Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 06, 1975, Image 6

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 6. 1975
Local Livestock Market. Auction News
Pa. Auction Summary
Week Ending
August 29,1975
CATTLE 8351. Compared
with 8168 head last week, and
7448 head a year ago.
Compared with last week’s
market, slaughter steers
uneven, mostly steady to $2
higher, with some sales 50
cents lower. Slaughter
heifers mostly steady to $1
higher. Slaughter cows
mostly steady to 25 cents
lower. Slaughter bullocks
steady to |2 higher.
Slaughter bulls steady to 50
cents higher.
STEERS: High Choice St
Prime 51.00-54.75, Choice
47.00- Good 40.0046.00,
Standard 32.00-40. .00, Utility
22.00- HEIFERS:
Choice 39.00-45.00, Good
33.00- Standard 23.00
34.00, Utility 20.00-25.00.
COWS; Utility & High
Dressing Cutter 22.00-25.00,
Cutters 20.00-23.25, Canners
17.00- Shells down to
13.00, BULLOCKS: Choice
34.50- few to 49.00, Good
30.00- Standard 27.00
28.75, Utility 21.00-27.00.
BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1
1000-2000 lbs. 26.00-32.00;
yield grade No. 2 900-1600 lbs.
23.50- FEEDER
CATTIJS; Few Choice 300
800 lbs. feeder steers 30.00
35.00, Good 300-700 lbs. 23.00
30.00, Medium 300-700 lbs.
17.00- Good 275-700 lbs.
feeder heifers 18.50-24.50,
Medium 250-650 lbs. 14.00
22.00; few Good 300-600 lbs.
feeder bulls 20.00-28.00,
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Janet Basehoar
The friendly voice our customers hear
when they call Babcock Farms is Mrs.
Janet Basehoar. Janet is a 8 year em
ployee of Babcock Farms.
Mrs. Basehoar is responsible for the
compiling and computation of many of
the records we keep at Babcock Farms.
An important section of Janet's work is
the billing of invoices to our customers.
Janet is another of the quality people
employed at Babcock Farms. Good
people to do business with.
P-0. BOX 285 LITITZ, PENNSYLVANIA 17543 TELEPHONE (717) 626-8561
Medium 300-750 lbs. 17.00
CALVES 5228. Compared
with 5164 head last week, and
4845 head a year ago.
Vealers grading Good Sc
Choice steady to $2 higher,
Utility & Standard steady to
weak, spots $3 lower.
VEALERS: Few Prime
60.00- Choice 48.00-
60.00, Good 38.00-50.00,
Standard 28.00-40.00, Utility
110-130 lbs. 22.00-33.00, 90-120
lbs. 17.00-25.00, 65-65 lbs.
12.00- Farm calves,
holstein bulls 90-120 lbs.
HOGS 7531. Compared
with 7526 head last week, and
8211 head a year ago.
Barrows & Gilts mostly
steady to 50 cents higher.
No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 60.25-
60.75, few to 62.00, No. 1-3 200
250 lbs. 59.25-60.25, No. 2-3
190-260 lbs. 58.00-59.25, No. 2-
4 230-300 lbs. 53.00-58.00, No.
1-3 130-180 lbs. 47.00-57.00.
SOWS: US No. 1-3 275-550 lbs.
45.00- No. 2-3 300-600
lbs. 42.00-49.00. Boars 35.00
Compared with 1596 head
last week, and 1620 head a
year ago. US No. 1-3 2035
lbs. feeder pigs 20.0042.00
per bead. No. 1-3 35-50 lbs.
29.00- No. 1-3 50100 lbs.
45.0060.50, Utility 15-35 lbs.
13.0030.00 per head.
SHEEP 1140. Compared
with 1018 head last week, and
908 head a year ago. Spring
• i
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slaughter lambs highly
uneven. Choice 70-110 lbs.
spring slaughter lambs 38.00
43.00. few to 48.00, Good 60
100 lbs. 27.00-40.00, Utility 40
80 lbs. 15.00-25.00, few to
30.00. Slaughter ewes 5.00
Friday, Aug. 29
Feeder Cattle
Last Friday 672
TREND: Feeder steers SO
LDO lower, instances 2.00
lower on Good and Choice
over 800 lb.
Choice 850-1065 lb. 33.75-
35.00, Choice 775-900 lb. 32.25-
34.25; mixed Good and
Choice 975-1160 lb. 30.00
33.10, mixed Good and
Choice 650-800 lb. 28.00-33.00;
Good 460-840 lb. 23.50-28.00;
Standard and Good 400-750
lb. 18.75-22.50.
at the old price
D-100 pickups Vz and V* ton
Club Cabs Vz and V* ton
Vans Short - Medium - Long
Ready for Immediate Delivery
Route 230 East, Next to Shopping Center Elizaoetntown Pa
Carlisle, Pa.
September 2,1975
CATTLE 247. Compared
with last Tuesday’s market,
slaughter cows mostly
steady .to $1 higher, spots
11.50 higher. Individual Good
slaughter steer at 40.10,
Standard 32.10-39.25, two
Utility 26.10 and 28.10. Few
Choice slaughter heifers
37.5tM0.00, few Good 33.25-
36.25, one Standard at 33.10.
Utility and High Dressing
Cutter slaughter cows 22.00
24.00, few to 24.75, Cutters
19.75- Canners 18.00
19.75, Shells down to 12.00.
Standard slaughter bullocks
23.75- few Utility 20.10
24.35. Individual Yield Grade
No. 1,1645 lbs. slaughter bull
at 28.75, two Yield Grade No.
2,1515 and 1580 lbs. 28.75 and
CALVES 146. Vealers
grading Standard uneven,
Utility strong to $5 higher.
Couple Choice vealers at
51.00, Good 38.00-48.50,
Standard 29.50-38.50, Utility
90-120 lbs. 20.00-27.50, 65-85
"The Sign of Quality”
Our 1975 model Babcock B-300 layer is the best layer we have produced at
Babcock Farms The 1975 B-300 is superior to previous B-300 layers in two
important profit traits.
1. Less Feed per Dozen Eggs
2 More Marketable Eggs per Bird
Improvements in these two critical profit traits are meaningful to you, our
customers. Our Babcock layer gives you the opportunity to make money. Take
this opportunity today, order your next chicks or started pullets from Babcock
Farms. You will like doing business with us.
lbs. 16.00-20.00. Farm
Calves: Holstein bulls 90-125
lbs. 21.50-31.50; few Beef
cross bulls and heifers 90-120
lbs. 23,00-37.50.
HOGS 222. Barrows and
gilts mostly 50 cents to $1
higher. US No, 1-2 200-235 lbs.
barrows and gilts 59.75-60.35,
No. 1-3 190-240 lbs. 59.00
60.10, No. 2-3 185-260 lbs.
57.1059.00, few No. 2-4 270
375 lbs. 60.0057.60, few No. 1-
3 110185 lbs. 40.0050.00, US
No. 1-3 315-545 lbs. sows
42.5051.00. Boars 40.00-41.75,
few (light weights 30.00
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No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pig 3
26.05-32.00 per head, No. 1-3
35-50 lbs. 34.00-41.00, lot
Utility 25 lbs. at 20.50 per
SHEEP 17. Couple Choice
80 and 90 lbs. spring
slaughter lambs 33.50- and
39.50, few Good 65-80 lbs.
26.50- lot Utility 55 lbs.
at 22.00, Few slaughter ewes
Due to holiday no market
report issued.
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USDA Report