Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 09, 1975, Image 59
WASHINGTON - Chair man Thomas S Foley, D- Wash., of the House Agriculture Committee announced recently that the Committee would conduct public hearings September FREE APPLICATOR MODEL D-5 Apply EfflEEn 101 Corn Silage Compound to your corn silage and get this applicator FREE. For more information contact your Hußdi’mpiUi Dealer MOUNTViLLE FEED SERVICE 717-285-5422 SO. LANC. COUNTY Robert Kreider 717-569-6042 NO. LANC. CO. Raymond Weiler 717-733-4302 Public hearings slated for grain 18, 19, 22, and 23 on legislative proposals to update and improve the gram inspection procedures under the 59-year old U.S. Grain Standards Act. While consideration of Easily Installed D-Battery Operated Doubles as Mineral Applicator Positive flow of any product Empties out to the last ounce Flow of product stops immediately when feeder is turned off No dribbling l Impeller can be removed, cleaned and replaced in seconds Capacity 10 lbs approximately Holes punched for mounting on post next to blower Slide gate over impeller for flow settings Powered by 1 1/2 volt D-Cell Flashlight Battery Can be adjusted to deliver 1 pound per minute or as slow as 1 pound in four minutes Cover that fits tightly Heavy 20 ga construction EASTERN LANC. CO. Ralph Stoltzfus 717-859-3119 LEBANON CO. Clarence Weiler 717-866-6710 YORK CO. Marc Lehman 717-252-2217 UNION & SNYDER CO'S. Norman Brouse 717-524-5454 such changes follows recent scandals in inspection of grains being exported out of the United States, the Comnutee also plans to look into methods of handling and inspecting grams at interior or inland terminals. “This is a matter of much concern to the Committee,” said Chairman Foley “Disclosure of irregular activities at ports where American grains were being loaded abroad ships threatens the credibility of the United States as the World’s largest exporter of agricultural commodities. We are also concerned about the effectiveness and reliability of the present inspection system and weighing procedures from the farm to interior and export terminal points.” Chairman Foley, along with Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, D.-Minn., head of a Senate Agriculture and Forestry Subcommittee on Foreign Agriculture Policy, recently asked the General Accounting Office to make an in-depth study of irregularities which were reported in grain inspection at New Orleans and other points. They noted that the U S. last year exported $22 billion of agricultural products, of which $12.5 billion was in gram, and that but for these shipments the U.S. trade deficit of $5.8 billion would have been far worse. The lawmakers asked for a final report back from the GAO by February 15, 1976. Gamed out under the 1916 Grain Standards Act, the CHESTER CO. Richard Breckbill 215-932-3307 PERRY. JUNIATA & NORTHERN YORK CP’s.: Martin Stewart 717-766-9307 ADAMS COUNTY Robert Smith 717-528-4383 inspections are made by employees of state agencies, trade groups or private companies which have been licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. There are 111 officially licensed inspection agencies, 23 of which are operated by states, 41 by gram ex changes, chambers of commerce and boards of Square dancers to appear Long Park The National Champion Tennessee Bicentennial Dancers will present a community performance at Long Park on Saturday, August 9. This group of young people from the hill country of Tennessee have preserved the traditional mountain style square dances that are so much a part of Ap palachia. Wearing special clog shoes and country costumes, the dance group presents a colorful, fast moving glimpse of America’s mountain culture. They are being sponsored in Lancaster by Sperry New Holland in a free public performance. Formerly known as the Rutherford County Square Dancers, they have per formed throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico and have represented the US. Government in Rumania. They have appeared on television with both Dinah Shore and Dean Martin and have performed with Nancy Sinatra at Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Depicting the traditional peasant dances and games of the Appalachain region, they sing and play “Old Dan Tucker,” “Skip To My Lou,” and the “Pawpaw Patch” while clog dancing to old fiddle tunes like “Flopeared Mule,” “Bile Dem Cabbages Down,” and “Old Joe Clark.” 780 EAST MAIN ST., NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 9,1975 inspection trade, and 47 through private Act, all grain inspection wa inspection agreements. The done by unsupervisci USDA itself employs 226 private agencies, and lack c. supervisory type inspectors, uniformity of standards over in the Department’s the country led to enactmen' marketing service grain of the law. inspection branch, but they Persons wishing to testifj do not do original grain in- at the hearing should contac spection. They supervise the the Committee staff, Roon licensed inspectors and work 1301 Longworth House Offici on appeals from original Building, Washington D.C decisions. Prior to the 1916 20515. at The square dance group started as a 4-H activity when a group of 4-H club members met at camp and started practicing the traditional folk dances of their area. The first members of the original dance group are now married or in college. But the performing group they started continues and is now composed of students from many schools in Murfreesboro and Rutherford County, Ten nessee. The present group has reached beyond the dances of the early settlers and now also performs English Country Dancing, including Sword and Morris Dancing. Newspapers around the country have described their show as “rousing, exhuberant and done with FISHER SPRAY PAINTERS (Henry K. Fisher) SANDBLASTING and SPRAY PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Aerial Ladder Equipment Office & Shop 667 Hartman Station Rd Residence 2322 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, Penna For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 Planning to Dig 717-354-4241 FREE ESTIMATES gusto and sheer pleasure.” As the Rutherford County Square Dancers, the group made a brief stop in Lan caster last summer, for a performance at the Lan caster Farm and Home Center. ERTH-RIIE SOL CONDmOHER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCK, INC. RDl.Gap.Pa. 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 59