Beef in demand Alaskan pipeline con struction workers want their steaks, no doubt about it. Recently, when 30 workers showed up for lunch and were told the steaks had run out, they went on a rampage, caused $3,000 damage to the mess hall, injured two foodservice workers. Popular method of eating at the Job site is to reheat precooked meat - using a blowtorch! TRY A CLASSIFIED r “fes i ORIGINAL AVAILABLE DESIGN Machanicai Cam PIG-O-PIEHTY ftanty is onfmat not • reproduction Ha is a 100% American made heirloom place virtually untraakatia 7 t/2 tall with gold finish Each hank comas with a hand sivnad card from tha designer Prompt Salivary* 0nl » *8.95 pp• I V M«* « It seems the pleasures of our childhoods were more simple than those enjoyed by today’s youth. Yesterday I heard a lady describe her family’s schedule of eating an early dinner and getting up at a certain time each summer morning in order to be at the swimming pool and take part in their activities. It sounded like a real chore. My six sisters and I didn’t swim every day nor even every week but when we had an especially hot day a dip in the creek or just sitting in a cool, rippling stream was a treat. Depending on how secluded a spot we chose, just an old dress was suf ficient coverage. Even our great aunt enjoyed sitting on the rocks with her feet in the cold water. Our first bathing suits were all wool and changing to other materials was unpleasant as they Bank does Rent a safe deposit box THE BANK THAT ALWAYS HAD NO-SERVICE-CHARGE CHECKING STRASBURG EAST KING STREET WILLOW STREET BUCK 687-8611 LANCASTER 464-3421 284-4175 397-4732 * . \ I :|: . Ida Risser didn’t hold body warmth as well. Oh, memories of the old swimming hole! Recently I read a letter written by a woman who deplored the fact that everyone thought she had a “green” thumb because of her abundant supply of vegetables. Now, she knew that her thumb was “black” from all the hard work which went into her garden. Most of us farm wives would agree with her, I’m sure. The other day when I was picking a box of cherry tomatoes, I remembered something that happened years ago when I put some along the road to sell. They were quickly bought by a neighbor girl and then just as quickly returned. It seems the mother thought they were sour cherries - in Has no-service-charge checking Farm Calendar Women Saturday, August 23 Society S meeting at 1:30 p.m. Society 4 meeting at 1:30 p.m. for an outdoor meeting at Sico Park in Mt. Joy. Monday, August 25 Society 5 meeting at Berks County 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 27 Society 24 meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, August 28 Society 11 meeting for an anniversary luncheon at the Robert Fulton Inn. Dues will be collected. Trick or treaters work up mighty hearty appetites. If the hobgoblins are descending on your house to party this Halloween, you’ll want plenty of tasty, nourishing food on the table. For trickery with the treats try tnese ideas created by home economists for Union Carbide’s Food Science Institute. August? Some people simply are not very knowledgable when it comes to growing food. Lets you bank by mail Helps you save Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 23,1975-—S3 nursing as a career how well they did because they did not raise prices over previous years and still made a nice profit, “despite in flation.” Cathy was a member of the Board. “I never realized before all the work involved in running a business. But I learned that you make profits by patronizing your business.” Cathy’s activities are not limited to 4-H. She is a 1975 graduate of Daniel Boone High School and was editor of the school yearbook last year. She was also a basketball statistician, which she says “wasn’t hard, but you had to concentrate.” She was a member of the Y-teens and the student council. She is also a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Douglassville. In September Cathy will enter the University of Penn sylvania Hospital School of Nursing. She said she chose nursing because “I like working with people, and nursing is a profession you can really work with people.” She said she did not choose a home economics-related field because “I don’t want to be a school teacher and I didn’t want to go into extension work because it is a 24-hour job. Later I want a family.” Cathy says she enjoys living on a farm and much prefers country life to city life, although her mother pointed out with a laugh that she’ll soon get to see the other side when she enters nursing school. Her views on the outlook for dairying are that "farmers must band together. Any other group joins together and is strong, but every farmer is in competition with every other farmer. The dairy industry could be one of the strongest unions and could get anything done, if the far mers could just get together,” Cathy said. In her spare time, what little there is, Cathy enjoys sewing and making crafts. She also likes baking and cooking, and says her favorite milk recipe is rice padding. She works part time on a near-by golf course in the snack bar, and is already at work promoting the dairy industry by dispensing a drink which is half chocolate milk and half cola. She says everyone thinks it’s very refreshing! If she continues to put that kind of promotional ability to use for the dairy industry, Cathy Yanos will be a big asset to the Berks County dairymen. a GAS Grills SUMMERTIME - Cut your air conditioning cost. Take the heat of the kitchen outdoors, cook with AGWAY in the or pati + Your backyard can become your No. 1 vacation retreat, where you relax a little each day. + The savings realized from staying home will more than pay for the grill. + No charcoal, No Ashes, No Fluid, always ready, Cooks Instantly. COMPLETE WITH CYCLINDER £ - A - „ OF GAS >1 95 READY TO COOK. M JkTT 1027 Dillerville Rd., Lane., Pa Phone 397-4954 Installation and service by experts MEMBEfI F 0 1 C IContinutd from Pigt 52) □mil AGWAY PETROLEUM SERVICE AGWAY