. 21 hay crimper; Century weed sprayer; J.D. 12 ft. transport disc; Int. 3 sec. 12 ft. harrow; 9 ft. cultipacker; Smoker elevator; Little Giant drag elevator; 16 ft. alum, elevator; J.D. 4 bar side delivery rake; ensilage cutter; wagon load or more of small tools & misc. items; approx. 20 squares of asphalt roof shingles; and other items. Terms: Cash or approved check. Mr. & Mis. Donald Taylor R.D.2 Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer Phone 382-4379 Refreshments by McKendree Church Not responsible for accidents. Robert Drelabach, Long Meadows Farm, rdi, I. PA lW2rf. Braden King, Auctioneer. SAT. SEPT. 13-10 A.M. Day Farma Complete Dispersal of Thoroughbred ‘Race Horses. Farm Equipment, Holstein Heifers, and Airville, PA Public Sales Register ••••••••••••••••••••»•«#**«***•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***********************"***** Household Goods located on farm machinery ‘ business. THURS. SEPT. 18 11 a.m. - FRI. SEPT. 19 1 p.m. • Fall the County Line Road, ap- will sell at our place of 4th Penna. Maryland Yearling Sale at the Far prox. 5 miles West of business. located 6 miles Guernsey Sale to be held at men Livestock Exchange. Wayland, N. Y. and approx, northeast of Shippcnsburg, the Sales Pavilion, Inc. on Rt. 90, West of 5 miles Northeast of Dan- Pa., 15 miles southwest of Lancaster. Pa. and 1m- Winchester, va. Sale svlllc, N. Y. Watch for Carlisle, along UJS. Route 11. mediately following the 4th. sponsored by Northern auction pointers off the Old Sale by kyncr Farm Supply, Pa. - Md. sale Runnymedc Virginia Livestock, Inc. Danville and Wayland Road. R.R. 1 Shippcnsburg. Pa. Farm Guernsey Dispersal Sale by Mr. it Mrs. Frank owner; Ralph W. Hont, (Peter Fuller, Northampton, Day; Victor Pirrung and Auctioneer. N.H. Owner). Sales Son, Sale Managers and - Managed by Penna. Guem- Auctloneers, Wayland. N.Y sey Breeders’ Ass’n., Camp Hill, Pa. and The Merryman Company, Sparks, Md. SAT. SEPT. 13 11:30 a.m. - Public Auction of Real Estate and Farm Equip* ment. Also Antiques and Collectibles. Located in Upper Mahanoy Township, Northumberland County, Pa. IMs miles Northeast of Boyer’s Butcher Shop, KUNGERSTOWN, Pa. 20 miles Southeast of Sunbury; 5 miles North of Gratz and Route 25. George R. Klinger and Charles M. Klinger, owners. George N. Deibert, Auctioneer. TUBS. SEPT. 16 1:00 p.m. - Special Graded Feeder Fig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. TUBS. SEPT. 16 - Bragdon’s Furniture Auction, Route 77, Monroeville, N.J. will in troduce a Daytime Auction Sale beginning at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Every other Tuesday (1 p.m. outside under roof miscellaneous items, 4 p.m. fine furniture.) TUBS. SEPT. 1610:30 a.m. - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, going out of SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY SHEEP SALE Harford Fair Grounds, Harford, PA [Harford Exrf 1-81] Saturday, September 27,1975 -1:00 p.m. Lunch on the grounds Featuring these top quality consignments from outstanding flocks: 15 Reg. Dorset Ewes; 3 Reg. Dorset Rams; 12 Reg. Suffolk Ewes; 3 Reg. Suffolk Rams; 1 Reg. Corriedale Ewe; 1 Reg. Corriedale Ram; 2 Reg. Cheviot Ewes; 1 Reg. Cheviot Ram; and 30 Commercial Ewes. Several of these sheep have been winners at the Northeastern Pennsylvania County Fairs. Don Williams, Hop Bottom. PA Chairman REGISTERED AYRSHI RES The Keystone Classic Sale Tuesday Evening September 23 7:00 P.M. Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, PA Consignments selected for their strength of pedigree for both type and production. Majority are cows and bred heifers, fresh or close up. A good place to buy fall milk at reasonable prices. For top quality cattle at your kind of prices, attend the sale on Tuesday, September 23 - 7 P.M. Ayrshire - The Opportunity Breed For Progressive Dairymen Catalogs available at Sale Sale sponsored by Pennsylvania Ayrshire Club Managed by Ayrshire Breeders 1 Association, Brandon, Vt. 05733 WED. SEPT. 17-1:30 P.M. Wilcox Complete Dispersal. Sale will be held at the Gordon Wood Sale Barn on Rt. 15 between Tioga and Lawrenceville, Pa. next to the Woodshed Restaurant. SO Registered and Hi-Grade Holsteins, and Machinery. Sale by Charles Wilcox, Wellsboro, Pa. Arlow Kiehl, Auctioneer; Gordon Wood, Sales Manager. THURS. SEPT. 18 5:30 p.m. - Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co', located one mile North of Lititz along Rt. SOI. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. THURS. SEPT. 1812:30 p.m. - Public Sale of Household Goods & Antiques, Located at 243 Jackson St, New Holland, Pa. Terms by H. C. Brimmer. Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller. THURS. SEPT. 18 7:30 p.m. - Melvin Kolb, Inc. Cow Sale to be held at his Maryland Farm Sale Barn, located one-half mile Northeast of Woodsboro, on Route 550, Frederick Co. Sale Manages by Mel Kolb; James'G. Grout and Robert Mullen dore, Auctioneers. attirtHy, \X THURS. SEPT. 1812:30 p.m. - Public Sale of Farm Machinery located 8 miles South of Sunbury, Pa., turn West off Rt. 890 at Augustaville, travel 2 miles to the former Clyde Miller Farm. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Olan Smith. R 2, Sunbury, Pa. Mark Click, Auctioneer. FRI. SEPT. 19 - 7:30 P.M. Special Sale of Steers. Calves and Cows to be held at the Leesburg Livestock Market, Leesburg, Va. FRI. SEPT. 19 6 pjn. - Public Sale at the Gap Auction located off Route 41, Lancaster Ave. opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, Cross RR Bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auc tioneers. 4th Penna. Chester White Invitational Show and Sale Located at the Lebanon Co. Fairgrounds, Rt. 72 to Rockerty Rd. east. Showtime • October 3, 1975, October 3,1975, 4:30 P.M. 7:30 p M- Service Age Boors Bred Gilts Open Gilts Weanling Gits and Barrows Sponsored by the Penna. Chester White Assoc For catalogs, write: . ~ Charles E. Griest Auctioneer ~. „ . _. Harry H. Bachman Hi Abbottstown, PA 17301 4TH. PENNA. MARYLAND GUERNSEY SALE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th 11:00 A.M. At the Ass'n. Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, PA. 31 COWS and 3 BULLS, one by “Darixnost” and 2 by “May Rose Prince” (Serviceable age, good enough to be used in any herd). The Cows are all hand picked, (one Classified “Excellent”), all with exceptionally good records AND Immediately following the 4th Pa. - Md. Sale RUNNYMEDE FARM GUERNSEY DISPERSAL (Peter Fuller, Northampton, N.H., Owner) 63 HEAD, Including 30 Cows due all months of the year. 11 Bred Heifers and 22 Open Heifers. 1974 - 38 DHIR Records Ave: 11.299 M 478 F. The cows in the Milking Herd are Averaging 40 lbs. Per Cow IN THE SALE: 12 Daus. of “May Rose Prince” and 11 Daus. of “Cedarbrook Pollys Emory”. SALES MANAGED BY: PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’N. P.O. BOX 458 CAMP HILL, PA 17011 AND THE MERRYMAN COMPANY, SPARKS, MD 21152 FRI. SEPT. 19 *l2 Noon Alan D. Yoder Milking Herd and Bred Heifer Dispersal, Sclinagrove, Pa. From the north, on Rte. 11*15 turn right or west just before Scun sgrove on Rte. 522. proceed about 2 miles, then turn right on Salem Rd. follow 1 mue, turn left on old Rte. 522 to farm. From South, turn left or west on Pine St. (2nd red light) in Selinsgrove, go to Rte. 522 and then same directions as above. Sale by Alan D. Yoder. Owner, RDI, Selinsgrove, Pa. R. Austin Backus, Inc., Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers and the Penna. Hoi. Assoc., 839 Benner Pike, State College, Pa. FRI. SEPT. W 8:00 p.m. - Nite Cow Sale at the Black and White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Cbmer Drive-in Theatre or V* mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer: Henry Ket tering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager.
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