Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 06, 1975, Image 4
4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 6, 1975 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Market Tuesday, September 2 to Friday, September 5 Mon. Tues. Wed. Tburs. WHITE Ex. Large Large Mediums Pullets Peewees BROWN Large Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Off Grade Large 58 59 59 59 Checks 37% 37% 38% 38% Tone Large Sizes Full Steady, Balance Steady. Copyright 1975 Urner Bairy Publications Philoffalnhio sizes > ful1 ? adequate on ilßkninpild smaller sizes. Undertone r fully steady to firm. CggS Prices to Retailers: Sales to volume buyers, consumer Wednesday, Sept. 3 grades white eggs in cartons, Prices steady. Cartoning Delivered: Store Door: demand fairly good. Of- A Extra Large 68-70; A ferings adequate on larger Large 67-69, A Medium 57-59. MARVIN SWEIGART RAY E. SWEIGART SWEIGARTS POULTRY, INC. ... Dealers in Leg. Fowl, Red Fowl, Heavy Fowl Phones [2ls] STEVENS, RDI, PA 267-7296 - 267-6282 17571 v. ‘ P.O. Box 266 ■ Lititz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St. Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Lancaster7l7-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-2191 Dieter Krieg, Editor Melissa Piper, Associate Editor Jack Farmakis, National Sales Manager 151 Danforth Drive | New Canaan, Conn. 06840 Ph. 203-966-1746 | Subscription Price: $3 per year. -i* Established November 4,1955 :j:- Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming i| Lititz, PA i-j Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, PA 17543 Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn, Pa Newspaper $; Publishers Association and National Newspaper Association I REGISTERED YORKSHIRE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH, 1975 Offering 120 head of bred gilts, open gilts, & boars at the LEBANON AREA FAIRGROUNDS, LEBANON CO., 1 mile south of Lebanon off Rt. 72 on Evergreen Rd. Free lunch. For information or catalogue write or call: LEON L ARNOLD 1245 E. Cumberland St. Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone 717-273-5880 SALE BY LAWRENCE, LEON & THOMAS ARNOLD 68 69 69 69 64 65 65 65 56 56 56 56 42 42 42 42 31 31 31 31 67 67 67 67 2N > WJ * % ■H J*\ ANN PRODUC SAL REGISTERED DUROC 7:00 PM New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, September 2,1975 Prices paid per doien Grade "A" brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL MASS+ 72-63 71-79 65-67 39-17 Mostly 73-75 72-74 65-66 39-12 NEWHAMP. 69-76 69-76 63-70 37-44 Mostly 72-73 71-72 65-66 39-40 R.I. 76-77 75-76 67-68 43-44 VERMONT 74-60 73-79 65-69 Mostly 73-75 65-67 MAINE 73-75 73-75 68-69 +lncludes Central and Western Sections Only. Fri. Ready to cook movement fair to occasionally good at today’s lower asking prices. Slaughter schedules fairly heavy in most quarters. Today’s less than trucklot asking prices held un changed to 2 cents lower on both plant and US grade A.. Advance interest fairly good. Live supplies fully adequate at about desirable weights at most plants. Undertone unsettled. Plant Grade 47-48, Current Broiler-Fryer negotiated prices for immediate delivery mostly multiple drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva; Range: US Grade A 50- 51 %, Plant Grade 50-51; Premium US Grade A 52-56; Premium Plant Grade 51-54. Wtd Avg. US Grade A 51.03, Plant Grade 50.05, Premium US Grade A 54.65, Premium Plant Grade 53.58. Reported receipts of 123 cows and 2 bulls. Market reported stronger compared to last week. Load of Susquehanna County cows, fresh 600-1325; springers 600-1075; load of Franklin County cows, fresh 525-825 and springers 565- 700; springers 505-810; load of Pa. cows fresh 460-800 and load of Wisconsin cows 800- 810. Locally consigned cows 350-780; heifers 175-230; springing heifers 375-550 and a herd dispersal of 20 head in all stages of production 270- 675. Ddmarva Broiler-Fryer Market Wednesday, Sept. 3 New Holland Daily Wednesday, Sept. 3 CROSSBREDS Fogelsville Sale of Tuesday, Sept. 2 Prices paid dock weights, cents per pound, except where noted. Hens, light type 5-10; Hens, heavy type 21-30; Pullets 46-48; Roasters 22; Capons 58; Fryers 50-52; Rabbits 25-63, mostly 55-60; Pigeons (per pr.) 75-3.00 Total coops sold 173. Poultry received Monday 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tuesday 7 a.m. to 12 Noon. Sale at 11:30 a.m. Directions - Take Rt. 222 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville exit. North to stoplight in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one mile. Read ■Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports DO YOU NEED BALANCE IN YOUR FARMING OPERATION? BROILER BREEDER HATCHING EGG UNIT LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY, INC. Stanley Saylor, RDI, Elizabethtown, Pa. says that Longenecker’s broiler breeder hatching egg program works well with his hog and steer operation. Saylor’s two-thirds slatted floor house is specially designed for efficient operation. EARL GERLACH - 717-367-1545 NEST RUN EGGS Price* are from Egg Clearinghouse, Jnc-,(ECn D,. N.H. and reflect trading price* for « radc ®J' e "'- 8l ru (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for p. o. packers and marketers. GNR egg* arc ctoUM'by weight »• 30-dozen case*, and traded In lot* of either 300 or /50 cases Price* arc FOB buyers dock, and arc computed Tuesday u< Thursday of each week. This week'* prices for classification were: Classification Per Case Wednesday Friday Extra Large 51 lbs. 0 0 Class 1 • Large 48 lbs. 58 55 Gass 3 • Medium 42 lbs. 47 48 Class 4 - Small 39 lbs. 38 38 Breaking Stock 48 lbs. 45 46 Checks 48 lbs. 38 39 Eastern PA & NJ Baltimore Live Hen Report EiBES Wednesday, Sept. 3 . 4 , Prices tended higher on Wednesday, Sept. 3 light type hens. Offerings Market , short of a fair demand as Demand fair to gwd. Sup processors continue part- plies of large adequate, time operations. Offerings of mediums ample, heavy type hens fully Cartoned eggs: prices to adequate for a fair demand, retailers, state graded (min Prices paid at farm: Light one case sale) White: type hens, 4-7%, mostly 6%-7 Grade A 68-77, in Pa., mostly in N.J. mostly 68-71; Grade A Heavy type bens TFEWR. Medium, 6669, mostly 60-63. 41-44 Use the Farm Calendar . To Publicize Your Meetings. HIGH PRESSURE WASHING OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS BARRY i. HERR 1744 Pioneer Road Lancaster. Pa Phone 717-464-2044 Consider a ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. CONTACT: FOR MORE INFORMATION New Weight FOR