Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 09, 1975, Image 42
12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Aujust 9, 1975 Beth Beall The by: Sally Bair Farm Feature Writer York County's 1975 Dairy Princess is a blonde, blue eyed natural beauty who is enchanted with the dairy in dustry and farm life, and is eager for the opportunity to promote both during her reign. Beth Beall, 17, has been a York Countian just one year, but, she says with great enthusiasm, “I love it." Beth, the daughter of Mrs. Mary Ann Beall, Delta RD2, is a native of Montgomery County, Maryland but she says York County is not new to her. “I came up every summer and I had met many of the kids here.” She added, “I’m so happy now that I’m here. I like it better here." In those earlier summers, she came to visit her sister and brother-in-law, Paul and Kathy King, owners of Country Corner View From the Bridge Although referred to many times a year, it can be readily said that farmers are the victims of weather. They must wait for dry weather to plow in the spring, gentle rams for the corn to grow, sunshine to grow the vegetables and dry hot af ternoons to make hay. This season’s weather certainly had its twists and turns and I’m sure we've not seen the last of nature’s tricks. July certainly had its share of weather phenomenon. The first few weeks, torrential rams flooded the small creeks and streams in Lancaster County, causing swirling muddy water to flow over many acres of farm land Especially in the southern end of Lancaster County, people suddenly found themselves bailing out their basements and leading livestock to high ground when intense rains flooded the area streams and the Octorara Creek •/Sjt Two weeks ago the stream which cuts through a run below Brownstown was near the top of its banks. A view from the bridge indicated that the water was near the bottom of the bridge and far too close to the railing. This past week the water was extremely low in the run - quite a contrast in a short time. But just as quickly as the rains had come, it became dry once more A heat wave passing over the Middle Atlantic states seemed to hang over the southeastern Pa area for a week causing much of the lush green corn to begin looking brown and ragged around the edges Farmers in Lancaster County however, are not the only producers concerned with the weather Droughts in the midwest have had many farmers dismayed for the past two weeks And with much of the corn crop promised for export, consumers as well as the farmers are beginning to show anxiety about the cost of food as well as the availability Whatever the case may be however, there is still a lot of the growing season yet to come and farmers in the Lancaster Farming area as well as in other portions of the Midwest will no doubt be wondering just what the weather will hold in store Vivacious York County Dairy Princess with: Melissa Piper ASSOCIATE EDITOR Kingway Farm also at Delta. Beth says she first became acquainted with dairying at Kingstead Farm in Maryland. Now she works full time at Kingway, and she says, "I do a little bit of everything,” Her “regular job” is to feed calves and heifers, and she is qualified to help with the milking which she does when the Kings go away. She said she also unloads hay and helps with other chores around the farm as necessary. She said working for her brother-in-law is great because Homestead Notes “he lets me off for activities." Kingway Farm consists of over 210 acres in southern York County. They are milking about 50 Registered Holsteins. Beth has helped the Kings show their cattle, par ticularly helping to get them ready to show. At the Farm Show and at the state Holstein show she helped with the group classes. Beth said, “I love showing. I don’t mind all the hard work in getting ready. I wouldn’t want to live on a farm that didn’t show -1 would be bored.” A member of the Milk and Money Dairy Club, Beth has an intermediate calf and a senior calf she will be showing this year at the Dallastown Fair, the York Fair, 4-H Round-Up and at the Farm Show. Paul and Kathy are her dairy club leaders. Beth has been a 4-H’er for eight years. In Montgomery Beth loves all animals, but especially her collie. County she belonged to the horse club and the dairy calf club one year. She also took sewing projects, bicycling,, dog, photography and recreation projects. In York County she is a member of the Airville Com munity Club. This year she completed a candle project and a handyman project in which she built herself bookshelves. This fall she will take sewing, crotcheting and sand painting. Her mother is a leader in the club. She is also a member of the River Hills Trail Riders and the York 4-H County Council. An interesting activity she just completed was “street camping” which took place in State College during 4-H Club Congress. Those involved planned a day camp for children from State College, totalling about 90 from ages 4-12. She also participated in senior 4-H camp. Beth cannot say enough about the value of her 4-H work. “You learn so much - anything you want to learn,” she said. With that she laughed and talked about her han dyman project and said, “The boys lost patience with the girls in the project.” “In 4-H you have so much fun and meet so many people. Most of my friends have been through 4-H.” Beth says she entered the dairy princess contest because she thought her 4-H club should be represented and at the time she didn’t think anyone else from the club was going to enter. She also knew the state dairy princess, Debbie Miller, who encouraged her to enter She said, “I didn’t expect to win, and it was a total shock. ” She just returned from a seminar for all dairy prin cesses and she said, “It was really great. I really learned a lot. There was a lot I didn’t know about cows and milk and they gave us a packet of information with pamphlets and lots of other information.” She added, “We mostly worked while we were there. There were sessions on hair care, make-up and how to choose the best colors It was very interesting.” The people whom she thinks most need to be talked to about the dairy industry are adults. She said, “Little kids Beth was already promoting milk at the tender age of seven. This picture was used in conjunction with a June is Dairy Month celebration in Mon tgomery County, Maryland. drink milk, but adults think they are too old to drink milk. They need to be reached and told they still need milk.” She said she thinks it would be fun to visit elementary schools, and basically she just hopes to “do anything that is asked of me.” Already she has appeared on television on the WSBA Encounter program. She said she was “pretty nervous” about doing the show. Beth stressed that the dairy princess contest was “not a beauty contest.” But she feels it is important because “we need someone to promote milk. And I hate to say it, but a girl can get through to men.” The dairy industry, Beth says, “has to have a future. What will happen to the country if it doesn’t?” About the state contest she said, “I’m not really scared - maybe just a little nervous. I don’t think I’ll win, but it . might be a lot of fun.” For a newcomer to the community, Beth has wasted no time m getting involved in activities. In addition to all ot her 4-H work, she is president of the Salem United Methodist Youth Fellowship and is president of the York District Methodist Youth Council. She said, "The council has never been active, but they meet once a month.” We hope to plan rallies and retreats throughout the year.” Beth will be a senior at Red Lion High School, but she says bluntly, “I have no school activities because I work every day after school.” She is uncertain about her future, but she said, “After graduation I want to go to college.” One thing about her future which she makes very clear, “I want to settle down and marry a dairy farmer.” There’s not much spare time for a hired hand on a farm, but in her free moments Beth says she enjoys riding her horse, which is half Appaloosa and half Tennessee Walker. She also reads books “by the millions” and she said it is her job to do the outdoor work around their home. She houses her two 4-H heifers and her horse on her property, along with a rabbit, a dog, and a cat, so she keeps busy caring for them and keeping after the barn where they all live. Beth is obviously a hard working girl, although she says with a laugh, “I like to work but I’m glad when it’s over.” In any case the dairy industry of York County has a pretty, gregarious spokesman who is bound to win a lot of friends as she carries out her reign through the coming year. One of Beth’s favorite pastimes is riding her 4-H project, Murphy.